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Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:59 pm
by Imperial
I don't know anymore, there's no straight answer on the internet. Of course PETA says it does, but PETA says anything to do with animals hurts them...

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:07 pm
by cslewislover
Is this a joke? You could do some research on what nerves are.

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:14 pm
by Imperial
Oh ya totally, you can negatively respond to ALL my posts.. even non religious ones just because i'm an Atheist now :P Ur Nice

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:47 pm
by cslewislover
Imperial wrote:Oh ya totally, you can negatively respond to ALL my posts.. even non religious ones just because i'm an Atheist now :P Ur Nice
Can you answer a question? I asked if it was a joke. You could've said "no." You come here and call us all idiots and irrational, so I suspected that this may have been a post to imply what you'd already said. U r nice too. LOL.

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:45 pm
by Imperial
Actually i called Gman said name because he thinks i believe we spawned from mud.. which is ridiculous. And i posted this before the Atheist thread went up - before i called anyone irrational. And ya, like i said in quote, i don't care anymore about arguing since there's no possible way to make everyone happy. Not wanting to argue = Nice ;)

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:57 am
by B. W.
Imperial wrote:I don't know anymore, there's no straight answer on the internet. Of course PETA says it does, but PETA says anything to do with animals hurts them...

You trust PETA then?

Is that where you place your faith in - the claims of PETA?

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:12 am
by B. W.

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:00 pm
by Gman
Imperial wrote:Actually i called Gman said name because he thinks i believe we spawned from mud.. which is ridiculous. And i posted this before the Atheist thread went up - before i called anyone irrational. And ya, like i said in quote, i don't care anymore about arguing since there's no possible way to make everyone happy. Not wanting to argue = Nice ;)
You claim that atheists don't believe in God and that atheists don't believe that we evolved from inorganic matter...

Please tell me then, what are the other options??? If God didn't do it and nature didn't do it then what is left? E.T.?

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:03 pm
by Gabrielman
Then who made E.T. ? Where would that even come from?

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:30 pm
by Imperial
Ok people lets use some intelligence to figure this one out. Has it ever occured to you that you don't HAVE to believe or even involve your life in making origin theories? I really don't CARE how we're here anymore. No one can prove anything about it, it's pointless to waste time on the subject. All i see in you are people who think they know the answer to somthing unprovable, and that's fine, i DONT CARE.

^ thats what i """believe""". I highly doubt my quality of life will be weakened because i don't care about origin. Especially since im not a homosexual :P so you people blind yet discriminating people can't even get to me there.

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:14 pm
by Gman
Imperial wrote:Ok people lets use some intelligence to figure this one out. Has it ever occured to you that you don't HAVE to believe or even involve your life in making origin theories?
This is using our intelligence? Sweeping it under the carpet and pretend that origins didn't occur?
Imperial wrote:I really don't CARE how we're here anymore. No one can prove anything about it, it's pointless to waste time on the subject. All i see in you are people who think they know the answer to somthing unprovable, and that's fine, i DONT CARE.
In other words, you have to except it on faith...
Imperial wrote:^ thats what i """believe""". I highly doubt my quality of life will be weakened because i don't care about origin. Especially since im not a homosexual :P so you people blind yet discriminating people can't even get to me there.
Even if you take away origins you still have nothing... You have nada. Just a belief.. ;)

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:44 pm
by B. W.
Okay Gman, concerning origins of species - I think we have here evidence that certain ape species are NOW evolving into cage wrestlers and ultimate fighters!

Enter Link Here

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:47 pm
by Kurieuo
Imperial wrote:Ok people lets use some intelligence to figure this one out. Has it ever occured to you that you don't HAVE to believe or even involve your life in making origin theories? I really don't CARE how we're here anymore. No one can prove anything about it, it's pointless to waste time on the subject. All i see in you are people who think they know the answer to somthing unprovable, and that's fine, i DONT CARE.

^ thats what i """believe""". I highly doubt my quality of life will be weakened because i don't care about origin. Especially since im not a homosexual :P so you people blind yet discriminating people can't even get to me there.
Do you need to state everything you feel Imperial?

Re: homosexual, I'm not sure of the relevant. Why did you need to make a point about not being homosexual? It seems you've implicitly made more of a discriminatory issue out of being homosexual than any Christians here.

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:21 am
by Enginseer
It does cause them pain, yet they are of a lower conciousness than we are. Maybe they do not suffer as much as we do.

Either way, the world is not perfect and suffering will occur.

Re: Does Fishing Hurt The Fish?

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:07 pm
by B. W.
Question: Does a fish feel pain when another bigger fish eats it?