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Neanderthal genome reveals interbreeding with humans

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:33 am
by Gman
I found this article to be interesting.. But not surprising.

How closely are Neanderthals related to us?

"They are so closely related that some researchers group them and us as a single species. "I would see them as a form of humans that are bit more different than humans are today, but not much," says Svante Pääbo, a palaeogeneticist at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany, whose team sequenced the Neanderthal genome.

The common ancestor of humans and Neanderthals lived in Africa around half a million years ago. After that, the ancestors of Neanderthals moved north and eventually made it to Europe and Asia. Our ancestors, meanwhile, stuck around Africa until about 100,000 years ago before eventually conquering the globe. Neanderthals died out around 28,000 years ago."

What did they find?

"Any human whose ancestral group developed outside Africa has a little Neanderthal in them — between 1 and 4 per cent of their genome, Pääbo's team estimates. In other words, humans and Neanderthals had sex and had hybrid offspring. A small amount of that genetic mingling survives in "non-Africans" today: Neanderthals didn't live in Africa, which is why sub-Saharan African populations have no trace of Neanderthal DNA."

Source: ... tml?page=1

Re: Neanderthal genome reveals interbreeding with humans

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:13 pm
by WConn
If you had ever met my dad you would have known immediately that neanderthals interbred with humans.

Re: Neanderthal genome reveals interbreeding with humans

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:38 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
WConn wrote:If you had ever met my dad you would have known immediately that neanderthals interbred with humans.
uh...would it be uncouth on my part to repeat the common aphorism that «the apple doesn't fall far from the tree»?

FL y:o)