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Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:54 am
by Kurieuo
I just came across something I never knew, which I thought adds an interesting point when debating abortion.
It has everything to do with the simple, undeniable reality that in the United States, abortion kills minority children at more than 3 times the rate of non-Hispanic, white children. The rate is even worse for black children. The Reverend Clenard H. Childress calls this phenomenon "black genocide", and has built a national ministry around the exposure of what he calls "the greatest deception [to] plague the black church since Lucifer himself". (
The purpose of this web site is to expose the disproportionate amount of Black babies destroyed by the abortion industry. For every two African American women that get pregnant one will choose to abort. A Black baby is 5 times more likely to be killed in the womb than a White Baby. (

Re: Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:49 am
by BavarianWheels
The wording makes it sound like extreme racism on the part of "the abortion industry" when the "industry" isn't deciding which babies get aborted and which live.

Re: Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:56 am
by B. W.
BavarianWheels wrote:.
The wording makes it sound like extreme racism on the part of "the abortion industry" when the "industry" isn't deciding which babies get aborted and which live.

Get eready for Obama Care - where the State decides who lives and who ....???

Re: Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:29 pm
by BavarianWheels
B. W. wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:The wording makes it sound like extreme racism on the part of "the abortion industry" when the "industry" isn't deciding which babies get aborted and which live.
Get eready for Obama Care - where the State decides who lives and who ....???
I understand...and Obama on the U.S. throne doesn't excite me.
Maybe I was misundetstood. What I mean is simply what is up on that website:

"The most dangerous place for an African American to be is in the womb of their African American mother."
~Rev, Clenard H Childress Jr[/quote]
...yet they make it sound like it's the industry selecting Black babies over White/Latino.

Re: Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:18 pm
by Canuckster1127
The issue is more complex than the fact that any one ethnic group is choosing to abort more often than another. If government policy or collective cultural values (i.e. prejudice or racism) are contributing toward the holding down of any particular ethnic group to where they are deciding to abort more often because of socio-economic factors and the lack of strong family structure, then appealing to individual choice in an effort to absolve society of some of the responsibility for the circumstances that make abortion an easier or a seemingly more necessary choice doesn't hold water.

If government policy or the general populace is supporting abortion on demand because it is perceived to control the costs of welfare for example as the reason or a significant part of the reason for keep abortion legal, then that is nothing more than situational ethics or utilitarian means to sacrifice those minority children on the altar of societal convenience. It's not much different than the practice in some cultures of leaving unwanted children or the eldery exposed to the elements without food so that they can die and not be a drain upon society with their upkeep when they are not able to contribute positively.

Granted it's a more indirect path from collective responsibility to the actual act, but in matters of life and death and absolute values, I don't see that as a particularly strong mitigating factor.

That's one of the reasons why I tend to cringe and fall back now from the idea of laissez faire capitalism which in effect just reflects the philosophy of survival of the fittest. When an economic system and cultural bias and prejudices disproportionally keeps particular minority groups in poverty and that results in those minority groups choosing abortion because they can't afford to keep their children, than in my opinion, there is a measure of guilt upon that society as a whole and especially those at the higher end who in effect ask the question of "Am I my brother's keeper" and imagine that they do not have the blood of innocents on their hands to the extent that there is oppression.

That may offend some. Sadly there is often a very strong disconnect between some who oppose abortion on moral grounds (which I do and believe all should) but then who don't see the connection between the economic policies they also support choosing instead to elevate selfishness to a virtue.

This is a very high level statement on my part. I'm not advocating communism or socialism. How to work it out in practicality is certainly a challenge and people of good will can disagree. There certainly is a connection between socio-economic policy and which groups benefit and which one's don't that has more of a direct impact on why abortion is chosen than many might be comfortable being confronted with in their own lives.

Re: Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:58 am
by Appolyon
Indeed it does appear to take a racial slant. How can they possibly judge this with all the inter-racial breeding, marriages, etc. It is sad hearing that any babies regardless of race are aborted.

Re: Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:40 am
by Lman19
While the "abortion industry" may not decide which babies are aborted over other, I think a careful study of the history of abortion will reveal that abortion was targeted to get rid of the socially undesirables (blacks).

Margaret Sanger stated several times that the goal of the eugenic movement was to rid the country of black children. That is why most of the Planned Parenthood locations are in predominantly black communities. Unfortunately, the system that she and her cohorts have put in place has remained for the last 50+ years and it remains that proportionately speaking, black babies are at a higher risk for abortion.

Re: Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:19 pm
by Gman
Lman19 wrote:While the "abortion industry" may not decide which babies are aborted over other, I think a careful study of the history of abortion will reveal that abortion was targeted to get rid of the socially undesirables (blacks).

Margaret Sanger stated several times that the goal of the eugenic movement was to rid the country of black children. That is why most of the Planned Parenthood locations are in predominantly black communities. Unfortunately, the system that she and her cohorts have put in place has remained for the last 50+ years and it remains that proportionately speaking, black babies are at a higher risk for abortion.
Very sad... And yet they don't seem to care.

Re: Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:14 pm
by ramunematt
So they're saying that just because black pregnant women happen to choose abortions more than any other ethnic group, that the abortion industry is racist, even though the pregnant women are the ones choosing to abort? Have they even considered the possibility that black women might get pregnant at a higher rate, whether on purpose, accident or rape, than any other ethnic group? Have they even tried looking for rational explanations for this, or are they too concerned with making abortion look evil?

Hooray for religious propaganda

Re: Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:31 am
by Kurieuo
Interesting how you always take an opposing side. As for religious, I fail to see what is so religious about believing the unborn as human beings are deserving of human rights. It seems you are the one invoking religion.

Re: Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:10 am
by Canuckster1127
ramunematt wrote:So they're saying that just because black pregnant women happen to choose abortions more than any other ethnic group, that the abortion industry is racist, even though the pregnant women are the ones choosing to abort? Have they even considered the possibility that black women might get pregnant at a higher rate, whether on purpose, accident or rape, than any other ethnic group? Have they even tried looking for rational explanations for this, or are they too concerned with making abortion look evil?

Hooray for religious propaganda
Those statistics are out there if you wish to make that case. Why not look them up and build a case for what you're saying rather than just applying contrarianism.

Propaganda is a common them both inside and outside of religious communities. Usually the hardest propaganda to identify is that which plays to our inclinations and which we want to believe. We all have our blindspots. What are yours?

Re: Black baby 5 times more likely to be aborted than white

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:33 am
by Hamilton
Canuckster1127, your argument is indeed high level, and sound- from that level. I found myself in agreement until I imagined the baser events that lead up to the abortion.

Without delving into statistical research to determine how many of these abortions were from wed/unwed mothers - the idea being wed mothers are engaging in condoned sexual intercourse, and then making a economic decision based upon her socio-econmic status as made possible by society.

I would venture to guess that the majority of abortions are to unwed mothers. This requires 3 basic decisions to occur. 1. The man decides to fornicate. 2. the woman decides to fornicate. 3. the woman decides to abort.

Regardless of their economic status, the decision to fornicate outside of wedlock is each parties own; a decision compounded by the choice not to use contraceptives, which shows even further selfishness on their part. Those decisions are the pre-cusor to decision # 3. This is not society's fault.

I agree that economic status- i.e. poor, on welfare, no job = nothing to do, certainly raises the probability of fornication (a pleasure that requires no money to engage in), and that ones economic status can be a result of a system that suppresses one ethnic group over another. However, I find it difficult to agree that society as a whole shares in a "measure of guilt" for the ensuing abortion that occurred from the initial immoral decision. Especially when that society provides avenues for that baby to be born and be taken care of by others (albeit an imperfect system and not one I would choose to be in as a child over a normal family). In the case of wed mothers, the economic decision could be to have the baby and give it up for adoption, or leave it on the church steps sunday morning. The baby will be taken care of. (I speak in terms of the U.S.)

It is my opinion that the majority of the 'economic decisions' are rationalized further by the selfish desire to not wreck ones body by being pregnant. What the percentage is, I dont know, but I would gather its higher than lower based upon the culture of physical beauty we are immersed in.

Therefore, although this society has allowed abortions, it also provides for the alternative. As all Human societies have Satan as their head, there will be evil allowed by all, and therefore the individual's decisions trump any socio-econmic circumstances that would help facilitate wrongdoing. To place the blood of innocents on the hands of all, is akin to placing the blood of the innocent victims of war on your own hands because you pay taxes. To pay tax is not a law in contradiction to God's law, and therefore is required of us as we are required to obey the laws of Caesar otherwise. That blood is upon Caesar's hands.

Yes, you are your brothers keeper, but you cannot be responsible for the decisions he makes. I dont believe "He/they made me do it" is an acceptable defense for actions.

Maybe Im being simplistic.

I will agree wholeheartedly the practicality of working it out is certainly a challenge, one I venture that is beyond Human capability, as are most things.