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Could we be in a three dimensional world?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:25 am
by jezzer
I was watching something on tv and they were saying we could be in a three dimensional but our eyes can only see two dimensional,Now if this could be right then some things add up,like the programes on tv like most haunted i know that ghosts are not real because jeasus has said in so many words,But its still kind of the same thing as its the dark side thats trying to make us think there is ghosts,Ill get to the point when you watch these programes you might hear knocking tapping and it sounds like its in the air so if we were in a three dimensional world the sounds could be infact be in the same area,Errr do you get what i mean?

Re: Could we be in a three dimensional world?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:08 am
by A Y323
I'm afraid I don't really understand what you mean... but to answer the question in the title: length, width, height, and time - I count 4 dimensions. Or do you mean something else by "dimensions"?

Re: Could we be in a three dimensional world?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:11 am
by RickD
I think jezzer may be referring to the spiritual realm.

Re: Could we be in a three dimensional world?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 1:08 pm
by jezzer
Yes im talking about the spiritual realm,What i understood from the programe was our universe could well have another part that we just cant see which would be the spiritual realm.

If knowone has any answers is there any websites i can read up on this?

Re: Could we be in a three dimensional world?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:39 pm
by Canuckster1127
Sounds like the theme from the book Flatland by Edwin Abbott.

Re: Could we be in a three dimensional world?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:05 pm
by Gman
How about a 10 or 11 dimensional world?

"An intriguing feature of string theory is that it involves the prediction of extra dimensions. The number of dimensions is not fixed by any consistency criterion, but flat spacetime solutions do exist in the so-called "critical dimension". Cosmological solutions exist in a wider variety of dimensionalities, and these different dimensions—more precisely different values of the "effective central charge", a count of degrees of freedom which reduces to dimensionality in weakly curved regimes—are related by dynamical transitions.[15]

One such theory is the 11-dimensional M-theory, which requires spacetime to have eleven dimensions,[2] as opposed to the usual three spatial dimensions and the fourth dimension of time. The original string theories from the 1980s describe special cases of M-theory where the eleventh dimension is a very small circle or a line, and if these formulations are considered as fundamental, then string theory requires ten dimensions. But the theory also describes universes like ours, with four observable spacetime dimensions, as well as universes with up to 10 flat space dimensions, and also cases where the position in some of the dimensions is not described by a real number, but by a completely different type of mathematical quantity. So the notion of spacetime dimension is not fixed in string theory: it is best thought of as different in different circumstances."


This video should shed some light on it too.. Hyperspace and Dimensions - Missler

Re: Could we be in a three dimensional world?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:31 pm
by RickD
I could be way off on this, but I think the op is talkingabout demons posing as ghosts to deceive us. The spiritual realm is different than the physical realm. I think that's what his question is about.

Re: Could we be in a three dimensional world?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:59 pm
by jezzer
RickD yes you are right that is what im trying to ask about :esmile:

Re: Could we be in a three dimensional world?

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 4:56 pm
by dayage

Go to and check out their podcasts. There is one called "I Didn't Know That." On the 3/25/10 and the 5/11/10 podcasts they talk about these types of issues.

One thing I would say is that God exists in some "realm" that is independent of our universe. He existsed before He created it. The angels live(ed) with him in this realm, but the Bible makes it clear that they are able to interact within our universe. An unseen angel interacted with a donkey and caused it to disobey Balaam (Numbers 22:21-34). Saul was confronted by Jesus, but he could not see Him. Even the men with Saul heard the voice, but did not understand (Acts 9:3-7, 22:7-9).

Many hold that UFOs and ghosts are examples of fallen angels deceiving man. Dr. Ross has a book called Lights In The Sky and Little Green Men.

Re: Could we be in a three dimensional world?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 10:45 am
by jezzer
Thanks,I think i remember the people talked about the nostics and how they thought the world was 3D so heaven was around us but we just cant see it ,And now years on people are starting to think that we could be in a 3d world but our eyes can only see 2d.