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What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:13 pm
by sinnerbybirth
Maybe a stupid question. I've just wondered about this scripture on child like faith. ( Mark 10: 13-15 ). New to this forum. Thanks for reading.

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:04 pm
by DannyM
sinnerbybirth wrote:Maybe a stupid question. I've just wondered about this scripture on child like faith. ( Mark 10: 13-15 ). New to this forum. Thanks for reading.
Hello and welcome :)

"People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” "

I'm of the opinion that Jesus is talking about the child's heart being pure and free of corruption. He is saying that anyone who does not free themselves of corruption, and become as like a child, free from corrupt thoughts, free from a corrupt heart, will not enter the kingdom.

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:56 pm
by B. W.
To add to what DannyM wrote:

Child like faith is the kind of trust that a child has with his/her parents. The child knows his / her own parents and that they will be there for nurture, fostering, learning, etc, and thus the child depends on the parents to learn how to grow and mature. Think of the best parents in the world and you should gain insight. Unfortunately, in our system - parental love is often stolen away so we miss the import of what Jesus is saying about child like faith. Jesus reveals our Heavenly Father to us and he is called Abba - Daddy for a reason!

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 12:59 am
by DannyM
B.W. is absolutely right to mention the trust that a child has, and this, too, is surely what Jesus is saying.

Thanks B.W.

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 11:12 am
by sinnerbybirth
Thank You all for your take on this subject. This is how I see it as well. I guess what I'm getting at is this, I have read some really good tennis matches lately in this forum (back and forth with scriptural interpritaion). The Chruch (body) seems to be becoming more divided on issues, both large and small. Denominational barriers is something I'm seeing a lot more of. I'm wondering when should we, (the body) have more child like faith? Again, Thank You for the welcoming and GOD Bless!

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 11:51 am
by DannyM
sinnerbybirth wrote:Thank You all for your take on this subject. This is how I see it as well. I guess what I'm getting at is this, I have read some really good tennis matches lately in this forum (back and forth with scriptural interpritaion). The Chruch (body) seems to be becoming more divided on issues, both large and small. Denominational barriers is something I'm seeing a lot more of. I'm wondering when should we, (the body) have more child like faith? Again, Thank You for the welcoming and GOD Bless!
Hi sinnerbybirth,

It's funny, but I see the denominational barrier becoming less and less of an issue. I'm a Prod, and a proud Prod at that, but I have realised that the 'issues' between [for example] Prodestants and Catholics are ultimately non salvation issues. I was once into active sectarianism - what a fool I was, but have come to realise that we are all Christians and that the 'disputes' are, when all is said and done, irrelevant. We all believe in the fundamentals!

Please, if I have misunderstood you, put me straight on what it is you are truly getting it...

God bless

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 2:17 pm
by sinnerbybirth
Hey Danny,

Thanks for the reply.

Let me start first, by saying, I believe anyone who calls on, and except the Lord Jesus Crist as there savior is my brother or sister in Chist, regardless of denomination.

Just a little info about myself. I live here in the Bible Belt of America. I own a retail store and have been blessed with christian customers of all walks of christian faiths. I used to be bent on a certain style of denomination for my own. I won't mention it at this time. (southern baptist) Sorry, it slipped out. :) Nothing against my Baptist brothers and sisters. But, I'm not so entrenched with just that teaching as "the end all be all" anymore.

I'm not trying to be hipicritical, but, I have customers/friends who stand there ground on their denominational foundations. Sometimes to the point of dividing of the body. Most replies are nothing more than denominational teachings. Sometimes, throwing stones at other brothers/sisters for not adopting a certain set of values.

I get frustrated will all the sifting I do, just to seek truth. This is why I posted the question on child like faith.

IMO, All denominations claim to have the answers, but differ in some way or another. eg. Water to wine - once saved always saved - soul sleep - pre, mid, post, no trib - gifts of the spirit - seven days vs 7,000 yrs....just to name a few. (please, no debates on these issues)

Maybe I'm chasing to many Wabbits.

I joke a little about the millennial reign......I think its going to take Christ 1,000 years to set us all straight. :ebiggrin:

Thanks for reading and GOD BLESS!!!!

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 3:54 pm
by jlay
I'm of the opinion that Jesus is talking about the child's heart being pure and free of corruption. He is saying that anyone who does not free themselves of corruption, and become as like a child, free from corrupt thoughts, free from a corrupt heart, will not enter the kingdom.
My 2 cents worth. The gospel is not that we free ourselves from corruption. That is self-sanctification.
I have worked in children's ministry for nine years, and anyone thinks children are free from corrupt thoughts and hearts then you are either not a parent, or have forgotten the sins of your youth.

Christ dies for us while we were corrupt of heart. He doesn't ask us to get our lives together (free of corruption) and then come to Him. He ask us to trust Him, as a child trusts. Not childish, but child like.

There are no baptists in heaven.
Just as there will be no Methodists, Catholics, etc. etc. Just believers.
I've been in the SBC for many years, and for the most part I am finding very little denominational lines drawn in the sand these days from the Southern Baptists.

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:59 am
by DannyM
jlay wrote:
I'm of the opinion that Jesus is talking about the child's heart being pure and free of corruption. He is saying that anyone who does not free themselves of corruption, and become as like a child, free from corrupt thoughts, free from a corrupt heart, will not enter the kingdom.
My 2 cents worth. The gospel is not that we free ourselves from corruption. That is self-sanctification.
I have worked in children's ministry for nine years, and anyone thinks children are free from corrupt thoughts and hearts then you are either not a parent, or have forgotten the sins of your youth.

Christ dies for us while we were corrupt of heart. He doesn't ask us to get our lives together (free of corruption) and then come to Him. He ask us to trust Him, as a child trusts. Not childish, but child like.
Jlay, thank you for the correction. I tihnk I was ultimately trying to get at yours and B.W.'s point about trust. But I still feel that this trust is indeed free from any corruption of the heart. I may have been 'off' with the bit about "corrupt thoughts", but I feel the heart of a child is free of corruption. The trust of a child, and innocence of his or her heart is surely meant here in this verse...?

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:38 am
by DannyM
sinnerbybirth wrote:Hey Danny,

Thanks for the reply.

No problemo ;)
sinnerbybirth wrote:Let me start first, by saying, I believe anyone who calls on, and except the Lord Jesus Crist as there savior is my brother or sister in Chist, regardless of denomination.

Absolutely correct!!
sinnerbybirth wrote:Just a little info about myself. I live here in the Bible Belt of America. I own a retail store and have been blessed with christian customers of all walks of christian faiths. I used to be bent on a certain style of denomination for my own. I won't mention it at this time. (southern baptist) Sorry, it slipped out. :) Nothing against my Baptist brothers and sisters. But, I'm not so entrenched with just that teaching as "the end all be all" anymore.
I agree. For the puposes of debate and discussion with fellow Christians, I will debate, for example, the Catholic doctrine of Transubstantiation, but am sure that there are no salvational issues at hand between Protestants and Catholics. I believe that particular doctrine to be skewed and entirely wrong, but hey, at the end of the day we are Christian brothers and sisters...and amen to that!!
sinnerbybirth wrote:Maybe I'm chasing to many Wabbits.
Should I call you Elmo...? :)

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:39 am
by DannyM
Or was it Elma? y:-?

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 6:53 am
by A Y323
The childlike faith/trust idea is good and I have no problems with it, but I'm not so sure that's how the people of that time would have understood it. Children are basically just a drain of resources. They have to be fed and taken care of, and for quite a while they are too young to work to help get back all the resources they use up. They are wholly dependent on their parents and can't give anything back, except love. I think that's what Jesus was saying. He wants us to realize that we have nothing to offer God except our love, and He wants us to be wholly dependent on Him. That's how I take it anyway, just thought I'd share.

DannyM wrote:Or was it Elma? y:-?
I think what you're trying to think of is Elmer Fudd. "Wascally wabbit!" :lol:

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:54 am
by DannyM
A Y323 wrote:
DannyM wrote:Or was it Elma? y:-?
I think what you're trying to think of is Elmer Fudd. "Wascally wabbit!" :lol:
Yeah that's it! :lol:

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:52 am
by sinnerbybirth

Thanks again,

The advise in this thread is starting to remind me of something I read in a Rick Warren Book ( I think its his book ). If the only thing I focus on is the differences then that's what I'll find.............Hmmmmm y:-? y*-:)

Sometimes, I find it easier to differ/debate an issue with a fellow Christian than I do with a non-Christian. :(

I guess there isn't always an answer to everything in the BIBLE. Interpritation can still be messy at times, atleast for me.

Awsome Forum!!!!!
Awsome Advise!!!!

Thanks Again to all

Re: What is Child Like Faith? Mark 10: 13-15

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:51 pm
by DannyM
A Y323 wrote:The childlike faith/trust idea is good and I have no problems with it, but I'm not so sure that's how the people of that time would have understood it. Children are basically just a drain of resources. They have to be fed and taken care of, and for quite a while they are too young to work to help get back all the resources they use up. They are wholly dependent on their parents and can't give anything back, except love. I think that's what Jesus was saying. He wants us to realize that we have nothing to offer God except our love, and He wants us to be wholly dependent on Him. That's how I take it anyway, just thought I'd share.
Y323, I've just read this again, and it's a great point! Food for thought there fore sure...Nice thoughts.