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Ponder the things of God

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:31 am
by Gman
I often hear of people complaining about life. It's boring, there isn't enough to do, maybe I need a career change, a different education, etc..

Well perhaps there might be an antidote here. Want something to do? Try this...

1. Ponder the things of God. You will find it in music, His creation, love, people, scripture, in Christ, etc..
2. Study the Bible. Whether it's theology, archeology, eschatology, soteriology, God in science, etc..
3. Open a website or blog that defines God in some way.
4. Share your faith. 1 Peter 4:10
5. Help others with God's guidance.

Trust me.. This is FAR more exciting than chasing UFO's, bigfoot, careers, shopping, video games, TV, stock market, football, clothing, and the likes. Not only is this "THE" most important and exciting thing you will ever do in your life, it's something that will last for eternity. Don't you think this at least deserves a little time? How about 5 minutes a day? What is more important in life? Finding ET on some remote planet or finding your faith in God? We are talking about your life here. YOU.

Ponder the things of God. This is just a temporary life people.. It's here today but it could be gone tomorrow.

Don't waste it on petty things please.... Go for the real GOLD. Forget about the parsley, go for filet mignon. :thumbsup:

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:03 pm
by ageofknowledge
God is not boring. Religion is boring. People often confuse the two.

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:05 pm
by Gman
ageofknowledge wrote:God is not boring. Religion is boring. People often confuse the two.
Good point. I think people can be boring or bored with themselves too.

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:57 pm
by zoegirl
absolutely Gman,

I have been trying to, starting over 2 weeks ago, to focus each day on someting to be thankful for, to ponder what God has provided or who he is.

It's amazing how that can redirect one's focus and get one's mind off yourself.

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:32 pm
by Gman
zoegirl wrote:absolutely Gman,

I have been trying to, starting over 2 weeks ago, to focus each day on someting to be thankful for, to ponder what God has provided or who he is.

It's amazing how that can redirect one's focus and get one's mind off yourself.
Now that is a great tool that the believer has... Being thankful.. Being thankful has really helped save my life. Instead of focusing on the 90 % of my life that is going great, I all tend to focus on the 10% that isn't so great. Being thankful really washes that out. Also, when we see others and their struggles, like someone who lost their legs in the war, makes you appreciate what you do have all the more..

I thought this website summed it up well..

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:43 pm
by ageofknowledge
I try to concentrate on the 25% that is going right.

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:46 pm
by Gman
There is just a treasure trove of goodies in God's word. But what do we do instead? Shopping, paying bills, degrees, career changes, stock market, football, etc... For what?? We can't take this junk with us to heaven. Let's see, I'm in my 40's now. At most I'll probably get another 35 years out of this life. And for what? House? Car? A painting on my wall? Another degree? Money? People think I'm cool? Fame and fortune? Etc..

It's just a complete waste of time.. It's all bunk!!! Go for things that will last.. Bank on God and the rest will follow. Ditch your pride. Are we martyr's? The holy flag of self worth? I'm cool look at me, watch me die for nothing. Wow.. It's really all for nothing.

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:53 pm
by Gman
ageofknowledge wrote:I try to concentrate on the 25% that is going right.
Well, it's like the guitarist while playing his guitar broke all his strings except one. But he still made beautiful music from the one string. ;)

Sorry, I was just watching a program of a Iraq veteran who lost both legs and an arm. Who do you think is in a worse predicament? I don't know about you, but I'm thankful for my arms and legs after seeing that.. And I thought I had it bad. :doh:

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:55 pm
by ageofknowledge
Gman wrote:
ageofknowledge wrote:I try to concentrate on the 25% that is going right.
Well, it's like the guitarist while playing his guitar broke all his strings except one. But he still made beautiful music from the one string. ;)

Sorry, I was just watching a program of a Iraq veteran who lost both legs and an arm. Who do you think is in a worse predicament? I don't know about you, but I'm thankful for my arms and legs after seeing that.. And I thought I had it bad. :doh:
And they will receive free medical, disability income, free education, VA home benefits, lifelong rehabilitation and counseling, hero status, etc... and will be set for life as they should be. I'm sad for their loss but happy that he will be taken care of to the fullest as we take care of our Iraq war veterans.

But on the philosophical side, I'm don't think trolling around looking for people whose misfortune is worse than yours as a strategy to make yourself feel better is effective. It doesn't work for me anyways. I just think dang.. I have to go get an infusion in six weeks that will open me up to serious infections and all kinds of serious diseases like tuberculosis, lymphoma, cancer, amnemia, pneumonia, etc... and I don't have any of those benefits.

But if it works for you I'm glad that it does.

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:45 pm
by Gman
I know what you mean, but if we wanted to make an award of who can get the lowest or the bottom of the barrel in pain and suffering, I'm sure we can find others. Not to mention third world countries.

As far as our health care however, that evil thing has got to change. I was talking to a friend earlier today with a heart problem. The autopsies she had earlier where so high that the insurance company dumped her leaving her a bill of over 46 thousand dollars. Nice huh? Ah, it's great being an American. :roll:

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:53 pm
by ageofknowledge
Gman wrote:I know what you mean, but if we wanted to make an award of who can get the lowest or the bottom of the barrel in pain and suffering, I'm sure we can find others. Not to mention third world countries.

As far as our health care however, that evil thing has got to change. I was talking to a friend earlier today with a heart problem. The autopsies she had earlier where so high that the insurance company dumped her leaving her a bill of over 46 thousand dollars. Nice huh? Ah, it's great being an American. :roll:
For sure. We've got millions of people in this country one emergency room visit away from financial ruin. The Healthcare Bill passed the House. thank God. but the "fiscally responsible" Republicans in the Senate who doubled the deficit and destroyed the economy don't want Americans to have healthcare...

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:26 am
by zoegirl

The biomeds aren't that bad, I've not really noticed an increase in any infections. The risk of cancer is very very small.

Shoot, you're getting medicine, I would say that's something to praise God for! I will take that risk for a debilitating illness that means me hemorrhaging, losing nutrients, and possibly a drastic surgery to remove my colon...because that was where I was headed. But you know? there have been plenty of people who have had to have that surgery and they have also survived.

And it's not as if we go trolling for people worse than's the real observation that we can't complain. I can still walk, I can hear,see, touch, and think. I can still learn, I can still teach...

Life is terrible struggle but it is still precious.

Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:35 am
by Byblos
Gman wrote:Trust me.. This is FAR more exciting than chasing UFO's, bigfoot, careers, shopping, video games, TV, stock market, football, clothing, and the likes.
:shock: You gotta admit football is second though (a distant second, yet second nonetheless).

Sorry, I thought I'd lighten up the mood a little. But I can see where both you and Age are coming from, really. My wife and I are hitting an extremely rough patch as of late but I thank God every day for his grace. Yet my ungrateful, sinful self can't help but wonder sometimes why we should be going through this to begin with.


Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:36 am
by cslewislover
Gman wrote:As far as our health care however, that evil thing has got to change. I was talking to a friend earlier today with a heart problem. The autopsies she had earlier where so high that the insurance company dumped her leaving her a bill of over 46 thousand dollars. Nice huh? Ah, it's great being an American. :roll:
This just makes me sick. Yet you hear of it over and over again. Is it any wonder why people don't want to pay a big premium, taking away from other things in their lives every month, when they have no real assurance about their insurance anyway??? It could end up being a huge waste. A while back, our state took something like four insurance companies to court for stuff like this, but I guess that doesn't matter. It still happens. I thought this is what insurance is FOR???? I guess it's really just to make some people wealthy. :verymad:

. . . .


Re: Ponder the things of God

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:00 am
by ageofknowledge
zoegirl wrote:Age,

The biomeds aren't that bad, I've not really noticed an increase in any infections. The risk of cancer is very very small.

Life is terrible struggle but it is still precious.
You are always a real encouragement to me on these fears zoegirl. Don't think you're not because you really are! If I get approved and authorized and actually get Remecade and don't have a bad reaction to it, I think I'll adjust to it. In the meantime, it's a little overwhelming reading all the literature they give me on this stuff. But you're encouragement helps a lot. Thank you for it.