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Coming of Christ

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:52 am
by Anonymous
Hi all you scientists --

I have written some articles on the Coming of the Lord. That is the topic I would like to discuss. I was a pentacostal for 16 years and was given the Left foot of fellowship -- from that point on I found that I was investigating scriptures with no preconcieved notions. I have found some interesting things which I believe cannot be refuted using scripture. They can of course be refuted by personal opinions --- so please lets try and stick to scripture.

I am going to give the results of my studies --- If someone wishes to comment or disagree I welcome this ---

1. I believe that speaking in Tongues is speaking in parables -- based mainly on Matthew 13:13-17 amd Isaiah 28. This is clearly proveable by scriptural (if a person can accept only scripture) by a few verses.

2. I believe that the Second Coming of Christ begins upon a persons conversion and continues their entire life. This is based on Acts 3:20.

This second Coming is the beginning of the First resurrection -- based on Collosians 3:1.

There is of course a lot more -- due to the rules of the forum I will not give out the web address of the full studies -- unless asked. These are my findings in a nutshell --- I do not think they can be disproven scripturally ---- If you care to try -- let me know. I know that these are new ways of thinking -- But consider weather the old ways and doctrinal thoughts have really produced Christ like people. COuld the main doctrinal thoughts of modern Christianity be unscriptural -- I think so -- and can prove it.

Talk to you later -- I hope -- Brian

Re: Coming of Christ

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 1:50 am
by RGeeB
Post deleted

Re: Coming of Christ

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:52 pm
by hermitville101
brmicke wrote:Hi all you scientists --
1. I believe that speaking in Tongues is speaking in parables -- based mainly on Matthew 13:13-17 amd Isaiah 28. This is clearly proveable by scriptural (if a person can accept only scripture) by a few verses.

I'm so confused as to how this works. In Matthew 13 Jesus gives us a parable in the beginning of the chapter and interprets it at the end. All of it in English...well OK, Hebrew, or Greek or whatever. I thought speaking in tounges was all like random spiritual babble that people don't understand. People understood the words coming from his mouth but not what they meant, until He explained them.
brmicke wrote:
2. I believe that the Second Coming of Christ begins upon a persons conversion and continues their entire life. This is based on Acts 3:20.

This second Coming is the beginning of the First resurrection -- based on Collosians 3:1.

There is of course a lot more -- due to the rules of the forum I will not give out the web address of the full studies -- unless asked. These are my findings in a nutshell --- I do not think they can be disproven scripturally ---- If you care to try -- let me know. I know that these are new ways of thinking -- But consider weather the old ways and doctrinal thoughts have really produced Christ like people. COuld the main doctrinal thoughts of modern Christianity be unscriptural -- I think so -- and can prove it.

Talk to you later -- I hope -- Brian

I fail to understand how all this works together. So I guess I need to ask for this web address.

I do care to try, but mostly because they just confuse the mess out of me.

I don't think the problem with is not with the old ways and doctrines, but with new twists on the original. The first generation of Christians were explosive. It was after this when the Devil had time to twist and scew things that the problems began. Physics dictates that things get worse over time, and when you have a Devil working to make that happen its just going to be worse. So, some doctrinal thoughts certainly could be unscriptural, but that it because they have changed from the original. The closer to the source you get the more accurate it is. We should look to the past, not to the future for answers. We should go back to what we know did work, not try what we think might work.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:20 pm
by Mastermind
I was the impression that speaking in tongues means speaking in such a way that all people of different languages understand. So even if the apostles were speaking greek, somebody who has never heard greek in his life would hear the words in his own language.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:24 pm
by hermitville101
I was talking with someone and heard that definition also. I don't understand how that relates to talking in Parables though.