Does the Ant not have a ruler?

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Does the Ant not have a ruler?

Post by teixidoj »

I'm not a subject matter expert on Ant's, but I think that they do have a leader and live for the good of the community (It would be nice if humans did the same).

Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, you sluggard!
Consider her ways and be wise,
7 Which, having no captain,
Overseer or ruler,
8 Provides her supplies in the summer,
And gathers her food in the harvest.

I'm not sure that the above scriptures are right or wrong, but I fall back to the following scripture for things that I do not understand:

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding
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Re: Does the Ant not have a ruler?

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Proverbs are general maxims used for the purpose of illustration of principles. In this case it's an illustration of industry and persistant work to stay off poverty and lack. It's not intended to be a biology lesson beyond the intent of the main point of the proverb.
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Re: Does the Ant not have a ruler?

Post by Kurieuo »

teixidoj wrote:I'm not a subject matter expert on Ant's, but I think that they do have a leader and live for the good of the community (It would be nice if humans did the same).

Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, you sluggard!
Consider her ways and be wise,
7 Which, having no captain,
Overseer or ruler,
8 Provides her supplies in the summer,
And gathers her food in the harvest.

I'm not sure that the above scriptures are right or wrong, but I fall back to the following scripture for things that I do not understand:

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding
I don't know what Proverbs 3:5 has to do with the previous, or believing any other piece of Scripture for that matter. One can still believe in God without believing the whole entire Bible to be inerrant. It is a fool who disregards it all as untruth simply because it has important religious ties.

That said, you'd find disagreement with your thoughts on ants having a leader at Wikipedia:
The term "queen" is often deceptive, as the queen ant has very little control over the colony as a whole. She has no known authority or decision-making control; instead her sole function is to reproduce. Therefore the queen is best understood as the reproductive element of a colony rather than a leader. Once a colony is established, the worker ants meet the queen's needs such as giving her food and disposing of her waste. Because ant social structure is very complex and individual ants are relatively simple, an ant colony can be thought of as a single organism, and the individual ants as cells or limbs of the organism, as the individuals can rarely survive on their own.
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Re: Does the Ant not have a ruler?

Post by teixidoj »


Good point, but using Wikipedia as a source is a very bold move. :) I do believe in God, but I have some dissagreements when it comes to the Bible. I have been told many times that God is the author of the bible and that men only wrote what God told them to write. I don't beleive that this is the case; I beleive that the men who wrote books, letters that later where compiled into the Holy Bible; where men of God and wrote about their experiences to the best of their abilities. BTW: Does anyone know when the churches started to say that the bible is the infallible word of God?
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Re: Does the Ant not have a ruler?

Post by Kurieuo »

teixidoj wrote:Kurieuo,

Good point, but using Wikipedia as a source is a very bold move. :)
I know some have reservations, but truth can be found anywhere and noone has a corner on complete truth. So Wikipedia, while obvious secular perspectives filter through, still contains truth. For this reason, it would probably be a more trusted source of truth for the question you pose, so makes a fitting source here. ;)

In any case, even if ants had a leader, I'm not sure this would make much difference. The essentials of Christianity surround Christ. It is the truth surrounding this person that matters more than any other including Biblical inerrancy. I do not expect nor think it necessary for a non-Christian to embrace Scripture in the same way a Christian does or should do.
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Re: Does the Ant not have a ruler?

Post by zoegirl »

You can always check the resources and references at the bottom on the page to check out the original source.
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Re: Does the Ant not have a ruler?

Post by teixidoj »

Kurieuo wrote:
teixidoj wrote:Kurieuo,

Good point, but using Wikipedia as a source is a very bold move. :)
I know some have reservations, but truth can be found anywhere and noone has a corner on complete truth. So Wikipedia, while obvious secular perspectives filter through, still contains truth. For this reason, it would probably be a more trusted source of truth for the question you pose, so makes a fitting source here. ;)

In any case, even if ants had a leader, I'm not sure this would make much difference. The essentials of Christianity surround Christ. It is the truth surrounding this person that matters more than any other including Biblical inerrancy. I do not expect nor think it necessary for a non-Christian to embrace Scripture in the same way a Christian does or should do.
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