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Corey Haim "The Lost Boy"

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:05 pm
by Dazed and Confused
Early this morning actor Corey Haim passed away from a drug overdose. I felt a peculiar mix of emotions about the whole tragedy. One reason being that he was another string of child actors, from my generation, that has fallen from the grace of Hollywood into a life of obscurity, drugs and despair. It seems that child stars from the 80's onward are facing issues that were not as prevalent for child actors from preceding generations. Hollywood has continued to get progressively perverse and is now practically void of any moral standards. And it reflects in our children, in their actions, motivations, morals and their beliefs in spiritual matters. I wonder how much more so for those children that Hollywood uses to spread their values and morals in television shows and movies.

It has always bothered me when I hear that one of the child actors from my era has either been using drugs or has passed away. But the news of Corey Haim hit a little closer to home. About four months ago on a Saturday morning I took my family to "Frank and Sons", which is basically a huge warehouse were vendors come to sell collectibles and sports memorabilia on the weekend, to buy my girls some Pokemon figures. One thing about Frank and Sons is that they occasionally have a guest celebrity, maybe a wrestler or sports figure, who will be there for several hours to sign autographs for a few bucks. On the day that we went the guest celebrity was Corey Haim, as they announced over the PA system a list of his movies including the "The Lost Boys", how appropriate a title. I think I'll add that to the title of this thread.

I was curious to see him, partly because it's somewhat surreal whenever you come across an actor or celebrity. Living in Southern California you eventually run into a few of them. I know my wife was curious to see him, after all he was the "teen heartthrob" back in the day. When Corey Haim finally did arrive my wife and I were rather thrown back at his condition. Granted his physical presence was not that encouraging, reeking of cigarettes and most likely a couple of days away from his last shower. But the condition I am referring to was his spiritual condition. The man simply had an oppression upon him and it made both of us quite uncomfortable. My wife would later say that he was sad and broken. However he put up a good front being very courteous and friendly. I passed by with my youngest daughter and he immediately gave her a wave, a grin and a "hi sweetie".

While all this was going on the Holy Spirit was convicting my heart to witness to him. The Lord provided the opportunity and all He needed was a willing vessel. Unfortunately none could be found. It grieved me later that afternoon for not being a faithful servant. He was on my mind for several weeks after that day and I soon buried my regret. Until I woke up this morning and received the news of his passing, and now I think I will not forget what happened for who knows how long. The Lord had shown me the burden of this man's heart on that day and now it has become my burden to carry. The morning news gave all of twenty seconds in remembrance of Corey Haim, and I'm wondering if I'll still remember him in heaven. Causes me to want to be more diligent concerning the movement of the Holy Spirit in my life. How about you?

Re: Corey Haim "The Lost Boy"

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:50 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
I don't buy lottery tickets. Whenever the local lottery gets up into the zillions of pesos, acquaintances often are surprised that I don't partake in the collective madness of buying tickets in volume. My standard answer is «If the Lord wants me to win the lottery, He'll find a way to put the ticket into my hand.»

So, you washed up on witnessing to Corey Haim. Don't worry about Haim because if the Lord wanted him in Paradise, he's there already. You are just a tool and if you couldn't do the job with Haim, God has other tools and He would have used them.

More importantly, you failed the trial. (We all do.) Don't dwell on this. There will be other trials.
Dazed and Confused wrote: Causes me to want to be more diligent concerning the movement of the Holy Spirit in my life. How about you?
Yes. If you didn't want to be more diligent, I'd say you had a problem.


Re: Corey Haim "The Lost Boy"

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:28 pm
by Dazed and Confused
Fürstentum Liechtenstein wrote:I don't buy lottery tickets. Whenever the local lottery gets up into the zillions of pesos, acquaintances often are surprised that I don't partake in the collective madness of buying tickets in volume. My standard answer is «If the Lord wants me to win the lottery, He'll find a way to put the ticket into my hand.»

So, you washed up on witnessing to Corey Haim. Don't worry about Haim because if the Lord wanted him in Paradise, he's there already. You are just a tool and if you couldn't do the job with Haim, God has other tools and He would have used them.

More importantly, you failed the trial. (We all do.) Don't dwell on this. There will be other trials.
Dazed and Confused wrote: Causes me to want to be more diligent concerning the movement of the Holy Spirit in my life. How about you?
Yes. If you didn't want to be more diligent, I'd say you had a problem.

Thanks for the encouragement. This situation however was slightly different for me. I mean I have been uncomfortable with what the Lord has asked me to do in the past, but nothing like this has ever happened to me. And then of course the outcome was very disheartening. The only time I'm hesitant to be a witness really is when the Lord wants me to speak to family and friends, which you would think would be the opposite because you care for them. As Jesus put it so truthfully "a prophet is not without honor except in his own hometown."

Re: Corey Haim "The Lost Boy"

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:32 pm
by Gman
Dazed and Confused wrote:The Lord had shown me the burden of this man's heart on that day and now it has become my burden to carry. The morning news gave all of twenty seconds in remembrance of Corey Haim, and I'm wondering if I'll still remember him in heaven. Causes me to want to be more diligent concerning the movement of the Holy Spirit in my life. How about you?
Hi D.C.. I saw him and Sutherland up here in Santa Cruz when they filmed "The Lost Boys" back in the 80's so I guess that makes two of us... ;) Of course Corey wasn't as much into drugs back then. But he was a lost soul.. The problem with him was that the drugs clouded his judgment. He had some pretty bad issues, being a kid star in the limelight then having that all pulled away.. I don't know what it would have took to get him off his course. But I wouldn't feel too bad about it.. The main thing is that you showed him love. And to me that shows what God is all about... ;)

Re: Corey Haim "The Lost Boy"

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:38 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Dazed and Confused wrote: This situation however was slightly different for me. I mean I have been uncomfortable with what the Lord has asked me to do in the past, but nothing like this has ever happened to me. And then of course the outcome was very disheartening.
I understand that. It is one thing to have a contrite heart but if you continue to dwell on this event, you will be adding sin to your failure. Move on.
Dazed and Confused wrote: The only time I'm hesitant to be a witness really is when the Lord wants me to speak to family and friends, which you would think would be the opposite because you care for them. As Jesus put it so truthfully "a prophet is not without honor except in his own hometown."
It is the same for me. I'm no prophet though...heck! I'm even a crummy witness most of the time! ...but those times when I'm a good witness is because the Spirit is with me and he wants the job done right.

Take some weight off your back and get rid of your pride. Relax and let God handle the tough stuff.


Re: Corey Haim "The Lost Boy"

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:14 pm
by Dazed and Confused
Gman wrote:Hi D.C.. I saw him and Sutherland up here in Santa Cruz when they filmed "The Lost Boys" back in the 80's so I guess that makes two of us... ;) Of course Corey wasn't as much into drugs back then. But he was a lost soul.. The problem with him was that the drugs clouded his judgment. He had some pretty bad issues, being a kid star in the limelight then having that all pulled away.. I don't know what it would have took to get him off his course. But I wouldn't feel too bad about it.. The main thing is that you showed him love. And to me that shows what God is all about... ;)
I've been to Santa Cruz before on a trip I took along PCH and I can see why they filmed the "Lost Boys" there. It has a kind a mystic appeal to it. Anyways after I chickened out of witnessing to Corey I did a little research on him because the whole episode freak me out and I found out that he was Jewish. Then I was like "oh okay that figures" and it basically didn't help my situation, just solidified it.

Jesus said "the harvest is great, but the laborers are few" and when He said "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father", wasn't He implying the spreading of the Gospel message. Jesus states this early in the book of Matthew "From that time Jesus began to preach and say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand...And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." And then closes this thought in the beginning of the book of Acts with, "and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight."

I really wonder how much responsibility God has placed in our hands and how accountable one will be to speak the truth when called. Ha ha so sorry if I'm bringing anyone down and yes indeed God has called has to reflect the love of Christ. Ya know I have meet two people during my life that I knew were Christians before I knew they were Christians. It was the love of Christ in their lives. It's was unmistakable, Christ was inside! Now that really freaks me out. y:O2

Re: Corey Haim "The Lost Boy"

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:25 pm
by Dazed and Confused
Fürstentum Liechtenstein wrote:It is the same for me. I'm no prophet though...heck! I'm even a crummy witness most of the time! ...but those times when I'm a good witness is because the Spirit is with me and he wants the job done right.
This is so true. When I'm witnessing and really knocking them out of the park, I realize "hey" I'm not this good. It's almost like an out of body experience, I'm just watching myself, taking notes. And then there are those times when I decide to act on my own initiative and I can't even hit the ball while its sitting right in front of me on a tee. Okay FL I'll try to relax now...the Lord is in control...He knows how it all ends...I'm safe in His hands...resting in the Lord...ah feeling sleepy... :sleep:

Re: Corey Haim "The Lost Boy"

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:17 pm
by Gman
Dazed and Confused wrote:I've been to Santa Cruz before on a trip I took along PCH and I can see why they filmed the "Lost Boys" there. It has a kind a mystic appeal to it. Anyways after I chickened out of witnessing to Corey I did a little research on him because the whole episode freak me out and I found out that he was Jewish. Then I was like "oh okay that figures" and it basically didn't help my situation, just solidified it.
Really? I had no idea he was Jewish. But it appears you are right..

I'm pretty good with identifying Jews (having a little Jewish heritage myself), and I never would have guessed that...
Dazed and Confused wrote:I really wonder how much responsibility God has placed in our hands and how accountable one will be to speak the truth when called. Ha ha so sorry if I'm bringing anyone down and yes indeed God has called has to reflect the love of Christ. Ya know I have meet two people during my life that I knew were Christians before I knew they were Christians. It was the love of Christ in their lives. It's was unmistakable, Christ was inside! Now that really freaks me out. y:O2
I do wonder about this myself.. In a way fear it some. I just hope that God rates us on a curve.. ;)