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How to reconcile Evolution with Genesis

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:24 am
by Keith
Possibly 15/20 years ago after watching a TV debate where atheist scientists completely demolished respected theologians who had no answer to evolution claims I asked God what it was all about and sat down and wrote Creation & The Fall which I found answered all of the difficult questions that puzzle so many who believe in God.

We must be able to answer atheist science about why if God is good does our perfect God create mentally or physically crippled children in His own Image?

Why if God is perfect does He allow natural disasters to kill and maim innocents?

Why did He create animals, birds and fish to eat alive their own and other species?

Theologians can't answer these question except by saying ”God is mysterious” or “We must have faith” etc.

The keys to understanding why these things happen lies in the difference between time and Eternity and realising that the Big Bang happened at The Fall and not at Creation as science theorises. This requires some adjustment to to both scientific and theological thought and is not easy to comprehend but here are a few pointers.

1. We only ever see through the glass but darkly therefore soul sensing is required to understand that of God.

2. If God is eternal and ethereal and we are of time and physical then if we were created in His Image we are no longer part of Him.

3. The Fall away from God is literal and because Adam was controller of our universe then the whole of creation was expelled at The Fall.

4. Science knows The Fall happened and calls it the 'Big Bang' but wrongly ascribes it to Creation. They don't realise that galaxies speeding away from one another are the result of The Fall from God's Mind.

5. The key to understanding this is to discern the difference between time and timelessness. (Eternity)

6. Also to understand that Eternity has no physical substance and that time is where the physical is and death occurs. A simple analogy of Creation leaving God's Holy Mind is how our blood congeals into a solid when released from its God given warm life stream.

7. Time can be calculated but Eternity can't, therefore a blink of an eye in Eternity can be millions of years in time.

8. God can't be everywhere if He created our universe in a void therefore what is outside of Him is evil and God encapsulated the existing evil in the void into the biblical apple and gave Adam only one Law “Do not steal”. Adam did and The Fall occurred.

9. The difference between time and timelessness is shown when in Genesis God called out “Where art thou?” God builds into his Creations a fail-safe device which automatically ejects evil if it tries to enter. Thus our Creation was expelled into evil time and is why we now live in Satan's kingdom not God's.

10. Evil percolated throughout Creation and the aberrations of dinosaurs and other giants and dwarfs of species came about. These God started to eliminate or restore when He could once more commune with Adam. Thus what science calls evolution has been God eliminating/restoring species to bring those and the natural laws to approximately what we know today.

11. Remember that Creation is still corrupted as are all humans, so corrupted humans investigating corrupted creation cannot bring perfect answers.

12. These will only come about when all humans are saved i.e. able to first reject evil in themselves and then help others to do so. Then Heaven on earth will come about.

I am not a scholar but listening recently to radio discussions about Einstein's Theory of Relativity leads me to think that he was closest to describing how time differs in relation to speed and how millions of years described by science was instantaneous in Eternity.

I hope that this has stimulated you into wanting to think about The Big Bang happening at The Fall and not at Creation and that God is trying to rescue us who are now in a different state of being to Him and which is why traditional theology cannot answer atheist questions.

If anyone is interested in how we survived The Fall etc the link to my writings PHANTOMS Of REALITY is on my profile. There the link to CREATION & THE FALL will access the full account of how to reconcile Evolution with Genesis.


    Re: How to reconcile Evolution with Genesis

    Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:56 am
    by Gman
    Keith wrote:Possibly 15/20 years ago after watching a TV debate where atheist scientists completely demolished respected theologians who had no answer to evolution claims I asked God what it was all about and sat down and wrote Creation & The Fall which I found answered all of the difficult questions that puzzle so many who believe in God.
    Welcome to the God and Science website... Really? I've seen creation scientists completely demolish respected evolutionists who had no answer to their claims either.
    Keith wrote:We must be able to answer atheist science about why if God is good does our perfect God create mentally or physically crippled children in His own Image?
    What do you think His image is? All people are created in the image of God whether they be black, white, brown, crippled, etc..
    Keith wrote:Why if God is perfect does He allow natural disasters to kill and maim innocents?

    Why did He create animals, birds and fish to eat alive their own and other species?
    Answered here: Does the Presence of Natural Evil Argue Against the Existence of God? Why Natural Evil Must Exist or Natural Evil slide show
    Keith wrote:Theologians can't answer these question except by saying ”God is mysterious” or “We must have faith” etc.
    I've seen theologians answer these type of questions all the time. Nothing new here..
    Keith wrote:The keys to understanding why these things happen lies in the difference between time and Eternity and realising that the Big Bang happened at The Fall and not at Creation as science theorises. This requires some adjustment to to both scientific and theological thought and is not easy to comprehend but here are a few pointers.

    1. We only ever see through the glass but darkly therefore soul sensing is required to understand that of God.

    2. If God is eternal and ethereal and we are of time and physical then if we were created in His Image we are no longer part of Him.

    3. The Fall away from God is literal and because Adam was controller of our universe then the whole of creation was expelled at The Fall.

    4. Science knows The Fall happened and calls it the 'Big Bang' but wrongly ascribes it to Creation. They don't realise that galaxies speeding away from one another are the result of The Fall from God's Mind.

    5. The key to understanding this is to discern the difference between time and timelessness. (Eternity)

    6. Also to understand that Eternity has no physical substance and that time is where the physical is and death occurs. A simple analogy of Creation leaving God's Holy Mind is how our blood congeals into a solid when released from its God given warm life stream.

    7. Time can be calculated but Eternity can't, therefore a blink of an eye in Eternity can be millions of years in time.

    8. God can't be everywhere if He created our universe in a void therefore what is outside of Him is evil and God encapsulated the existing evil in the void into the biblical apple and gave Adam only one Law “Do not steal”. Adam did and The Fall occurred.

    9. The difference between time and timelessness is shown when in Genesis God called out “Where art thou?” God builds into his Creations a fail-safe device which automatically ejects evil if it tries to enter. Thus our Creation was expelled into evil time and is why we now live in Satan's kingdom not God's.

    10. Evil percolated throughout Creation and the aberrations of dinosaurs and other giants and dwarfs of species came about. These God started to eliminate or restore when He could once more commune with Adam. Thus what science calls evolution has been God eliminating/restoring species to bring those and the natural laws to approximately what we know today.

    11. Remember that Creation is still corrupted as are all humans, so corrupted humans investigating corrupted creation cannot bring perfect answers.

    12. These will only come about when all humans are saved i.e. able to first reject evil in themselves and then help others to do so. Then Heaven on earth will come about.
    Ah, you must be mistaken.. We are an old earth creationists website. We believe that the natural laws of physics were in place before the fall.

    Please review the following articles..

    Is the Young-Earth Interpretation Biblically Sound?

    No Death Before the Fall - A Young Earth Problem

    Trouble in Paradise: Why the Young Earth Paradigm Fails the Test of the Biblical Worldview

    Is There Really Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth?
    Keith wrote:I am not a scholar but listening recently to radio discussions about Einstein's Theory of Relativity leads me to think that he was closest to describing how time differs in relation to speed and how millions of years described by science was instantaneous in Eternity.

    I hope that this has stimulated you into wanting to think about The Big Bang happening at The Fall and not at Creation and that God is trying to rescue us who are now in a different state of being to Him and which is why traditional theology cannot answer atheist questions.

    If anyone is interested in how we survived The Fall etc the link to my writings PHANTOMS Of REALITY is on my profile. There the link to CREATION & THE FALL will access the full account of how to reconcile Evolution with Genesis.
    More answers for you here... ... xg4kRwmMJ8


    Re: How to reconcile Evolution with Genesis

    Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:59 am
    by Keith

    <<Welcome to the God and Science website... Really? I've seen creation scientists completely demolish respected evolutionists who had no answer to their claims either.>>

    Thank you for your welcome. Perhaps the evolutionists were staggered to find that some Creationists reverse logic to preach that God created evil to make His Creation perfect?

    <<What do you think His image is? All people are created in the image of God whether they be black, white, brown, crippled, etc..>>

    God is good and perfect and therefore before The Fall everything He created was perfect. Since The Fall everything is corrupted in time which is where we are now. But humanity still contains its God conscience which because of The Fall some strive to overcome by making believe that God is evil.

    <<“Why did He create animals, birds and fish to eat alive their own and other species?” Answered here: Does the Presence of Natural Evil Argue Against the Existence of God? Why Natural Evil Must Exist or Natural Evil slide show>>

    Lord Jesus made plain that God is Love alone who abhors evil but all your link does is to conclude that "natural evil" described by atheists actually represents the design of an intelligent Creator.”

    <<I've seen theologians answer these type of questions all the time. Nothing new here..>>

    That is why God requires a new explanation to be understood that is intelligent to both believers and atheists.

    <<Ah, you must be mistaken.. We are an old earth creationists website. We believe that the natural laws of physics were in place before the fall.>>

    The 'natural laws' were God's Laws of Nature (not human physicists laws) which ensured that everything stayed in its place in a kaleidoscope of perfection. This was shattered at The Fall and is why natural disasters occur. I explain it all in what I was inspired to write as explained in the opening post.

    <<Please review the following articles.>>

    Humanistic arguments just go around in circles creating a calm pool of peace but God throws a figurative boulder into that pool of academic knowledge.

    <<More answers for you here…. Enjoy..>>

    Until mankind realises that God is not dead and is still capable of communing with His children in their fallen state Original Thought will always be mocked and your quotation “We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel “ will be preferred to Truth."

    <<Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8>>

    Excellent advice!! Do you not realise that God's Word is intended for you as well as everyone else?


    Re: How to reconcile Evolution with Genesis

    Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:09 pm
    by Gman
    Keith I really don't understand what you are advocating.. Have you read the links? Can you explain it better? I' believe you adhere to the YEC position.

    G -

    Re: How to reconcile Evolution with Genesis

    Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:24 am
    by Keith

    <<Keith I really don't understand what you are advocating.. Have you read the links? Can you explain it better? I' believe you adhere to the YEC position. Thanks, G ->>

    Sorry if I have not made my belief clear but here it is and why.

    Over 40 years go I was a brother of a spirit based international group called the Great White Brotherhood. As such I totally disbelieved the Christian belief that Jesus was our Creator God incarnated on earth and the only one who can save humanity and thus our creation.

    I was at the headquarters to be tested for the Inner Brotherhood when the Leader was transfigured by her spirit guide into the Satan Snake in bright artificial light with no rituals or séance type invocations being involved. This horrific experience convinced me that evil is a reality. The semi materialised snake was slowly reaching out to strike my forehead. If it had succeeded I would have been damned for eternity. Although paralyzed with fear I mentally called out to Lord Jesus to save me. I was able to do this because some months previously Lord Jesus had appeared to me in vision and twice offered to save me but the pull of the Brotherhood was too powerful and to my eternal shame I rejected Him because I couldn't give up my then lifestyle. Even so the immense shock of the realisation that Jesus was real made me physically ill and off work for two weeks. Slowly the memory faded until I was attacked by the GWB leader's spirit snake.

    I now had proof of both good and evil and the power of good to overcome evil. This was the start of a 'crucifixion' period as God pulled me one way. Satan offering power to control others and Jesus just wanting repentance before He would forgive and save me. Eventually I could stand it no more and cried out for salvation. I then spiritually died and entered the tomb where I was judged and then reborn whilst still in the body. My full experiences are recorded in my testimony PHANTOMS OF REALITY which can be accessed via my profile. Thus this is my authority for writing as I do. Most dismiss me as a drunk, a drug abuser, or a fantasist but no one can take away from me my personal experiences of both God and the Devil.

    Although I hope not what I say next might offend you and the owner of this site Rich Deem. You see, Jesus by fulfilling the Old Testament, proved that God is Love alone and is why He encapsulated the Ten Commandments into just two. Evil is sin and the Commandments are against sin.

    That is why I find it very sad that Rich can say <<Natural evil? Atheists claim that if God existed that He would not design a world that contains "natural evil." Accordingly, killer hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis represent the workings of an indifferent, indiscriminately cruel world. What atheists fail to realize is that all the "bad" things of this world are absolutely required for life to exist at all. In fact, most of this "evil" provides us with much more pleasure than pain. Rich Deem>>

    That justification of evil caused my comment <<Lord Jesus made plain that God is Love alone who abhors evil but all your link does is to conclude that "natural evil" described by atheists actually represents the design of an intelligent Creator.>>

    I am neither a New or Old Age Creationist because I believe that God gave to me a new explanation that does not deny Genesis. Of course it requires us to believe that God just IS and the created can never fully understand the Creator.

    Bearing in mind that we can only commune with God by thought and He with us, a varied approach to what I say is to consider that God creates Thought Creations within His Holy Mind and when something goes wrong (The Fall) a nightmare is caused and God is trying to rescue us from it. A scientist on TV the other day said something like the space in atoms is similar to the distance between stars and that if the atoms that compose human being were removed the whole of humanity would be condensed into a one inch cube.

    Well perhaps the space is God's Thought and the 'Black hole' created would cause another 'Big Bang'?

    I have no group of any description to promote and merely tell my story on science boards to try and expand thoughts into reasons and explanations not previously considered. Hope this explains my reasons for posting as I do.


    Re: How to reconcile Evolution with Genesis

    Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:38 am
    by touchingcloth
    Did you do a lot of acid in the 60s, Keith?

    Re: How to reconcile Evolution with Genesis

    Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:03 pm
    by ageofknowledge
    Well they say if you can remember them you didn't have that good of a time.

    Re: How to reconcile Evolution with Genesis

    Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:07 am
    by Keith
    touchingcloth wrote:Did you do a lot of acid in the 60s, Keith?

    It is very sad that you justify your disbelief in God by imagining that honest testimony is the result of being under the influence of hallucinating drugs.


    Re: How to reconcile Evolution with Genesis

    Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:10 am
    by Keith
    ageofknowledge wrote:Well they say if you can remember them you didn't have that good of a time.

    Your profile says: “I also desire to transform to be more like Christ and less like the old man and to show that in my life in the world” so do you think that Jesus would join in the mockery of one who testifies to His Saving Grace?


    Re: How to reconcile Evolution with Genesis

    Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:35 am
    by DannyM
    Keith wrote:
    ageofknowledge wrote:Well they say if you can remember them you didn't have that good of a time.

    Your profile says: “I also desire to transform to be more like Christ and less like the old man and to show that in my life in the world” so do you think that Jesus would join in the mockery of one who testifies to His Saving Grace?

    Hi Keith,

    Please don't go taking offence at the light-heartedness of others…It is not meant to be derogatory. This *is* the place to explore and search your own thoughts and the thoughts of others.

    Peace brother.
