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English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:48 pm
by Ed J
Offers proof of God's existence

Hi Everybody,

Hebrew was the first language used to bring God's word to the world. After the captivity (in Babylon) God used the Aramaic.
After that God used the Greek. Now God uses the English.

As we believers all know, God does truly exist, but the non-believer requires proof. Our GOD, who originated outside of time,
has indeed inspired men to pen the very proof of His existence. Contained within the AKJV Bible there is conclusive proof, hidden deep within the text.

I have written a free e-book called “Holy City Bible Code” Since this is my first book along with the added research has thus far
taken me over 2 years to produce.This book deals with many anomalies that are in the Authorized King James Bible
that can be used as conclusive proof that God does indeed exist. ENGLISH GEMATRIA IS BUT ONE OF THE MANY POINTS.
I will also reveal these proofs IN THE CONTEXT OF THE DISCUSSION.

English Gematria is a very useful tool, helping to expose these proofs, using a very simple method of assigning numerical values
where letters of English alphabet correspond to numbers according to their alphabetical order. This means corresponding letters
and numbers are as follows: “A=one”, “B=two”, etc. Examples of its use are as follows…

Therefore, “Jesus”, J=10 + E=5 + S=19 + U=21 + S=19 total 74. Other examples attributed to the gospel of Jesus Christ are “gospel”, “cross” and “messiah” also each total 74.

Another example is “YHVH” (God's Holy Name), “Divine”, “Deity”, and “The Bible” all total 63.

This is no mere coincidence; matter of fact the Hebrew language has NO word for “coincidence”!
Because of this, they don't believe there are such things as coincidences just divine intervention.
These examples, to some, may be just conjecture yet to others provocative, but in either case should
at least cause one to think that there could be something to English Gematria and the existence of God.
(FYI, another astonishing fact both words, “English” and “Gematria” just happen to total 74 as well!)

Some people go off on English Gematria and try to match phrases to numbers looking for word combinations that match yet do not edify (or build up) anybody.
Those going off on tangents with English Gematria is nothing more than a distraction away from the truth of God. This could be a reason why mainstream
Christianity believes English Gematria is nothing more than numerology, calling it Satanic at its core.

Using established Biblical phrases is one way to reach out to mainstream Christianity with this powerful information.
One particular number (the number 151) offers the idea of God as a trinity. Locked into the English language are ideas about God,
needing only Gematria (or “The God Numbers”=151) to verify. Such as “The LORD JEHOVAH”, “Jesus Christ” and “Holy Spirit” which all total 151.

People have in the past patterned English Gematria to match both the Hebrew and Greek use of Gematria.
That would mean A-J's allocations would remain as 1-10, but then changes occur after 10, that would make J=10, K=20, L=30,
additional changes also occur after the 90 mark, S=90, T=100, U=200 through Z=800. Yet another method used for English Gematria
is an x6 variant (which I talk about in the book), that would make A=6, B=12 through Z=156, but neither of these methods line up with the Hebrew.

Examples of how English Gematria connects to Hebrew Gematria

Quite remarkable how Gematria even crosses language barriers. The Hebrew word for Passover 'פסח' (148) matches the words 'The Passover' in English. Probably the most important of these examples is how 'GOD The Father' (117) matches precisely who He is in Hebrew 'יהוה האלהים' (JEHOVAH GOD).

117= יהוה האלהים
26= יהוה


The Passover=148
God the father=117

We say 'GOD' in our prayers, but GOD’s Name in Hebrew is 'יהוה'; it just so happens that both these words share the same Gematria total of 26!We've established: “Jesus Christ”, “Holy Spirit”, and “The LORD JEHOVAH” all total 151. The AKJV Bible uses the phrase: “LORD of Hosts”=151,
which constitute the Trinity idea in one simple phrase. “YHVH is One GOD”=151

There are THREE main feasts that written in the Bible are…

1) The Passover=148
2) Pentecost=117
3) Feast of Booths=151

These special numbers that are linked to the feasts all have great significance, which I write about in great detail in “Holy City Bible Code”.

It seems that a common mistake that people (in general) make is they go about trying to establish the truth according to their perception.
However, “The truth” simply IS, and all that's needed is for it to be discovered or reveled. It takes God (or in more term the [Holy Spirit=151])
to give people the ability to believe the truth.

Pointing people to their creator and helping them to “communicate”=117 with “GOD The Father”=117 is my main goal in writing “Holy City bible Code”.
This is my way to help illustrate through a preponderance of circumstantial evidence that GOD or YHVH does indeed exist.

If a person takes the time to evaluate the evidence, all doubts should be removed. Contained within the AKJV Bible there is indisputable conclusive proof that GOD,
which originated outside of time has indeed, revealed to mankind his existence through the hand of man, which can now be proven.

Read how Jesus was numbered with the transgressors (Isaiah 53:12), and how it relates directly to Greek Gematria (Chapter 23); plus much more.

Thanks and God Bless,
Ed J


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:49 pm
by Ed J
YHVH is God's Name transliterated into English.

GOD's most sacred Holy Name [יהוה] was given to us directly from the Hebrew language.
Correctly translating Hebrew into other languages can be difficult however.
Some basic linguistical rules need to be considered when translating Hebrew texts.
These include a lack of spacing between words, as a general rule has no written vowels
and the basic direction in which Hebrew is written (opposite: from right to left).
Hebrew word spacing is a modern advent that distinguishes one word from the next,
aiding both translators and multi-linguists alike. Unwritten “implied” vowel sounds
are a concern because, correct pronunciations of Hebrew words are at risk.

GOD’s Name (יהוה) transliterates directly into English as YHVH because the Hebrew alphabet
lacks vowels. Hebrew has No [W] sound, No [J] sound and the symbol ש is pronounced “Sh”.

[‫ ]יהוה‬GOD’s Name [‫ ]י‬Yod [‫ ]ה‬Ha [‫ ]ו‬Vav [‫ ]ה‬Hey is pronounced YÄ-hä-vā & [יה] YÄ
Strong's con. Heb. # 3068, 3069 & 3050

The “Divine”=63 “Deity”=63 of “The Bible”=63 is “YHVH”=63.

Understanding the Trinity Idea

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:50 pm
by Ed J
Understanding the Trinity Idea…

There are three (3) main Major Prophets in the Bible. The reason they are called Major Prophets is
because of the long length of the text. The very meanings of their names illustrate a trinity.

1) Isaiah=47: Isaiah's name means “Jehovah's Salvation”
(this Prophet illustrates JESUS, because Jesus' name means “Jehovah's Savior”)

2) Jeremiah=69: Jeremiah's name means “Jehovah is High”
(this Prophet illustrates GOD THE FATHER, because He, JEHOVAH=69 is the Highest). (Psalm 83:18)

3) Ezekiel=73: Ezekiel's name means “EL (GOD) will strengthen”
(this Prophet illustrates the HOLY SPIRIT, because the Holy Spirit strengthens us all in GOD).

Now here is the kicker (47+ 69+73=63 x 3). This mathematical formula
illustrates “YHVH=63” as a Trinity (Meaning 3) using English Gematria.

God bless,
Ed J

Re: Understanding the Trinity Idea

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:37 am
by Byblos
Ed J wrote:Understanding the Trinity Idea…

There are three (3) main Major Prophets in the Bible. The reason they are called Major Prophets is
because of the long length of the text. The very meanings of their names illustrate a trinity.

1) Isaiah=47: Isaiah's name means “Jehovah's Salvation”
(this Prophet illustrates JESUS, because Jesus' name means “Jehovah's Savior”)

2) Jeremiah=69: Jeremiah's name means “Jehovah is High”
(this Prophet illustrates GOD THE FATHER, because He, JEHOVAH=69 is the Highest). (Psalm 83:18)

3) Ezekiel=73: Ezekiel's name means “EL (GOD) will strengthen”
(this Prophet illustrates the HOLY SPIRIT, because the Holy Spirit strengthens us all in GOD).

Now here is the kicker (47+ 69+73=63 x 3). This mathematical formula
illustrates “YHVH=63” as a Trinity (Meaning 3) using English Gematria.

God bless,
Ed J
That's cute but I wouldn't hang my Trinitarian theological hat on it (especially where Moses is not even mentioned as a major prophet).

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:32 pm
by jlay
That's cute but I wouldn't hang my Trinitarian theological hat on it (especially where Moses is not even mentioned as a major prophet).
Whaaattt??? Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah and Jerimiah are generally referred to as the major prophets when breaking down the canon. This aint a new thought Byblos.

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:46 pm
by Byblos
jlay wrote:
That's cute but I wouldn't hang my Trinitarian theological hat on it (especially where Moses is not even mentioned as a major prophet).
Whaaattt??? Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah and Jerimiah are generally referred to as the major prophets when breaking down the canon. This aint a new thought Byblos.
I know that J. I was just making a point that Moses didn't even factor in the Trinity link. In fact neither did Daniel who IS a major prophet. So shouldn't we be making a case for quadritarianism then?

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:46 am
by Ed J
The Number 117

The number 117 shows much significance in English Gematria, as it relates to the Bible and God's Hebrew name and title.

GOD’s Name (יהוה) transliterates directly into English as YHVH because the Hebrew alphabet lacks vowels.

The Center Chapter in the Bible just so happens to be Psalm 117 (Psalms is the largest book); since there are exactly 1189 chapters inthe entire bible that would make Psalm117 (the smallest chapter) the center, because there are 594 chapters before and 594 after. What similarity can we draw from this? Well how about… From small to large, GOD is at the center of all truth even unto the smallest of particles yet larger than our mortal minds can fully comprehend. But what does the number 117 have to do with this?

Finally to show that this has real merit, the Gematria total of'GOD the Father' matches precisely with the Hebrew Gematria of 'יהוה האלהים'(Jehovah God); which is 117. Furthermore 'YHVH is GOD' totals 117 as well! Some may say these facts are all mere coincidence, but the believer understands that it is by design.

Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:58 am
by Ed J
Byblos wrote:
jlay wrote:
That's cute but I wouldn't hang my Trinitarian theological hat on it (especially where Moses is not even mentioned as a major prophet).
Whaaattt??? Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah and Jerimiah are generally referred to as the major prophets when breaking down the canon. This aint a new thought Byblos.
I know that J. I was just making a point that Moses didn't even factor in the Trinity link. In fact neither did Daniel who IS a major prophet. So shouldn't we be making a case for quadritarianism then?
Hi Bible (Byblos),

The Name Daniel (also a Major Prophet) means "GOD is Judge"; and He (YHVH) is.

This sum (117) seems to be just one in a series of numerical anomalies using English=74 Gematria=74 that helps to illustrate what I call “The God Numbers”=151.

1) 117 GOD The Father=117
2) 74 Jesus=74
3) 151 Holy Spirit=151
4) 63 YHVH=63 (GOD: The Eternal Existing One)

I plan to show these numbers represent “The Key”=74 in understanding (יהוה =26) GOD=26.

God Bless,
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:07 am
by Ed J

Because of what Jesus did on the cross (to die for our sins) we have a New “Testament”=117 with our GOD; יהוה האלהים =117 (JEHOVAH GOD).

(Heb.9:15-17: For this cause He (Jesus) is the mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death,
for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first (Old) Testament, that they which are called
might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. For where a Testament is, there must also of necessity
be the death of “The Testator”=151. For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is
of no strength at all while the testator lives. “Jesus Christ”=151 was “The Testator”=151.

(John 16:7: Nevertheless I (Jesus=74) tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away:
for if I go not away, the Comforter (Holy Spirit=151) will not come unto you; but if I depart,
I will send the [God Spirit=117] to abide inside of you.) Because, “YHVH is One GOD”=151

(John 12:24: Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat (Jesus=74 emphasis mine)
fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die, it brings forth much “fruit”=74.)

God bless
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:18 am
by Byblos
Ed J wrote:
Byblos wrote:
jlay wrote:
That's cute but I wouldn't hang my Trinitarian theological hat on it (especially where Moses is not even mentioned as a major prophet).
Whaaattt??? Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah and Jerimiah are generally referred to as the major prophets when breaking down the canon. This aint a new thought Byblos.
I know that J. I was just making a point that Moses didn't even factor in the Trinity link. In fact neither did Daniel who IS a major prophet. So shouldn't we be making a case for quadritarianism then?
Hi Bible (Byblos),
Ha, you googled it, didn't you? Love it, thanks.
Ed J wrote:The Name Daniel (also a Major Prophet) means "GOD is Judge"; and He (YHVH) is.

This sum (117) seems to be just one in a series of numerical anomalies using English=74 Gematria=74 that helps to illustrate what I call “The God Numbers”=151.

1) 117 GOD The Father=117
2) 74 Jesus=74
3) 151 Holy Spirit=151
4) 63 YHVH=63 (GOD: The Eternal Existing One)

I plan to show these numbers represent “The Key”=74 in understanding (יהוה =26) GOD=26.

God Bless,
Ed J
I don't doubt what you're saying for a second. The only thing I'm saying is that we shouldn't be offering it as the ultimate proof of the Trinity as detractors will always find number patterns in anything and spin them in an unfavorable way. I know you're not doing that, just sayin'.

God bless you too Ed.

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:22 pm
by Ed J
Hi Everybody,

It can be well documented that YHVH=63 is tied (using Gematria) to the account of Jesus crucifixion.
First we need to know what The Bible says in Gal. 1:1 says: "GOD the Father"=117 raised Jesus from the dead.

The numbers [63+54=117] help to conclusively prove "YHVH is GOD"=117.

“YHVH”=63 as the “God Spirit”=117 indwells in mankind starting after a 54-day period
which began at the crucifixion and ended at Pentecost. On day four, Jesus is living again,
"GOD the Father"=117 raised Him back to life (Gal.1:1). Pentecost in Greek means fifty;
which started fifty days after the resurrection. Pentecost brings a close to the fifty-four day
period that began at Jesus' death. "Pentecost"=117 therefore began 54 days after the crucifixion.

"YHVH"=63 plus the 54 days it took prior to "Pentecost"=117 starting, can be mathematically stated as (63+54=117).
This formula lends strong support to the claim of English Gematria in general and yet stronger evidence
to the claim that "YHVH is GOD"=117. The evidence of God's existence shines brighter and brighter.

God bless
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:01 pm
by Ed J
Byblos wrote:
Ed J wrote:
Byblos wrote:
jlay wrote:
That's cute but I wouldn't hang my Trinitarian theological hat on it (especially where Moses is not even mentioned as a major prophet).
Whaaattt??? Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah and Jerimiah are generally referred to as the major prophets when breaking down the canon. This aint a new thought Byblos.
I know that J. I was just making a point that Moses didn't even factor in the Trinity link. In fact neither did Daniel who IS a major prophet. So shouldn't we be making a case for quadritarianism then?
Hi Bible (Byblos),
Ha, you googled it, didn't you? Love it, thanks.
Ed J wrote:The Name Daniel (also a Major Prophet) means "GOD is Judge"; and He (YHVH) is.

This sum (117) seems to be just one in a series of numerical anomalies using English=74 Gematria=74 that helps to illustrate what I call “The God Numbers”=151.

1) 117 GOD The Father=117
2) 74 Jesus=74
3) 151 Holy Spirit=151
4) 63 YHVH=63 (GOD: The Eternal Existing One)

I plan to show these numbers represent “The Key”=74 in understanding (יהוה =26) GOD=26.

God Bless,
Ed J
I don't doubt what you're saying for a second. The only thing I'm saying is that we shouldn't be offering it as the ultimate proof of the Trinity as detractors will always find number patterns in anything and spin them in an unfavorable way. I know you're not doing that, just sayin'.

God bless you too Ed.
Hi Bible,

The free e-book was available for download on the internet June 21, 2009; I didn't Google it. When did you start to use the name Bible?
The word “Bible” originates from the Greek word [βιβλος] Bĭb'-lōs, meaning “Book” (Chapter 18 paragraph 1).

Language should always supersede numbers when it comes to tying ideas together. Numbers, however, can and should be used as a second witness though;
using them to help illustrate concepts of GOD more fully. Previously overlooked facts (for example in a criminal case) can lead to much different conclusions.
In a civil case who speaks first plays a larger role than the defense. However in a criminal case, he who speaks first changes NO Facts pertinent to the case.
I believe this is the case with Gematria. Lies and deceptions are perpetuated when evidences that substantiate the truth are ignored, or left un-investigated;
leaving only distractions away from the truth.

Now that we (people as a whole) are starting to understand English Gematria more fully, take another look at the promises God made to Abraham,
even down to calling Abraham THE FATHER OF MANY NATIONS..

God made these three specific promises to Abraham's seed. He said that his seed would be as plenty as the…

1) “Dust of the Earth”=170 (Gen. 13:16)
2) “Stars of Heaven”=153 (Gen. 26:4)
3) “Sand of the Sea”=117 (Gen. 32:12)

It's interesting to note that the very same language is used in Rev. 20:8 where Satan goes about in battle to deceive the nations,
He is going against God's people (the people of 117=יהוה האלהים Jehovah God) to deceive, whose number is AS the SAND OF THE SEA=117.

AKJV: Rev. 20:8: “And (Satan) shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog,
to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.”

The Gematria I will use has a direct correlation to the AKJV Bible; cherry picked yes, but harder to debunk, because I did NOT orchestrate its use.
This pattern has occurred over large time scales; diminishing the look of mans manipulation.

God bless
Ed J

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:45 am
by Byblos
Ed J wrote:
Hi Bible,

The free e-book was available for download on the internet June 21, 2009; I didn't Google it. When did you start to use the name Bible?
The word “Bible” originates from the Greek word [βιβλος] Bĭb'-lōs, meaning “Book” (Chapter 18 paragraph 1).
I would prefer "Byblos", really, and the reason I originally chose it did not, I must confess, have anything to do with the fact that it is the Greek origin of the word 'bible'. That was just a fringe benefit I discovered later. The reason I chose it was that it is the name of the small city in north Lebanon (on the Mediterranean) where I was born and raised. It is said to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and where the Phoenicians invented one of the oldest alphabets. When the Greeks invaded the city, they named it 'Byblos' (Jbeil in Arabic) because of the many papyruses/books they found there.

Ed J wrote:Language should always supersede numbers when it comes to tying ideas together. Numbers, however, can and should be used as a second witness though;
using them to help illustrate concepts of GOD more fully. Previously overlooked facts (for example in a criminal case) can lead to much different conclusions.
In a civil case who speaks first plays a larger role than the defense. However in a criminal case, he who speaks first changes NO Facts pertinent to the case.
I believe this is the case with Gematria. Lies and deceptions are perpetuated when evidences that substantiate the truth are ignored, or left un-investigated;
leaving only distractions away from the truth.

Now that we (people as a whole) are starting to understand English Gematria more fully, take another look at the promises God made to Abraham,
even down to calling Abraham THE FATHER OF MANY NATIONS..

God made these three specific promises to Abraham's seed. He said that his seed would be as plenty as the…

1) “Dust of the Earth”=170 (Gen. 13:16)
2) “Stars of Heaven”=153 (Gen. 26:4)
3) “Sand of the Sea”=117 (Gen. 32:12)

It's interesting to note that the very same language is used in Rev. 20:8 where Satan goes about in battle to deceive the nations,
He is going against God's people (the people of 117=יהוה האלהים Jehovah God) to deceive, whose number is AS the SAND OF THE SEA=117.

AKJV: Rev. 20:8: “And (Satan) shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog,
to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.”

The Gematria I will use has a direct correlation to the AKJV Bible; cherry picked yes, but harder to debunk, because I did NOT orchestrate its use.
This pattern has occurred over large time scales; diminishing the look of mans manipulation.

God bless
Ed J
I must confess I know very little on the subject. I've seen a couple of documentaries where in one a Jewish mathematician was not convinced of the theory until he studied it in detail and was hooked. In another, yet another Jewish mathematician debunks the theory as nothing more than just fitting patterns back in the text. I don't recall the name of the documentaries or the example in the second one where he showed how to read a partial work of Shakespeare in the text using numbers.

But just for me to understand, what do you mean when you say:

1) “Dust of the Earth”=170 (Gen. 13:16)
2) “Stars of Heaven”=153 (Gen. 26:4)
3) “Sand of the Sea”=117 (Gen. 32:12)

How do you get 170 from "Dust of the Earth" or 153 from "Starts of Heaven"? Are you adding up the numerical representations of the Hebrew letters?

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:20 am
by jlay
I've seen Chuck Missler give a talk on this. Of course from the original Hebrew. He shows some interesting things that appear to be much more than mere coincidence. But I would handle all of this with EXTREME caution.

Re: English Gematria: Integrates with AKJV Bible

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:18 pm
by Byblos
jlay wrote:I've seen Chuck Missler give a talk on this. Of course from the original Hebrew. He shows some interesting things that appear to be much more than mere coincidence. But I would handle all of this with EXTREME caution.
That's what I was trying to say all along. Thanks J.