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How church leaders miss interpret “Fornication”

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:17 pm
by FredFlanders
Early translators of the Bible used the English word “Fornication” incorrectly. The English meaning is 'sex outside of marriage' but the Biblical meaning is 'unlawful sex'. You need to read what God declared as unlawful sex.

So when the NT refers to “fornication” it is referring to either man with man, woman with woman, man or woman with beast, prostitution, sex with no intention of marriage, relationship with an unbeliever, incest and idolatry and not someone who may have slept with their lifelong partner before a marriage certificate.

Latter translations of the Bible use the words “sexual immorality” or such instead of the word “Fornication”.

” The word “fornication” comes from the word “porneia” which was a district where the heather visited prostitutes thus the term “flee fornication” or “flee porneia” as we read in 1Cor 6 v 18. Two Christian people who have slept together are not prostitutes unless they have slept with another party before. The Bible direction is for them to get married.

The Word of God never used the Word “fornication” against anyone unless one of the engaged couple was not faithful and had a sexual encounter with another party. There was no penalty for a couple who had sex before a wedding ceremony however they needed to marry.

Exodus 22v 16 If any man entice a maid that is not betrothed and lie with her he shall surely endow her to be his wife.

Deut22 v 28-29 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her and lie with her and they be found. Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsels father fifty shekels of silver and he shall be his wife because he has humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.

Some laws of God were just common sense transactions which was not counted as evil, fornication or had a penalty as we read in Ex 22v 16 and Deut 22v 28-29. Some however were evil, was fornication and had a penalty such as Deut 22v 23-24.

Here is an act of fornication which was called evil and had the penalty of death.

Deut22 v 23-24. If a damsel that is a virgin and be betrothed (engaged) to an husband, and a man find her in the city and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them out unto the gate of the city and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel because she cried not being in the city and the man because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife, so thou shalt put away this evil from you.

The Jewish culture has a better understanding about fulfilling a marriage than do many Christians allowing their children to marry if necessary once they have completed their Bar Mitzvah or Bit Mitzvah regardless of Government laws. (however when they are of legal age the couple register their marriage with the Government)


Re: How church leaders miss interpret “Fornication”

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:16 pm
by Patricia
But surely you are not saying that Christians should engage in sex before marriage? I would think that the best course of action for Christians is to avoid sexual activity until after marriage -- period. Although sex between individuals who plan to get married may not technically be fornication, in my opinion, it is still wrong. And who's to say that engaged people may not decide to break off their relationship before getting married anyways?

Re: How church leaders miss interpret “Fornication”

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:39 pm
by Kristoffer
Patricia wrote:Although sex between individuals who plan to get married may not technically be fornication
Well if they follow through with it, then of course not. In heart they would of been married already. You don't need laws telling or helping you to love. Although after[in the eyes of the law']marriage it really should be taken seriously, it IS a bond for life.

Re: How church leaders miss interpret “Fornication”

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:49 pm
by CeT-To
Kristoffer wrote:
Patricia wrote:Although sex between individuals who plan to get married may not technically be fornication
Well if they follow through with it, then of course not. In heart they would of been married already. You don't need laws telling or helping you to love. Although after[in the eyes of the law']marriage it really should be taken seriously, it IS a bond for life.
Agreed! :P

Re: How church leaders miss interpret “Fornication”

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:49 am
by Kristoffer
You shouldn't agree with me! :ewink:

It says in the bible the fool hath said in his heart, there is no god, hey well why are you agreeing with a fool? :lol:

Re: How church leaders miss interpret “Fornication”

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:31 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Kristoffer wrote:It says in the bible the fool hath said in his heart, there is no god, hey well why are you agreeing with a fool? You shouldn't agree with me! :ewink:

It says in the bible the fool hath said in his heart, there is no god, hey well why are you agreeing with a fool? :lol:
You are correct in that you are a tok but even someone such as you has to be commended for something smart like this:
Kristoffer wrote:
Patricia wrote:Although sex between individuals who plan to get married may not technically be fornication
Well if they follow through with it, then of course not. In heart they would of been married already. You don't need laws telling or helping you to love. Although after[in the eyes of the law']marriage it really should be taken seriously, it IS a bond for life.
FL :clap:

Re: How church leaders miss interpret “Fornication”

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:37 pm
by cslewislover
Yes, it's pretty shocking in this very promiscuous age to hear someone say that (outside of a devout religious circle).

Re: How church leaders miss interpret “Fornication”

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:27 pm
by Kristoffer
Well I feel that Evolutionarily, that is the way human beings should procreate. My reason may be different, but the outcome is the same. Many Athiests try to find "true" love, they aren't really the horrible monsters that they can be imagined as. So yea, there are a Few Athiestic People who let the side down, but as a whole I would not call them all evil. Its not really evil to be wrong if you consider that there is a chance for you to be wrong, like I keep saying Certainty is not a great thing. A little bit of doubt can go a Long way, Doubting what yourselves believe that is. :lol:

I do not have to doubt Christianity to be one, i have to doubt the alternatives. But even if Kristus decided i was his, still doubt would be a friend of mine, life without certainty helps to enhance the dull mendacity of life.

Which can get dull in the countryside, while having a summer break from work. Maybe I should use my holiday time a bit more wisely instead of maintaining my weird work hours sleeping pattern(its funny hours trust me) I could always accept the ringing that wakes me up on Sundays (church bells) I have only been in their once, but it is a beautiful building. The people are kind and gentle in my village I live in, in the city its more rushy and not so kind(cool, not Really bad though.)

Its kind of different to my ol' Apartment let me tell you that, I actually have a garden instead of a yard! :P (only one flowering plant atm!) Kind of fortunate that I can live in such a great place hah! But anyway, the problem isn't that we are bad people, we just do not know that there is an alternative that makes sense. (although where i live instead of the 85% secular it is more like 15%! strange! :D )

Bye. :wave: