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Daily Blessings!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:24 pm
by Gabrielman
Okay so I am moved to start a thread about daily blessings in your life, because I was very blessed today and God moved in my heart to do this. Let me start from the beginning...

For the last few days I have been really just struggling with life in general, I felt down and depressed and even trapped. I was letting my ulcerative colitis get me down and not having everything in order and things were just swarming in my head. I prayed to God that He would speak to me through someone else so I could have some hope and faith and I prayed He would make me strong enough to deal with all my issues going on. Well I had forgotten about that until tonight. It was nearing the end of my shift at work when a man called out to me (I work outside at a store... that is all I am going to say, lol) it was a homeless man who had been sitting behind a giant potted plant. He began to talk about how he used to do drugs and drink a lot and he started to say how he didn't anymore. He said that God had saved him from all of that and how tonight he had been listening to the fish (a local Christian station) and praying in the name of Jesus over and over again. As he was saying this he reminded me of what God said that He would take care of us, and then he began to tell me about how his prayers were answered when some one brought him a dollar and a pizza crust from a pizza they had eaten. But that wasn't the end of the story, he gladly (and graciously) accepted the gift and the people walked away and he thought that was that. Well the next thing he knows here they come out of the store with some things they had bought him. They got him a sleeping bag and food and drinks (and much to his surprise some beer too, lol which he really didn't know what to do with and he wondered if I wanted it, lol no... can't stand the stuff, my stomach and all) anyway.... so he is telling me all of this, and he starts talking about how God did that so that He could work though him to talk to me. So God actually, through someone I have never met before, answered my prayers! :D Not only that, but right before I met this person (but after my lunch) I started to feel really good, like before lunch I was very tired, and just out of it, and then He put my heart at ease and made me feel very energetic for hours on end! My co-worker was amazed at how healthy I seemed after being out for a week!

So please read this and tell us your blessing everyday, let us all encourage each other, no blessing is too small for they are all from a God who is oh so Big!
:amen: God Bless!!!!
My greatest blessing is you Vicki! ;) :heart: y@};-

Re: Daily Blessings!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:35 pm
by cslewislover
That is just awesome beyond words - only God can do things like that! I'm so glad God spoke to you! I think it's interesting that I felt like getting up to date and doing the bible study more, too, while this was going on with you (I read a lot more than I posted there). You and Zak are my biggest blessings, period. y>:D< :heart: :yes:

Re: Daily Blessings!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 11:15 am
by ChrisB
This doe'snt really count for today but I was baptized yesterday at my church! :ebiggrin:

Re: Daily Blessings!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:19 pm
by Gabrielman
Samuel wrote:This doesn't really count for today but I was baptized yesterday at my church! :ebiggrin:
Awesome!!!!! That is wonderful! Every little blessing helps, and encourages each of us. I try to see every little good thing that God does for me each day, and not take each little blessing for granted. Being baptized is a wonderful thing! Congratulations! :amen:

Re: Daily Blessings!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:22 pm
by Gabrielman
cslewislover wrote:That is just awesome beyond words - only God can do things like that! I'm so glad God spoke to you! I think it's interesting that I felt like getting up to date and doing the bible study more, too, while this was going on with you (I read a lot more than I posted there). You and Zak are my biggest blessings, period. y>:D< :heart: :yes:
It is indeed awesome how God works every day to keep us going strong, some times more so than other days! I have been so blessed in my life, and no matter what happens, you will always be my biggest blessing my love! :heart: V+N 4Ever! y@};-

Re: Daily Blessings!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:00 pm
by ChrisB
Gabrielman wrote:
Samuel wrote:This doesn't really count for today but I was baptized yesterday at my church! :ebiggrin:
Awesome!!!!! That is wonderful! Every little blessing helps, and encourages each of us. I try to see every little good thing that God does for me each day, and not take each little blessing for granted. Being baptized is a wonderful thing! Congratulations! :amen:
Thanks! :)

Re: Daily Blessings!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:01 pm
by Gabrielman
So folks, any encouraging things going on in your lives? Come on now, don't be shy! :ebiggrin: