What is speaking in tongues?

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What is speaking in tongues?

Post by Telstra Robs »

I've read it in the Bible and heard it discussed here. Some people say it's God giving you the ability to speak in another's language or for other people to understand you, no matter what language you speak (I think Acts 2:5-12 describes this). Others say that it's some sort of wierd xenoglossia where you speak in a very very wierd language that might sound like a lot of babbling to those who don't understand.

Not exactly sure what it is, any opinions would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: What is speaking in tongues?

Post by cslewislover »

A lot of charismatics think that the gift of tongues today is just the babbling you speak of, and that's it's a gift for personal edification. The way Paul speaks, tongues should be for the edification of others, to build each other up, not for just personal use. There are a number of threads on it already, but from what I've seen, those who promote it get some things messed up about it (not surprising!). Anyway, they view the gift as something necessary to show you're saved, which isn't biblical.
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Re: What is speaking in tongues?

Post by Kristoffer »

To me a tongue would be language, like "native tongue" or something. From what it say in acts it sounds like the believers did come from many nations and that explains why they could speak many languages doesn't it? It does go on to talk about people from various countries in the empire becoming Christian...
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Re: What is speaking in tongues?

Post by jlay »

One must understand the context of Acts 2. There were JEWS from many nations gathered in Jerusalem. These were the Jews of the dispersion. Why were they in Jerusalem? Because these were the devout Jews who came back, year after year. They expected God to do something. And when He did it, it would be there.
So, there native language would NOT be the same. Luke is specific to point out the diversity amongst the group.
So, each one understood in their native tongue. There was no babbling, except to those who were unbelieving, impenitent, hard hearted locals. Although, they likely heard and understood the words, they didn't believe. Just as an impenitent person can here a message in his own language today, yet to him it is babble.
We have a clear example of tongues. It was a sign of confirmation to THOSE people.

There is much less clarity as to what is meant when Paul refers to the tongues of angels. Obviously a different thing. THere is no clear example as to what Paul is referring to in the scriptures.
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