DannyM wrote:
I asked a question - you didn't answer it. Do you or did Hitler know what the children who died under the Jackboot would have grown into?
I also think you are confusing yourself by linking prior knowledge with a negation of free will. This is common so you're not alone.
I'm sure he thought he did. I am sure i don't.
And, i think you are failing to link prior knowlede with a negation of free will
(this is common so you're not alone)
Genesis 5-8
5 The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them." 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.
This is a very clear account, but definitly not the only one, god was mad on many occasions, it would be kind of impossible (and without even starting to think that something so perfect would get mad because of our poor actions), or a bit nuts to get mad for something you knew that was gonna happen, before the time even began (as a matter of fact, even better, to get mad at something you created and had definitive knowledge of its courses of action), right?
jlay wrote:
First. Do you really not understand the difference between God and man? Let's just suppose that God exist, for the sake of discussion. Do you honestly think that man and God are equals? Do you really thing that the decisions of the uncreated, creator are able to be rightly judged under your scrutiny?
I honestly think that it couldn't. I also honestly think that i couldn't find logic and definitive holes in HIS argumentation/actions/thinking. I also think he would never write a bible and so on, since it's so fundamentally wrong, even by understanding of our puny minds.
jlay wrote:
2ndly: Who said God would kill children just to send them to heaven? On what basis are you making this argument?
On basis of being written on this web page, here is a link and a quote:
very moral christian page wrote:In some instances, God ordered the killing of entire populations, presumably including the killing of babies and children. Isn't God unrighteous in killing these innocent little ones? First of all, the Bible indicates that all people are sinners,8 including babies,9 and worthy of judgment.10 However, the Bible also indicates that children are incapable of making moral choices, so that they are automatically rewarded with heaven.11 So, in having babies killed, God is actually doing them a favor, since, if they had grown up opposed to God, they would have gone to hell.
http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/killergod.html (love the name, "killergod", suits him well)
jlay wrote:
I have to question the sincerity and sanity of anyone who would ask if Hitler did good, and then compare him to God.
I have to question the morality and critical thinking skill of anyone considering child murder to be - something a perfect and omnipotent god would do to save them (in a book called divine, by someone saying to us - "this is divine book, blesses be those who believe but don't see, now give us 10%"). and that someone being the church (brrrr).