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100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:06 pm
by ageofknowledge
Street children is a term used to refer to children who live on the streets of a city. They are basically deprived of family care and protection. Most children on the streets are between the ages of about 5 and 17 years old.

They are used for sex in Russia and have to endure those freezing winters, hunted and killed by death squads in Brazil, exploited for labor in many parts of the world, sold in India, etc...

God is NOT to blame for what God has no hand in. This is the fault of people and evil spiritual forces. God loves every one of those kids and takes them to heaven when they die if they have not reached the age of accountability or reached it and chosen not to reject Him as they understand Him.

The question always comes back to why does God allow this to continue (admittedly for a temporary period of time) given the terrible tragic results to these kids?

A lesser secondary question I have is why doesn't He empower the many poor Christians that want to make a difference in these kids lives financially but are unable to so that they can? So many are restricted to praying only and maybe sharing a tiny portion of their small income.

Are they not casualities of a universal spiritual warfare involving God, humanity, and angelic hosts?

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:01 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
ageofknowledge wrote:The question always comes back to why does God allow this to continue (admittedly for a temporary period of time) given the terrible tragic results to these kids?
Amos 4:6 is a succinct answer. Poverty and need serve to draw a person to God.

Regarding those who abuse street children, an explanation can be found in Romans 1:18-32. Pay special attention to verse 32.

Another insight came from a prisonner who told me that he wished he had been sentenced to death instead of life inprisonment. Life in jail is a long wasting away. Death is immediate and intensly frightful... which may be why many inmates on Death Row find true faith.

Ultimately, trials are gift from God and serve to find or increase faith.


Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:56 pm
by ageofknowledge
I see. So you are saying it is GOOD for the 100,000,000 street children that they are destitute, parentless, and living in the streets being exploited because it's for their own GOOD and that therefore naturally it would be better if all children were tossed into the streets so they would be drawn to God and grow spiritually.


Wow. Maybe the biggest disconnect from who Christ is I've ever seen a Christian make. No offense, but are you completely insane? Have you never heard of this model God put together to prevent just that called the family???????

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 5:24 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
ageofknowledge wrote:I see. So you are saying it is GOOD for the 100,000,000 street children that they are destitute, parentless, and living in the streets being exploited because it's for their own GOOD and that therefore naturally it would be better if all children were tossed into the streets so they would be drawn to God and grow spiritually.
You jump to many conclusions! I was only replying to your question,
ageofknowledge wrote:The question always comes back to why does God allow this to continue (admittedly for a temporary period of time) given the terrible tragic results to these kids?

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 5:58 pm
by ageofknowledge
At least you did. The rest are either too scared to touch this or just could care less imo.

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 6:42 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
ageofknowledge wrote: So you are saying it is GOOD for the 100,000,000 street children that they are destitute, parentless, and living in the streets being exploited because it's for their own GOOD and that therefore naturally it would be better if all children were tossed into the streets so they would be drawn to God and grow spiritually.
I am glad that God doesn't decide to rid the world of evil right now because most of us - and those 100 million children - would end up in Hell immediately.
ageofknowledge wrote: No offense, but are you completely insane?
As long as I keep taking my medication, the doctor says I will be just like everybody else.


Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:53 pm
by B. W.
ageofknowledge wrote:Street children is a term used to refer to children who live on the streets of a city. They are basically deprived of family care and protection. Most children on the streets are between the ages of about 5 and 17 years old.

They are used for sex in Russia and have to endure those freezing winters, hunted and killed by death squads in Brazil, exploited for labor in many parts of the world, sold in India, etc...

God is NOT to blame for what God has no hand in. This is the fault of people and evil spiritual forces. God loves every one of those kids and takes them to heaven when they die if they have not reached the age of accountability or reached it and chosen not to reject Him as they understand Him.

The question always comes back to why does God allow this to continue (admittedly for a temporary period of time) given the terrible tragic results to these kids?

A lesser secondary question I have is why doesn't He empower the many poor Christians that want to make a difference in these kids lives financially but are unable to so that they can? So many are restricted to praying only and maybe sharing a tiny portion of their small income.

Are they not casualities of a universal spiritual warfare involving God, humanity, and angelic hosts?
Well Age,

Seriously, You maybe in the process of discovering your calling, so why don't you start doing something about this? There are many Christian organizations in the field helping out and doing something. Many Christians do support these works but the need is overwhelming just the same.

So Age, if Joni can get around the world paralyzed from the neck down in a wheel chair, think of how the Lord can use you! As the old adage goes, “It only takes a spark to get a fire going” then if you are that spark, you'll ignite the world ablaze! :D

But be aware of the enemies of self pity, self loathing, bitterness, and unforgiveness as they'll just keep douse'n your spark creating a very frustrated smoldering puff of smoke.

You can do it Age!

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:13 am
by ageofknowledge
I'm a poor, sick, deformed, person who has to get infusions of Remecade every 6 weeks or I deform much quicker. God would have to heal me in order to free me to do any work that doesn't require visiting an infusion center every 6 weeks.

I sought that. He didn't. Will he? I have no idea. My camera covers the present and the past but not the future. God can hit rewind, forward, stop or just put in a new tape... lol. If not, I will slowly deteriorate most likely. I pray for Him to turn the channel all the time (I'm really really tired of this one and the program just looks to get worse from here) but I know I have to trust Him to some extent as well or the pieces just don't don't fit right. Heal me so I'm not tied to an infusion center and I can get started.

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:46 am
by jlay
This is why I support Metro ministries in New York, and Nacer ministries in Bolivia. They deal specifically with street children. Metro now reaches across the globe into Vietnam, Phillipines and now in Africa. Through one messed up man, god started this ministry that reaches over 40,000 children every week. BTW, he has been stabbed, beaten and shot in the face. He was abandoned on the street by his mother, and now look.

Nacer ministries is run by a former street person. They run orphanages for boys and girls. You can't imagine the crap they have to deal with. Amazing people. I can personally testify to what these minstries are doing on the front lines. if anyone is looking for a place to sow their money into the work of God this is the place. Two of my closest friends have been to Bolivia and spent a week at the orphanages. Another dear friend spent a month in Brooklyn training under Bill Wilson. No fakes, no fluff. These people are the real deal. God is really at work.

You are right BW. If God can use joni eareckson tada he can use anyone.
why doesn't He empower the many poor Christians that want to make a difference in these kids lives financially but are unable to so that they can?
That isn't the question. The question is why do those who are blessed with so much keep so much of it to themselves. I work in a minstry and have to do the awful task of fundraising. Trust me, there are plenty with plenty who won't cut lose of a dime.

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:34 am
by B. W.
jlay wrote:....That isn't the question. The question is why do those who are blessed with so much keep so much of it to themselves. I work in a minstry and have to do the awful task of fundraising. Trust me, there are plenty with plenty who won't cut lose of a dime.
Yep I know!

Age could possibly come in and write in News Papers - magizines - and really provoke people out of apathy ahhh - but who knows.... y:-?

Age does has the fire in his belly as the say :ewink:

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:15 am
by ageofknowledge
Hehe thank you B.W.. :oops:

If my body was healed, I would be delighted to spend my reputation and life doing exactly that. But the devil has done his work well I'm afraid and it will take a miracle to undo it if I am to pursue that.

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:51 pm
by B. W.
ageofknowledge wrote:Hehe thank you B.W.. :oops:

If my body was healed, I would be delighted to spend my reputation and life doing exactly that. But the devil has done his work well I'm afraid and it will take a miracle to undo it if I am to pursue that.

You type alot here so why not try an opinion piece in your news paper????

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:18 pm
by ageofknowledge
B. W. wrote:
ageofknowledge wrote:Hehe thank you B.W.. :oops:

If my body was healed, I would be delighted to spend my reputation and life doing exactly that. But the devil has done his work well I'm afraid and it will take a miracle to undo it if I am to pursue that.

You type alot here so why not try an opinion piece in your news paper????
Nobody listens to me here... lol. All kidding aside, I type a lot because I have nothing else to do. I'm a sick, poor, deformed drug and alcohol free loser. So I have an active mind but no one will hire me anymore and it looks like I'm on a slow downward slope to disabeled. I can't even get the local Salvation Army to let me volunteer to just pay my gas. Tragic.

But that aside, what makes you think people will listen out there B.W.? Most non-Christians are actively against us (based on their emotions, gross misinformation, and desire to sin). Most non-Christian organizations including almost all media, government organs, public indoctrination school system, etc... are actively against us. Look what they do to scientists, legislators, government employees, teachers, and pretty much anyone who tries to tell the truth when it disagrees with their hell bent ideology. The Christians themselves are either stressed out or complacent.

I mean do you really honestly think anyone is listening? They want to hear Joel Olsteen tell them everything's going to be OK. Are they ready for the things I have to tell them? Think about that before you respond. You know what my message is. Would it be like throwing a pebble into the Grand Canyon or starting a fight I can't finish?

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:33 pm
by ageofknowledge
jlay wrote:Trust me, there are plenty with plenty who won't cut lose of a dime.
I know. They are my Uncles, Aunts, and 2nd cousins. All Dutch multi-millionares who still have the first dime they ever made. They actually sit and watch me deform and tell me they don't want to hear about it when I try to talk to them about it. They become offended. They don't care about me and they don't care about those children. They are takers. They only take. Always taking. They never give. Ever. If I gave them $1 they would take it and never give anything back ever during the rest of the course of the entire lives. That's how insane it is. But they believe they owe no one nothing (including God as far as I can tell). We're all on our own and our lives our each our own to deal with. Your problems are your own no matter what they are. It's on you. They believe like Jac once stated that they are under no compulsion to give or help anyone and to force them to do so constitutes robbery and is immoral. But yet they'll take whatever you give them.

The only thing I can do is give them God because they only take and that's all I have to give. They take the God loves you and reject all the rest. They don't want to hear about God's standards or any other message than they are loved. God spoke to me once about this. He's not happy about it. But there it is and I don't see any sign that it's going to change.

Re: 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 street children in the world.

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:39 am
by jlay
I can't relate to the terrible things you are suffering now from the RA.

However, the tone of your post can not be ignored. I first sense a lot of bitterness. I certainly can understand being frustrated by your condition, and by the lack of help you have received from friends and family. However you are harboring unforgiveness. You have made that clear. I would gently encourage you to seek God's will in this, as I beleive that God is using this affliction to deal with some of your issues. Greed and unforgiveness are both sin. Both need to be repented of. And how can you honestly expect someone else to repent of their sin, when you cling to yours?