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Sign from God?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:35 pm
by Manipulate
So, recently I accepted Christ and was wanting to know more about rules and boundries regarding sex and going to church, so I prayed to God to enlighten me on these subjects. Later that night my friend that I haven't seen away from school in awhile called me and invited me to his church where we discussed sexuality boundries for the whole time which regarded ALL of my confusion. Do you believe that thus was help from God or a a random coincedence? Anyway I thought it was cool.

Re: Sign from God?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:02 pm
by Canuckster1127
I don't know. But it's great it worked out that way for you.

Re: Sign from God?

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:19 pm
by For_Narniaaa
I think it was from God. Reading the Bible often casts away the idea that most things are coincidences.

Re: Sign from God?

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:27 pm
by kmr
"God works in mysterious ways". It is entirely possible that it had been "set up" that way by God for your questions to be answered, although, I think, ultimately any questions you may have had would have been settled one way or another... time is such a relative and unimportant factor in the scheme of existence that when your questions were answered may not have mattered much, whether it was within a day of it's asking or a year or a decade. It could have been a sign from God. Or, maybe, God let it be settled that quickly because he knew that you would need to be able to answer those questions sometime soon in your life. I really don't know.

Re: Sign from God?

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:41 pm
by Gabrielman
Manipulate wrote:So, recently I accepted Christ and was wanting to know more about rules and boundries regarding sex and going to church, so I prayed to God to enlighten me on these subjects. Later that night my friend that I haven't seen away from school in awhile called me and invited me to his church where we discussed sexuality boundries for the whole time which regarded ALL of my confusion. Do you believe that thus was help from God or a a random coincedence? Anyway I thought it was cool.
Well it sounds like something from God. I wonder why I didn't see this thread before... oh well thanks to KMR it was brought to attention. Speaking of which, KMR, Welcome to the board! :ebiggrin: :wave: Glad to have you... well aboard! (Yeah I have been saving that) :lol: It's great to see new members! Hope to see some posts from you in the future!
God Bless!

Re: Sign from God?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:04 am
by kmr
Thanks, Gabrielman! It's good to be here!

Re: Sign from God?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:29 pm
by Gman
Manipulate wrote:So, recently I accepted Christ and was wanting to know more about rules and boundries regarding sex and going to church, so I prayed to God to enlighten me on these subjects. Later that night my friend that I haven't seen away from school in awhile called me and invited me to his church where we discussed sexuality boundries for the whole time which regarded ALL of my confusion. Do you believe that thus was help from God or a a random coincedence? Anyway I thought it was cool.
Happens to me all the time... It's not coincidence, they are signs from God. As an example, many times, as I have posted things like this forum before, I'm going through some real turbulence in my life, then out of the blue, Rich would post an answer on that subject. Very odd. It has happened numerous times on this site.