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Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:46 am
by B. W.
Quote below is from an email I received. I heard about a video that the Obama Admin wanted pulled so I wonder if this is really it. I was skeptical at first but about midway through the video, I recalled many of these news events when they happened and even heard some of these when they happened wondering why the silence from the news???

So take a look and let be skeptical but then look at the last 14 months of what Obama in emperically doing...
from Email wrote:Everything you will see and hear is based on the President in his own words. You must watch the whole thing to get the religious grasp of who he is versus his present rhetoric.

This also should give you some idea as to what it means for him to have "Rev" Jim Wallis as his "spiritual advisor" who has a pro-communist rap sheet a mile long. There's probably not too much spiritual advising going on.

It's unnerving.
Here is the Link Below:


Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:25 pm
by Gabrielman
If you are worried about it getting pulled then down load the vid. You can do that with a fire fox app. Let me see if I can dig it up. This is disturbing if it is all true...

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:53 pm
by RickD
If I'm not mistaken, President Obama claims to be Christian. I don't know any Christians that would call the koran holy. In defense of Obama, near the beginning of the video, Obama was misquoted. I don't know if any more of that video was taken out of context, but I'm suspicious.

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:18 pm
by Gman
Yes, Obama is Christian.. I wouldn't let this video change those beliefs. No more conspiracies please... ;)

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:24 am
by Canuckster1127
I watched the first part of it and wasn't interested in watching more of it. It open with comments made by Obama that attempt to make it look like he's claiming allegience with Islam. That's accomplished by starting the quote with a dangling modifier that allows the viewer to assume Obama is claiming to be one of "them" when in fact he's speaking of the national background of his being raised in Indonesia and Kenya.

I didn't watch to the part about Jim Wallis. Jim Wallis lives in the DC area here from where I am. He's a strong Christian whose politics are more from the left and focused on Social Justice. He''s recently been fairly public because of interactions he's had with Glenn Beck. I don't have much use for Glenn Beck's populism nor am I particularly enamoured with all of Wallis' political positions which at times go beyond anything I would support, but from what I've seen of both of them, I'm more inclined to respect Wallis' motivations and methods than I am Beck's.

I was a part of the culture that attacked Bill Clinton when he was President mixing religion and politics into a point of view that equated right wing politics with faith in God. I've seen that for what it is and I know what it feels and smells like when tactics are used like what is in this video. Splicing, juxtaposing and suggestion are used masterfully to lead people who already know what they want to believe to confirm that belief. That video is just another cog in the propaganda wheel that chugs on just as similar methods chug on from different perspectives as well.

Obama is not a Muslim. I don't know or think that he's a particularly strong practicing Christian either. The whole Jeremiah Wright episode demonstrated to me, not that he was particularly sympathetic to Wright's position, but rather that the Obama's were not all that present in the Church and were just attempting to give the impression that they were regular church goers, when in fact the Obamas have never really been all that regular in their church attendance habits. That in and of itself doesn't particularly bother me. It just shows me that part of the political game in the US still requires politicians to give the appearance of fervent religious faith and the whole Wright episode caught Obama in the lie in that regard.

Obama is the President of the US and before that was a Senator. International diplomacy and tact requires him to promote identification, peace and acceptance with the vast majority of the Muslim world. There's a strong vocal Islamist minority in that world that is very dangerous and represents a threat to the US. Most Muslims however, are more secular than religious fundamentalists and whatever we may think of them religiously, they represent a huge portion of the worlds population and governments and it's in the US best interests practically to be at peace with them and strengthening and encouraging them to remain a positive part of the world community. I would fully expect Obama and other US politicians to speak diplomatically and promote identification and peace where they can.

Sadly, I also expect faction of the religious right wing in our country (and they're not unique in this as the left wing has their own methods and axes to grind as well) to take everything they can to paint Presidents such as Obama (and Clinton in the past as well) as characatures of what they oppose rather than reasonably applying context and thought to what they're saying and doing, even when they fundamentally disagree with them.

It's ugly. I wouldn't worry about "Obama pulling the video" (another appeal to fear and suggestion that Obama is some politically evil entity). If there's one thing the US is about it's freedom of speech; even when that freedom is used in ugly, slick, professionally propaganda pieced such as this one.

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:26 am
by DannyM
Watched it. Can anybody confirm that Obama DID bow to a Muslim king... Thanks

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:31 pm
by Kurieuo
DannyM wrote:Watched it. Can anybody confirm that Obama DID bow to a Muslim king... Thanks
Isn't that in the video?

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:36 pm
by zoegirl
I believe that was confirmed.

While I can agree about some of the problems with the video....I do agree that he is waaayyy too sympathetic and naive about foreign affairs.

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:19 am
by The11thDr.
What do you think of the health thing ombaa did, anything like the NHS? Thats kind of been ruined in recent years, the UK gub'ment think that its a INTER-national health service...Yes thats right, people can come over from poland for free abortions. The whole system can be put under strain because of MASSIVE immigration.

Let me just say the problem is SPACE not RACE.

Anyway I watched the vid, i dont see what you are driving at...Mind if i call the origin of species "holy"? It is to some people :lol:

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:15 am
by DannyM
Kurieuo wrote:
DannyM wrote:Watched it. Can anybody confirm that Obama DID bow to a Muslim king... Thanks
Isn't that in the video?
I was just checking that was genuine. So he did bow to a Muslim king ... That is appalling I have to say. I'm now very suspicious of Obama on the strength of that alone. The mind truly boggles ...

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:20 am
by Canuckster1127
It's cultural. He bowed to the Premiere of China as well. US Presidents have not done it in the past as a show of independence. Obama is attempting to change some of the dynamics of US Foreign Policy by treating other nations with the respect accorded to equals. It's part of what he ran his election on in terms of foreign policy. Agree or disagree with that, it's not fair to attribute religious overtones to it.

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:27 am
by RickD
Canuckster1127 wrote:It's cultural. He bowed to the Premiere of China as well. US Presidents have not done it in the past as a show of independence. Obama is attempting to change some of the dynamics of US Foreign Policy by treating other nations with the respect accorded to equals. It's part of what he ran his election on in terms of foreign policy. Agree or disagree with that, it's not fair to attribute religious overtones to it.
When Pres. Bush the 2nd was pres., he was in Japan(I believe). He bowed in a Shinto temple. I don't believe the religious overtones can't be removed from that.

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:30 am
by RickD
Canuckster1127 wrote:It's cultural. He bowed to the Premiere of China as well. US Presidents have not done it in the past as a show of independence. Obama is attempting to change some of the dynamics of US Foreign Policy by treating other nations with the respect accorded to equals. It's part of what he ran his election on in terms of foreign policy. Agree or disagree with that, it's not fair to attribute religious overtones to it.
What about Obama calling the Koran "holy" many times. Is that acceptable.

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:33 am
by DannyM
This was no simple bow of the head. He was almost on his goddamn knees. I'm afraid the implications of this at least in Muslim eyes is that we have the top man of a top Christian nation bowing to the level of this Muslim king's midrif. I'm afraid this looks completely horrendous if you are Christian and proud and know that the Muslim faith is a sham.

Re: Watch this "Obama" video before it is pulled..."

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:47 am
by RickD
DannyM wrote:This was no simple bow of the head. He was almost on his goddamn knees. I'm afraid the implications of this at least in Muslim eyes is that we have the top man of a top Christian nation bowing to the level of this Muslim king's midrif. I'm afraid this looks completely horrendous if you are Christian and proud and know that the Muslim faith is a sham.
Danny, I agree with you on this. Obama's record with Israel, and this, are not good signs. :shakehead: