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Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 12:37 am
by turkey
My family is against abortion and i am considering getting one what to do? I am planning on making an appointment for an abortion but my family is against abortion. I was going to get the abortion and tell my family i had a miscourage. However, my sister is a sergical tech and is very familiar with hospitals and the things that go on and being she knows so much pertaining to medical things i think she will know i got an abortion.
[Links added later by OP were removed by Mod. So was this post all false? That's disturbing.]

Re: abortion

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 4:17 am
by zoegirl
Check out the crisis pregnancy centers in your areas! I can help you find one if you pm me with your area. These are centers that will help you plan through and guide you and help you with supplies.

Re: abortion

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 7:18 am
by Byblos
turkey wrote:My family is against abortion and i am considering getting one what to do? I am planning on making an appointment for an abortion but my family is against abortion. I was going to get the abortion and tell my family i had a miscourage. However, my sister is a sergical tech and is very familiar with hospitals and the things that go on and being she knows so much pertaining to medical things i think she will know i got an abortion.
I will pray for you and your baby y[-o< . Please, please try to consider other alternatives.

Re: abortion

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 3:02 am
by Telstra Robs
Please do not go through with this. God has given you a great gift. You can give the child up for adoption when it's born, you can put him/her into foster care, but please, please do not kill this child. It will be something you will have to live with for the rest of your life. Killing the child would be such a waste.

Re: abortion

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:16 pm
by Kurieuo
turkey wrote:My family is against abortion and i am considering getting one what to do? I am planning on making an appointment for an abortion but my family is against abortion. I was going to get the abortion and tell my family i had a miscourage. However, my sister is a sergical tech and is very familiar with hospitals and the things that go on and being she knows so much pertaining to medical things i think she will know i got an abortion.
I recommend you first research on why there is controversy surrounding abortion. The issue surrounds the status of the unborn. If it is a human being then it is entitled to intrinsic human rights including the right to life.

A good resource I recommend on the side of your family is For ease, I have provided below a quick video they created (contains graphic images of fetus). I recommend viewing it before finalising your decision, and even researching more about this issue at their website.


Re: abortion

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:58 pm
by DannyM
Kurieuo wrote:
turkey wrote:My family is against abortion and i am considering getting one what to do? I am planning on making an appointment for an abortion but my family is against abortion. I was going to get the abortion and tell my family i had a miscourage. However, my sister is a sergical tech and is very familiar with hospitals and the things that go on and being she knows so much pertaining to medical things i think she will know i got an abortion.
I recommend you first research on why there is controversy surrounding abortion. The issue surrounds the status of the unborn. If it is a human being then it is entitled to intrinsic human rights including the right to life.

A good resource I recommend on the side of your family is For ease, I have provided below a quick video they created (contains graphic images of fetus). I recommend viewing it before finalising your decision, and even researching more about this issue at their website.

Wow. Just wow.

Re: abortion

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:22 am
by kmr
Look... from the moment an egg is fertilized, a baby is alive. It grows and multiplies its cells from within the womb of the mother, and is NOT part of the mother's body. The baby gets nourishment and shelter from the mother, and that is it. Such is true even after the baby is born, usually he or she is cared for by their parents while they continue to grow!

Why would anybody EVER argue that the baby is not alive? :( Why? It is growing on its own from the start, even inside the womb. You may here the arguement that the baby is not fully developed yet. Well, that is true... human children are not fully developed until they reach their thirties! You may say that the baby is inside the mother, so it is her body. But the baby is growing on its own! So what, it gets food from its mother? y:O2 Of course! It gets food from its mother when it is born, whether from breastfeeding or feeding "real" food! What is the significance of the baby exiting the womb? At birth the baby is no more developed than when it was just in the womb, from these ridiculous post-modern beliefs you may as well throw the baby away when they're two years old! :x What is the difference?

My advice: do NOT get an abortion. Your child has the right to live their life! He or she is just as alive in your womb as out, and if you really can't keep them, put them up for adoption! Anybody who holds on to the beliefs that abortion is okay doesn't do so because it is scientifically proven that babies aren't babies until they are born... it isn't because religion says so... it is because they want to believe it because they want to make it "politically correct". :shakehead: Why would anybody believe such a repulsive thing? Some of these people fight against animal testing because they don't want to hurt the "precious animals", and I agree, but shouldn't we fight the killing of living human organisms first?