Theokhronos - God of Time

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Theokhronos - God of Time

Post by Noddarc »

(c) 2009, D. Ertle
In searching for the reason why gravity exists, my interests have passed along many avenues. I've had an interest in why mass exists and moves, why magnetism exists, what the energy values of the interior of our sun and its planets are, what the source for the force of gravity and/or time is, and why it exists, and other things. The conclusion at the end of this excursion is that physical time controls everything! Whether in our world or the world to come, all forms of existence are formed of physical time.
Time in its physical sense has different meanings. What I am interested in at present is the actual, physical value of time itself, not a metaphysical concept. Time has been found to be formed of two differing values, the speed of light 'c', and Planck's constant of energy 'h'. These two values are forever the same, unalterable “constant”, but are thought of as being separate one from the other. No matter how these values are considered by mankind, what is most important to us at this moment is that they exist as extremely small, indestructible values. (It is because of the indestructibleness of physical time that universal entropy exists. Time is forever linear, its average moves in a straight line even when curved within the confines of our universe, due to the presence of mass. Time is not added to our universe nor taken away, thus our universe continually unwinds toward the basis of its physical existence). It is this point of consideration that I would like to address - the smallness, or the physical brevity of time.
Physical time has a particular value that is never ending. Time cannot be destroyed or altered in any manner by mankind. 'Black holes' as 'worm holes' are physical impossibilities, as is that of time travel - either forward or backward. Apparent time is able to be altered in the macro-regions (in relation to a mass change), yet, time remains unaltered. Mass may be converted into electromagnetic energy as in an atomic bomb, or matter may form into energy and then into gravitational waves according to the equation c^2 = E/m, thus becoming c = h. Still, physical time remains unaltered. It is this reality that is so amazing; because not only is time not able to be destroyed, but the actual duration of its existence is so slight mankind cannot directly relate mentally with its physical construction. The total sum of mankind's thinking is that contained within the past. Never has mankind mentally, directly related with 'present' time in any manner. The reason for this is, within the instant of reality perception, present time has already moved on into becoming that of the past, both within ourselves as, also, the world about us. What we consider as being present time is always that of the past, no matter how quickly we examine that which we call the 'present'.
To indicate the short duration of physical time, consider that when a second is divided into 2.067951531 -25 divisions, or segments, just one of these segments represents the actual value of physical, 'present' time. This value is arrived at by dividing a second by 0.5, 82 times, just as is the value of 'c' divided this many times to determine the length of physical time within its shortest value (5.95532797 -17 meter), and the value of Planck's constant 'h' being divided by 0.5, 82 times, becomes the actual energy of time within that divided second, (1.370265217 -58 Joule).
These values are important. They describe physical time as being single dimensional; these three having the basis of their existence at the singular juncture (c = h / sec). According to the physics trilogy: m = E/c^2, E = mc^2, and c^2 = E/m, there exists no other value in consideration during the instant of creation. Everything in existence has the same three values for its basis of being, as is found in the physics trilogy. If any of the three (mass, energy, speed of light) do not exist in one of these equations, neither can the other two values exist as an equation. Everything in our world exists according to these three values together or it does not exist to us.
When a person accepts the limitations of time, according to physical limits, it becomes obvious that what we are composed of was brought about by an instantaneous creation. All the massive stars with their heavenly attributes have the same small duration of existence as does the electron, radio wave, or graviton. Our total universe physically exists for the smallest fraction of a second and then exists again no more, forever, as it was. Everything moves to a new spatial location (a distance of 5.95532797 -17 meter during the time span of 2.067951531 -25 sec.). Present time continues on and on, perpetually performing this position change just as it has for thousands of previous years. Relating 'present' time directly with that of eternity: the sum of our physical universe, apparently, is as an extremely thin, almost two-dimensional sheet of energy, having a thickness of 5.95532797 -17 meter.
The physical limitation of time, and its single dimensional brevity, has another very interesting feature connected with it. It is the concept that 'distance' is an illusion. This deception exists in our thinking solely due to the existence of time. Were our universe to be reduced to its lowest form of possible existence (c = h), there could exist no such concept as that of 'time'. Our universe at that instant would, physically, exist as a single dimension only. Though this may seem strange to a person's thinking at first, it is, yet, true. There is an interesting thought contained in the book of Isaiah relating to the formation and destruction of our universe, which concept makes sense when compared with this feature of physical time. It has to do with Theokhronos (God of time) changing the universe; Isaiah 34:4 “And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree.” We have been born into a thought system we cannot escape from when we consider the function of time to that of distance. This does not mean our reality is not an actuality, but it does mean our concept of what reality is does not match with that of time.
The amazing part of the foregoing concept is that of the instant creation of our universe. It is impossible for mass to have been formed of its lowest value first and then formed into greater and greater energy density, until it finally formed into mass. The reason is, the lowest value of energy known is the graviton. This value passes through all mass as though the mass is nonexistent. There is no manner for this form of energy (c = h) to have been formed into electromagnetic energy incrementally - the next step upward toward becoming mass. This more dense form of energy, electromagnetic, is, itself, forever expanding outward, making it, also, incapable of being formed into the density of mass. If the basis of all energy cannot be trapped into forming dense mass, then the only manner by which mass can exist is through that of creation. Only the God of Time “Theokhronos” has the authority to create 'everything' - it all having the same existence value, c = h.
Then, notice what creation by Theokhronos means. (“Theokhronos” describes a creation attribute of God recognized by man, which name implies: There is nothing that God does not have absolute, direct control of). He who controls time absolutely controls everything absolutely. There are a few thoughts in the Bible indicating what this means - to have absolute control of everything. A person reading these words may not like them, because mankind reasons himself to be free from all authority but himself. The thoughts are written as they are written, giving mankind an understanding of what the Creator is like, being Sovereign. It opens God up to reproach, because He is God, and acts in the manner He chooses, but the reproach of mankind does not change Him. (Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”)
First, Genesis 1:14-15, 19 ”And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so... And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.”
Second, Proverbs 16:4 “The LORD hath made all for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.”
Third, Romans 9:22-23 “What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory ...”
Fourth, Matthew 20:23b “... but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but for whom it is prepared of my Father.”
Fifth, Revelation 20:10 “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.”
Sixth, Isaiah 57:l5 “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity ...”
God describes Himself as being God, having absolute control of all things; from that of creation to that of the destruction of Satan at the end of earth time, openly stating to that evil one what his end already is. The 'time' of his judgment just hasn't caught up with Satan yet. It would seem to us as though everything has been set in existence for the amusement of God, but for one important feature - the destruction of Jesus the Christ on the cross for mankind, that we might live in peace for all eternity. It is not without cost to God - that which He has done. All the reasons for things happening as they do we cannot know, but God has had control of time (events) forever. Eternity (forever) being His place of habitation.
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Theory of everything & When Times Does Not Exist

Post by Noddarc »

The following two, short writings go together. One was done in 2008, and the following in . 2009. The writing 'When Time does Not Exist' further explains 'The Theory of Everything"

Theory of Everything
(c) 2008, D. Ertle
The THEORY OF EVERYTHING allows a person to understand the basic laws of creation from a single vantage point. There is no need to use multiple partial theories to gain a perspective concerning the basis of everything physical. It appears the equation c = h is able to do that. The value of speed “c” also describes a particular value of energy “h”.
In the equation E = mc^2, a person may wonder why an acceleration of mass would equal that of a particular value of energy, or why in the equation for a field of gravity, c^2 = E/m, the end result is that of a particular speed, when in fact the force of gravity performs work. It expresses a particular value of velocity “c” to the exclusion of work energy “h”. The Physics Trilogy describes the basis of creation, the values God used in the formation of our physical universe.
The trilogy is:
m = E/c^2, and E = mc^2. The basis of each of the first two equations is that of physical time “c”, a duration of physical existence. Notice that mass and energy are able to change value in these equations, but the value of “c” (time) does not change value. When multiplying mass times that of the constant “c”, the value of “h” is automatically given it, converting “c” to “h”.
c^2 = E/m. This third value of the Physics Trilogy is that for a field of physical time, or that of a field of gravity. The “c^2” describes that the energy of “h” moves at the speed of light “c.
At there is a video “Gravitational Constant” that may be of interest to the reader. There are other science videos also by “Stcorridon”. For information on science concepts, visit “” and look at gravity engine 1 and 2. I think there are about fifteen separate information videos under the name of Stcorridon.

When Time Does Not Exist
© 2009, D. Ertle
The basis of our physical existence is that of the value 'c', a particular velocity. The first two parts of the Physics Trilogy: m=e/c^2, and e=mc^2, are the basis of our existence. The values of mass and energy change, but that of 'c' does not. Notice that time exists only in the presence of a mass. Were mass to be described as t^3 or as c^3, such would be a correct expression of that of both time and mass.
c^2=e/m, describes a field of physical time, or that of a field of gravity. The value of 'c' alone is able to be described as 'c=h'. The value of 'c' being that of distance in a second, and that of 'h' being a particular value of energy, also found within a second of existence. Both are constants and exist together as a single entity. When there is an increase of time, there is an increase of energy. When there is an increase of energy, there is an increase of time.
Physical time is that of distance traveled in a particular amount of time. But, what if time (distance) were to be reduced to zero? In such a case there would exist no physical time. This is how it is done. To find when time does not exist, multiply time 'c', and the energy of time 'h', by 0.5, 82 succeeding times, by this means the physical distance of time within a second is reduced to zero. The value of 'h' we seek is that found according to c^2/h. This gives us the nearest value to zero time possible.
To further understand the extreme smallness of the duration of physical time, after its speed has been reduced 67 times, the length of time is reduced to 2.031472712 -12 meter, which is near the duration of an electron wavelength. It requires 15 further reductions in order to reach the value of having no length at all, other than one (1).
'c' becomes 5.95532797 -17 meter, and 'h' becomes 1.370265217 -58 Joule; these values are determined after 82 succeeding steps. At this time c=h becomes (t=1) = (h=1), each having the value of 'h=1'. (t=1)=(h=1) has become: time without energy, and energy without time.

The above writings state that 'creation' is an act of God. Read "Theochronos"
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