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So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:08 pm
by Ryuzashi
So you love God and you believe in him... What about your wife/husband? family? Do they believe in him too? are you alone? if your partner doesnt believe in him, how you deal with it? How can you help them believe in him?

Would it be a sin for you to be married to a person that doesnt believe in him? y:-/

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:12 pm
by Gabrielman
Hmmm... I heard about this a lot actually. There was something on a talk radio station I listen too that talked about this. It isn't a sin, but we are to try to lead them to Christ. My family is a bit ify on that, they say they do, but hardly any of them live the Christian life. What we need to do is give it our all for those we love, and try to show them Christ. Do your best to live in God and He will work through you. I am not sure how that feels, to have a partner, and one who does not believe. I would assume that would be very hard for someone who does. Prayer works, keep praying God will help you, and in His time and His ways He will. God bless, sorry I am not much help on this, but that is my 2 cents.

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:15 pm
by Ryuzashi
No no, that was quite helpful to me... i see what you mean and yes its very hard but i think what you say makes sense! thanks alot for your time

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:39 pm
by qqMOARpewpew
From the perspective of the other side of the fence, don't try to convert your partner. Its not cute. I wouldn't try to convert my christian gal. We do at times talk about our veiws of the world, but its just that our opinions, we don't act like what we believe is truth and it works for us.

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:12 pm
by ageofknowledge
qqMOARpewpew wrote:From the perspective of the other side of the fence, don't try to convert your partner. Its not cute. I wouldn't try to convert my christian gal. We do at times talk about our veiws of the world, but its just that our opinions, we don't act like what we believe is truth and it works for us.
If she's a "girlfriend" instead of just a friend who is a girl, then she's unequally yoked to you.

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:49 am
by jlay
Don't try to convert?

That's like saying, 'don't try to offer a loved one a cure for a deadly disease. You might offend them. Or don't try to wake up a person in a burning house, you might upset their sleep.'

If your girlfriend, husband, whatever, beleives that you will die and face a holy and just God who will give you eternal justice for your sins, and decides it is better to 'keep the peace,' then I would question whether that person fully understands the reality of the cross in the first place.

That said, that doesn't mean they have to force the gospel down your throat, or berrate you. That never works. One can share the gospel in a very good way without being overvbearing. But let me make clear that the gospel is ALAWYS, ALWAYS confrontational. It doesn't happen by osmosis.

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:11 am
by ageofknowledge
On the other hand I know of cases where the non-Christian boyfriend got saved, they married, and both entered ministry together accomplishing much good with their lives. 8)

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:27 pm
by qqMOARpewpew
jlay wrote:Don't try to convert?

That's like saying, 'don't try to offer a loved one a cure for a deadly disease. You might offend them. Or don't try to wake up a person in a burning house, you might upset their sleep.'

If your girlfriend, husband, whatever, beleives that you will die and face a holy and just God who will give you eternal justice for your sins, and decides it is better to 'keep the peace,' then I would question whether that person fully understands the reality of the cross in the first place.

That said, that doesn't mean they have to force the gospel down your throat, or berrate you. That never works. One can share the gospel in a very good way without being overvbearing. But let me make clear that the gospel is ALAWYS, ALWAYS confrontational. It doesn't happen by osmosis.
Well couldn't a christian just pray for the disease to go away, or pray that the fire goes out or the person in the house wakes up?

It would work the same way for me as a non believer. Don't try and convert?

Thats like saying 'dont try and save a person from a wasted life of dilusion.' You might offend them. Or don't try to pull someone out a cult, it might upset the herd.

NOW this is not something I would ever say to her, or to you in real life, I'm not like that. I don't feel like christians are wasting their lives, if it helps them live this short life alittle happier why would i stop them.

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:49 pm
by jlay
Mercy me.

qq, if Christians are wrong, then when you die, you are worm food. You won't even have the ability to say, "I told you so."
There is really nothing at stake from your point, unless that person is involved in a dangerous cult. If the Christian is right then EVERYTHING is at stake. As the bible says, 'what good is it to gain the whole world and forfeit your very soul.'
pray that the fire goes out or the person in the house wakes up?
You and I know that is ridiculous. What would you honestly think of someone who would allow that to happen? A good Christian or a blithering fool?

Sure a Christian should pray. But prayer is never an excuse not to act, or a substitute for action. If you were walking unaware towards a 500 foot cliff, should I pray for you, or take action to warn you?

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:12 pm
by qqMOARpewpew
What makes you think I am not aware what I believe. I want to be worm food, that would be just perfect, (not till I die of course.) I rather my atoms and energy be returned into trees and poop and rocks etc, than for my consciousness to be forced to remain forever. I believe my afterlife will be exactly as my prelife, how was your life before you were born? It certainly wasnt bad, now was it?
I grew up a christian, I am aware that you believe i am going to be tortured for infinity by your almighty all just all merciful god. I don't see why an intelligent god would otherworldly curse people for their worldly acts; beyond this world consciquences for earthly actions? Even worse, if a serial murderer spends his last year in repentance, doing good acts and asking forgiveness he goes to eternal bliss; while a Buddhist monk, who wont even kill a roach and has never stolen and lived a better life than many christians burns forever. And why? Because god made this entire universe for his own glory, he's that selfish.

"You and I know that is ridiculous."

Yeah i wrote it ridiculously for a reason.

"Sure a Christian should pray. But prayer is never an excuse not to act, or a substitute for action. If you were walking unaware towards a 500 foot cliff, should I pray for you, or take action to warn you?"

Well i would hope you'd be like, "Yo, theres a cliff like right there bro." But its really like apples and oranges, what cliff, can you show me the cliff?

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:30 pm
by cslewislover
qqMOARpewpew wrote:What makes you think I am not aware what I believe. I want to be worm food, that would be just perfect, (not till I die of course.) I rather my atoms and energy be returned into trees and poop and rocks etc, than for my consciousness to be forced to remain forever. I believe my afterlife will be exactly as my prelife, how was your life before you were born? It certainly wasnt bad, now was it?
I grew up a christian, I am aware that you believe i am going to be tortured for infinity by your almighty all just all merciful god. I don't see why an intelligent god would otherworldly curse people for their worldly acts; beyond this world consciquences for earthly actions? Even worse, if a serial murderer spends his last year in repentance, doing good acts and asking forgiveness he goes to eternal bliss; while a Buddhist monk, who wont even kill a roach and has never stolen and lived a better life than many christians burns forever. And why? Because god made this entire universe for his own glory, he's that selfish.
Why are you here then, I mean, at this site? If your mind is already made up, then this site is not for you. You could read the board purpose and discussion guidelines.

If you know so much about Christianity, then you know, right, that it is not possible for God to be in the presence of sin? So when our souls leave our earthly bodies, either they need to be cleansed to be in His presence, or they need to be elsewhere. There are two other considerations that come to my mind at the moment. One, who are you to question a being that could create the whole universe, and the universes that make up our bodies? How could you possibly understand this being, and question the way he chose to convey the meaning of His relationship to us (scripture - putting His thoughts and ideas into words that might be easy for us to understand, if we were willing). Two, as far as I can see, we are a big and definite part of the glory that God made.

@ Ryuzashi. 1 Peter 3:1 says, "Wives, in the same way [as Christ's actions] be submissive to your husbands so that, is any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence if your lives." Although Peter is addressing wives here, the same principle would apply to husbands as well - to act humbly and show your submissiveness to God and His commands.

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:51 pm
by ageofknowledge
qqMOARpewpew wrote:What makes you think I am not aware what I believe. I want to be worm food, that would be just perfect, (not till I die of course.) I rather my atoms and energy be returned into trees and poop and rocks etc, than for my consciousness to be forced to remain forever. I believe my afterlife will be exactly as my prelife, how was your life before you were born? It certainly wasnt bad, now was it?
I grew up a christian, I am aware that you believe i am going to be tortured for infinity by your almighty all just all merciful god. I don't see why an intelligent god would otherworldly curse people for their worldly acts; beyond this world consciquences for earthly actions? Even worse, if a serial murderer spends his last year in repentance, doing good acts and asking forgiveness he goes to eternal bliss; while a Buddhist monk, who wont even kill a roach and has never stolen and lived a better life than many christians burns forever. And why? Because god made this entire universe for his own glory, he's that selfish.

"You and I know that is ridiculous."

Yeah i wrote it ridiculously for a reason.

"Sure a Christian should pray. But prayer is never an excuse not to act, or a substitute for action. If you were walking unaware towards a 500 foot cliff, should I pray for you, or take action to warn you?"

Well i would hope you'd be like, "Yo, theres a cliff like right there bro." But its really like apples and oranges, what cliff, can you show me the cliff?
For someone raised as a Christian, you sure don't seem to know much about Christian theology. Your posts are rife with error and your conclusions reflect that. But it is your ignorance of non-Christian systems of beliefs that is just as disturbing to those of us who are learned.

For example, after showing your ignorance about Christian theology you immediately attempt some sort of comparison to a rightous God judging those that reject the free salvation of Jesus Christ with the supposedly pure life of a Buddhist monk. Speaking with great authority you attempt to paint God as "bad" because He judges those that reject His provision for salvation and a new life with an idealistic false portrayal of the purity of Buddhist monks. But you end up showing how little you know about the subject.

For Zenists, it is love of self first, last, and always. This is the core of Zen, which releases one from spiritual responsibility and substitutes intellectual enlightenment for conversion, and the absence of concern for one's fellowman for peace with God.

Historically, Buddhism has produced nothing but indescribable conditions under which its subjects live. For in almost every area of the world where Buddhism of any form holds sway, there stalks the specter of disease, hunger: and moral and spiritual decay. The peoples of the Orient are slaves to their religions, and Buddhism, with its egocentricity and inherently selfish concept of life and of responsibility to society, is by all odds one of the greatest offenders.

Let those who consider Zen as a superior form of religious philosophy look well at its history and its fruit, for "by their fruits ye shall know them" (Matthew
7:20). I've trained under three martial arts teachers over the years but the Zen Buddhist monk I trained under was into the occult. Buddhism was open to diverse influences from as along ago as the 4th century BC, including that of occult traditions. The Tibetan Book of the Dead, and the Life of Milarepa are just two examples of how occult knowledge and jnani transcendence can become intertwined. They know the gospel, they know why Jesus came, but reject it. They reject God just as it appears you have.

Buddhism is a philosophy that denies God and the need for Jesus Christ. It denies the reality of sin due to the absence of an absolute standard of revealed law and holiness. It rejects the necessity of personal redemption from the penalty of sin revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Putting Buddhism on a pedestal is putting a dirty rag of rightousness on a pedestal before a living Holy God and telling Him to accept in place of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made. You have been deceived young man by a great many things.

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:14 pm
by Gabrielman
qqMOARpewpew wrote:Because god made this entire universe for his own glory, he's that selfish.
Excuse me? Wrong. Imagine if you will wandering the vast expanse of notingness alone. You are cold and by yourself. Now imagine you had the power and know how to create a universe and other living beings. That is what it was like for God before He Created the universe. He did it not out of selfishness, but so He could have someone with Him, someone to love Him, and someone for Him to love. The only reason that we are even here is because He wanted us to be, because He loves us. So if you had that power and were in that position would you just wander around endlessly alone, never endingly? I doubt that.

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:52 pm
by qqMOARpewpew
cslewislover wrote:
qqMOARpewpew wrote:What makes you think I am not aware what I believe. I want to be worm food, that would be just perfect, (not till I die of course.) I rather my atoms and energy be returned into trees and poop and rocks etc, than for my consciousness to be forced to remain forever. I believe my afterlife will be exactly as my prelife, how was your life before you were born? It certainly wasnt bad, now was it?
I grew up a christian, I am aware that you believe i am going to be tortured for infinity by your almighty all just all merciful god. I don't see why an intelligent god would otherworldly curse people for their worldly acts; beyond this world consciquences for earthly actions? Even worse, if a serial murderer spends his last year in repentance, doing good acts and asking forgiveness he goes to eternal bliss; while a Buddhist monk, who wont even kill a roach and has never stolen and lived a better life than many christians burns forever. And why? Because god made this entire universe for his own glory, he's that selfish.
Why are you here then, I mean, at this site? If your mind is already made up, then this site is not for you. You could read the board purpose and discussion guidelines.

If you know so much about Christianity, then you know, right, that it is not possible for God to be in the presence of sin? So when our souls leave our earthly bodies, either they need to be cleansed to be in His presence, or they need to be elsewhere. There are two other considerations that come to my mind at the moment. One, who are you to question a being that could create the whole universe, and the universes that make up our bodies? How could you possibly understand this being, and question the way he chose to convey the meaning of His relationship to us (scripture - putting His thoughts and ideas into words that might be easy for us to understand, if we were willing). Two, as far as I can see, we are a big and definite part of the glory that God made.

@ Ryuzashi. 1 Peter 3:1 says, "Wives, in the same way [as Christ's actions] be submissive to your husbands so that, is any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence if your lives." Although Peter is addressing wives here, the same principle would apply to husbands as well - to act humbly and show your submissiveness to God and His commands.
Curiousness mostly. And I'm agnostic, i have my beliefs but if I experience evidence for contrary beliefs I will change my mind

Sorry, where in the bible does it say god can not be in the presence of sin? Sin might not be able to exist in the presence of God, but god can do anything right? Your saying god couldn't cleanse all people of sins? Who are you to question the countless other gods? We can not comprehend any of them.

Re: So you believe in God, what about your family/wife/husband?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:57 pm
by Gabrielman
qqMOARpewpew wrote:Sorry, where in the bible does it say god can not be in the presence of sin? Sin might not be able to exist in the presence of God, but god can do anything right? Your saying god couldn't cleanse all people of sins? Who are you to question the countless other gods? We can not comprehend any of them.
Why would God cleanse all people and then force them to stay with Him? If they don't want to be with Him they will sin against Him and not accept the cleansing Blood of Christ. The Bible says sin cannot exist within the prescence of God. If we become sinful then sin is part of us, and thusly we cannot exist in God's prescence cause we are in sin. And the other gods fail, epically. I could go on for hours and hours about that, but I have no desire to do so. Perhaps another time on that.