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Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:41 pm
by GodGamesGirls
I am really into Rap music, and my mom always says rappers are advocates of the devil and such and such. Recently, I found out Chamillionaire, was pretty confused on his own faith, Father being a Muslim and Mother being Christian. He writes a song about it and its pretty touching.
Check it:
Rapper's aren't advocates for the devil, except for Jay Z

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:54 pm
by B. W.
GodGamesGirls wrote:I am really into Rap music, and my mom always says rappers are advocates of the devil and such and such. Recently, I found out Chamillionaire, was pretty confused on his own faith, Father being a Muslim and Mother being Christian. He writes a song about it and its pretty touching.
Check it:
Rapper's aren't advocates for the devil, except for Jay Z
Music is music.

Music creates an emotional response and also can create consequences. Gangsta Rap is degrading - de-humanizing. So can some classical music be. Some music can be deviled inspired but in my opinion most is not.

I have listened to some Christian rap but do not like it even though some is amusing. I do not like rap simply due to the beat and rhythm being simply a hypnotic drone to me but if you like it that is okay. What does it produce in you is a question only you and God can answer. Is it degrading, robbing, stealing joy, peace from you or not.

Also, understanding political ideology of social conflict, neo-Marxism, evolutionary socialism — the goal is to undermine social cohesion by introducing musically inferior-plain awful music, and art, movies, etc in order to break down the morality of a society in order to overthrow it. So when I hear rap, see a bad movie, look at modern dada style art — my understanding see it for what it is and is doing.

Try watching the 1960 TV show — Daniel Boone for a few weeks then compare it with modern TV shows and you'll see what I mean…

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:24 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
GodGamesGirls wrote:Recently, I found out Chamillionaire, was pretty confused on his own faith, Father being a Muslim and Mother being Christian. He writes a song about it and its pretty touching.
Anyone born of a «Christian» mother and a «Muslim» father is guaranteed to be screwed up Big Time. These parents are essentially pagans of differing culture who made a baby and then proceeded to tear him up in different directions. Hopefully, the kid will turn out healed, as well as successful. (Remember: God uses weak vessels.)


Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:19 am
by jlay
I was into rap music when Grand Master Flass, Run DMC, Zulu Nation, and such were on the scene. Rap was not mainstream even in the black community at that time. Much of it was harmless, some even edifying. Rap quickly was invaded with the preverse and obscene.
Now the gangsta culture permeates the rap industry, and this stuff is pure evil. It doesn't matter if you like the rythym, melody or sound. Anything like this is pure garbage. I'm sure there are some people in rap music with decent lyrics and who don't subscribe to this mess.
Here is a good guide.
Phil 4:8
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
Think of each of those things as a filter. When water or air is purified it goes through a multistep process to screen out impurities. God has also given us a filter to screen out the pollutants that conform us to the world.

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:28 pm
by youngmatt
GodGamesGirls wrote:I am really into Rap music, and my mom always says rappers are advocates of the devil and such and such. Recently, I found out Chamillionaire, was pretty confused on his own faith, Father being a Muslim and Mother being Christian. He writes a song about it and its pretty touching.
Check it:
Rapper's aren't advocates for the devil, except for Jay Z
There's also others like Rihanna, Kanye West, Lady Gaga and Beyonce who are like Jay.

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:05 pm
by Proinsias
jlay wrote:I was into rap music when Grand Master Flass, Run DMC, Zulu Nation, and such were on the scene.
They don't make 'em like they used to. Whodini - Friends

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:37 am
by DannyM
Proinsias wrote:
jlay wrote:I was into rap music when Grand Master Flass, Run DMC, Zulu Nation, and such were on the scene.
They don't make 'em like they used to. Whodini - Friends
Forget that- it's all about Eric B and Rakim

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:43 am
by Texasmomof3
I think it depends on the type of rap. I, personally, don't like rap music, and think that most of it is bad for people, morally. I have heard of Christian rappers, however, and if they can reach people who will listen to them and possibly be brought to the Lord by drawing them in because they like that genre of music, then that's great! I happen to think that most of it is vile, like gansta rap, because so much of it is full of violence, and degrading to women, and abusive, etc. I think that there are forms that are okay, like my son's friend is really into it, an has written a song that I think is really quite beautiful. I never knew that he was such a poet, and he wrote a song about unrequited love for a girl he knew in high school. While he put it in a rap song, I still liked it because of his excellent poetry, it was quite poignant.

P.S. to B.W> : I LOVED Daniel Boone !! :ebiggrin: Fess Parker is GREAT!! They really DON'T make them like they used to!!

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:43 pm
by Imperial
GodGamesGirls wrote:I am really into Rap music, and my mom always says rappers are advocates of the devil and such and such. Recently, I found out Chamillionaire, was pretty confused on his own faith, Father being a Muslim and Mother being Christian. He writes a song about it and its pretty touching.
Check it:
Rapper's aren't advocates for the devil, except for Jay Z
Rap is a form of Poetry. Like many things, it is only as bad as the people who write it. Look up AbandonationZ on youtube for clean(er) rap than most of the other """"gangster"""" stuff out there

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:38 pm
by Dazed and Confused
jlay wrote:Now the gangsta culture permeates the rap industry, and this stuff is pure evil. It doesn't matter if you like the rythym, melody or sound. Anything like this is pure garbage. I'm sure there are some people in rap music with decent lyrics and who don't subscribe to this mess.
Snoop Dog actually use to live in my community. He coached his son's soccer team for the local league and was somewhat of a hero for doing so. The media even had him on t.v. as a good role model for kids because of what he was doing. I guess the media didn't consider lyrics like "blank blank blank blank blank blank #%*&" offensive to children. Sorry had to edit out all the offensive language. Snoop Dog tried to get his sons high school to rename their football stadium the "dog pound", of course he was going to flip the bill for the new renovations. The school board declined, the reason being self evident. Good for them.

My name is DnC and I post what I pleaze
No need to sneeze or take some Cold Ez
Just waitin for JC to come and then fall on my kneez

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 7:51 pm
by Proinsias
I found out recently that Bushwick Bill, of Ghetto Boys fame, is now rapping about living with the Lord. That's quite a change if you know any of the earlier stuff. This is one of his new tunes- Testimony Of Redemption.

He had a song out years ago Ever So Clear which was about him making his girlfriend shoot him, almost died and seen Jesus. It's one of the few raps songs I've found that people who don't like rap can appreciate, if watched with the video. The link to the video is a cleaned up version of the song but it's still got some questionable language so click with care.

The two songs make quite a story.

In my opinion he's one of the few rappers who are able to tell a story well

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:20 am
by Enginseer
I'm quite into music by the likes of Rage Against The Machine and Metallica.

Yet these songs in no way influence my opinions. I'm certainly not "f*cking goats" or actually protesting against American Government. Maybe I just like to be condescending but I don't mix emotions with musical notes..

Most rap is shallow as actual music. It's not even the real singers voice you are hearing, it's just auto-tune and a DJ making electronic sounds. Rock is the only real music that isn't completely obssesed with "relationship issues".

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:06 pm
by Proinsias
The music I listen to influences me. I think you should mix musical notes with emotion. I don't really care what 'most rap' is, there is some great rap music out there. I don't have a problem with dj's, or producers, making electronic sounds in much the same way as I don't have a problem with a guitarist making guitar sounds - the instrument, analogue or digital, does not determine my enjoyment. Daft Punk and Hendrix are masters of different machines.
Rock is the only real music that isn't completely obssesed with "relationship issues".
I'm not sure what you mean about "relationship issues". Or "real music". Both terms cover an awful lot of ground. What are the other kinds of real music we can pick from? reggae, dance, folk, classical.......etc. Are jazz and blues obsessed with relationship issues? if they are, is this a bad thing?

If the music you are listening to does not influence you, you should listen to different music.

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:03 pm
by Murray
These gangsta rappers are the same folks who wear over sized bling crosses, talk about women as property, and talk about shooting fellow humans "in da hood cuz dey got disrespected"

Re: Rappers with Faith?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 8:12 pm
by narnia4
This is a pretty old thread but since this is a very low traffic forum I can't help but comment. First I'm a huge Daniel Boone and Fess Parker fan, way before my time sure but if I had one "actor" that qualified as a role model to me it might just be Fess Parker (and to be honest I didn't even grow up with the show). Don't know why I felt I had to mention that really but I just like bringing it up...

But main point, the young pastor of a nearby church (my church had some recent affiliations with that church but a few haven't been thrilled with it) was an indie rap artist/mc for number of years and as far as I know he hasn't exactly turned his back on it. I haven't talked with him much but he's really challenged a lot of my more conservative predispositions. He's conservative theologically and politically but he doesn't try to hide his tattoos, earring, baggy pants, etc. And yet he's really a very bright mind, recently got a paper published at a pretty large conference in front of some big name guys. You don't expect rappers/pastors/Charismatics to go in that direction but people surprise you.

So how that relates to this issue in particular, I think we really have to dig deep and look past the superficial. Get out of our comfort zones as far as who we interact with. As far as what type of music we listen to, I think that's really up to what an individual in his own heart feels is right... as long as he doesn't cause a brother to stumble.