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Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:13 am
by PaulB007
I've been reading up on this lately, and a lot of people have seen other deitys, spiritual figures, ect. Some claim to see Jesus, but the things he says do not match scripture, he laughs at sin as if it's nothing, says that no religion is the correct one, ect. A lot of contradictions going on.

I think there is a good enough reason to believe some of these experiences may be genuine metaphysical experiences. A lot of people who talk about this turn around and say "see, the afterlife is a subjective reality and Christianity is false" I hear this a lot and im curious what some of you think about the subject.

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:45 am
by Canuckster1127
That's a pretty broad statement and I'm not sure which reported experiences you're speaking of. Can you be a little more specific about the sources you're refering to? Thanks.

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:19 am
by DannyM
PaulB007 wrote:I've been reading up on this lately, and a lot of people have seen other deitys, spiritual figures, ect. Some claim to see Jesus, but the things he says do not match scripture, he laughs at sin as if it's nothing, says that no religion is the correct one, ect. A lot of contradictions going on.

I think there is a good enough reason to believe some of these experiences may be genuine metaphysical experiences. A lot of people who talk about this turn around and say "see, the afterlife is a subjective reality and Christianity is false" I hear this a lot and im curious what some of you think about the subject.
First of all you really do need to be more specific.

Second, I have read many, many accounts of NDE's and have found that, whatever belief the person holds, the experience will reflect their belief. In other words, God will appear recognisible to the person going through the NDE. There has been much research into NDE's so you must be specific and give more detail. :)


Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:58 am
by PaulB007
I am at work right now but I will find some ones in particular that I can reference.

But to Danny, why would God appear in a way the person could recognize, and not his true being? Why would God conform to another person's religious belief system and not reveal the truth to them?

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:22 am
by DannyM
PaulB007 wrote:I am at work right now but I will find some ones in particular that I can reference.

But to Danny, why would God appear in a way the person could recognize, and not his true being? Why would God conform to another person's religious belief system and not reveal the truth to them?
I should clarify. From the numerous NDE's I have read about, God HIMSELF has not appeared and it has been "angels of God." Now, yes, these angels of God have appeared in a way in which conforms to the belief-system of the person going through the experience. There could be a number of reasons for this. One reason is that, if a person is in acute danger, then God would not want to unnerve the person unnecessarily by appearing as anything other than in an image which makes the person comfortable and doesn't unduly frighten them out of their wits and perhaps into further danger. I'll have to dig out some NDE books; it's a fascinating subject.

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:30 am
by B. W.
DannyM wrote:
PaulB007 wrote:I am at work right now but I will find some ones in particular that I can reference.

But to Danny, why would God appear in a way the person could recognize, and not his true being? Why would God conform to another person's religious belief system and not reveal the truth to them?
I should clarify. From the numerous NDE's I have read about, God HIMSELF has not appeared and it has been "angels of God." Now, yes, these angels of God have appeared in a way in which conforms to the belief-system of the person going through the experience. There could be a number of reasons for this. One reason is that, if a person is in acute danger, then God would not want to unnerve the person unnecessarily by appearing as anything other than in an image which makes the person comfortable and doesn't unduly frighten them out of their wits and perhaps into further danger. I'll have to dig out some NDE books; it's a fascinating subject.
I think I understand what you are trying to say but there is more that could be added here but first...

What specifically is it that you find interesting?

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:17 am
by touchingcloth
DannyM wrote:I should clarify. From the numerous NDE's I have read about, God HIMSELF has not appeared and it has been "angels of God." Now, yes, these angels of God have appeared in a way in which conforms to the belief-system of the person going through the experience. There could be a number of reasons for this. One reason is that, if a person is in acute danger, then God would not want to unnerve the person unnecessarily by appearing as anything other than in an image which makes the person comfortable and doesn't unduly frighten them out of their wits and perhaps into further danger.
Another possibility is that NDEs are a function of the mind.

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:38 am
by robyn hill
Touchingcloth, you attribute, ghosts, aliens, near death experiences, to being "all in the head" so to speak. But I am wondering, sincerely, have you had any such experiences? I only ask this because I bet it is frustrating for people who have had these experiences to hear it is only in your head from people who haven't had these experiences. I wonder if all the people who have had near death experiences are really that naieve to mistake a spiritual experience with a plausible scientific explanation? I am not trying to be argumentative here, seriously just thinking out loud. I haven't had any of these experiences either and would consider them "in your head" too if not for the sincerity from which many of these people speak. Do you think it is really possible for the mind to create such "similar" experiences in people? I know, I have heard the argument as well about the explosion of endorphins, etc. that happens at death, but how would that account for similar experiences, during near death, of seeing people from the past, God, someone telling them they have to go back. etc...

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:30 pm
by B. W.
robyn hill wrote:Touchingcloth, you attribute, ghosts, aliens, near death experiences, to being "all in the head" so to speak. But I am wondering, sincerely, have you had any such experiences? I only ask this because I bet it is frustrating for people who have had these experiences to hear it is only in your head from people who haven't had these experiences. I wonder if all the people who have had near death experiences are really that naieve to mistake a spiritual experience with a plausible scientific explanation? I am not trying to be argumentative here, seriously just thinking out loud. I haven't had any of these experiences either and would consider them "in your head" too if not for the sincerity from which many of these people speak. Do you think it is really possible for the mind to create such "similar" experiences in people? I know, I have heard the argument as well about the explosion of endorphins, etc. that happens at death, but how would that account for similar experiences, during near death, of seeing people from the past, God, someone telling them they have to go back. etc...
You lose all atheist ideology as soon as you take your last breath marveling that you still exist in another state. Soon many answers will be revealed as to why this is so as you proceed: much like awakening into a new eternal reality from the sleep of mortal life.

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:36 pm
by touchingcloth
robyn hill wrote:Touchingcloth, you attribute, ghosts, aliens, near death experiences, to being "all in the head" so to speak.
No, I don't. But it is certainly a very strong possibility, given what we know about the malleability of the mind.

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:39 pm
by Gman
touchingcloth wrote:
robyn hill wrote:Touchingcloth, you attribute, ghosts, aliens, near death experiences, to being "all in the head" so to speak.
No, I don't. But it is certainly a very strong possibility, given what we know about the malleability of the mind.
Could be both for all we know...

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:48 am
by touchingcloth
Gman wrote:
touchingcloth wrote:
robyn hill wrote:Touchingcloth, you attribute, ghosts, aliens, near death experiences, to being "all in the head" so to speak.
No, I don't. But it is certainly a very strong possibility, given what we know about the malleability of the mind.
Could be both for all we know...
Indeed it could.

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:35 pm
by chance
Some claim to see Jesus, but the things he says do not match scripture, he laughs at sin as if it's nothing, says that no religion is the correct one, ect. A lot of contradictions going on.
Some believe that Jesus died for our sins - all of us. You did not have to know him for his sacrifice to affect you. You could be Buddhist, Jewish, etc and so on during this life but when you die you have a choice to accept his gift of salvation.

God revealed himself to many other sheep in different ways, but chose the Jews to bring salvation to us. Even the gentiles in the bible, at times, gave God more respect than the Jews - and they did not know him the way they chosen ones did.

Do you remember Jesus talking about the sheep and the goats? Some here do the work of the lord, and yet they don't know him the way we say we do. They help the homeless, the sick, the downtrodden - all the while supposed 'Christians' ignore those same people. Whom do you think Jesus will find more favor with? Those who truly fed his sheep, or those who simply talked about feeding them?

Jesus lived by example - and if we ignore that example how Christian are we? To be Christian means to be 'Christ Like'. If a Buddhist feeds his sheep and you do not, who do you think he we will find more favor in?

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:57 am
by DannyM
B. W. wrote:
DannyM wrote:
PaulB007 wrote:I am at work right now but I will find some ones in particular that I can reference.

But to Danny, why would God appear in a way the person could recognize, and not his true being? Why would God conform to another person's religious belief system and not reveal the truth to them?
I should clarify. From the numerous NDE's I have read about, God HIMSELF has not appeared and it has been "angels of God." Now, yes, these angels of God have appeared in a way in which conforms to the belief-system of the person going through the experience. There could be a number of reasons for this. One reason is that, if a person is in acute danger, then God would not want to unnerve the person unnecessarily by appearing as anything other than in an image which makes the person comfortable and doesn't unduly frighten them out of their wits and perhaps into further danger. I'll have to dig out some NDE books; it's a fascinating subject.
I think I understand what you are trying to say but there is more that could be added here but first...

What specifically is it that you find interesting?
About NDEs? The heart-warming stories. I guess.

Re: Near death experiences and Christianity

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:52 pm
by jlay
Some believe that Jesus died for our sins - all of us. You did not have to know him for his sacrifice to affect you. You could be Buddhist, Jewish, etc and so on during this life but when you die you have a choice to accept his gift of salvation.
That is not consistent with the scriptures.
"And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment." Hebrews 9:27
"Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2
God revealed himself to many other sheep in different ways, but chose the Jews to bring salvation to us. Even the gentiles in the bible, at times, gave God more respect than the Jews - and they did not know him the way they chosen ones did.
John 10:16 Jesus talks about sheep of a different fold. This is not people of other religions. But people who come to Christ outside of the Jewish people. Acts and the Pauline letters show this to be prophesy to be true.