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The book of Enoch

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:02 am
by CeT-To
Why wasn't it included? Sorry if this question has been asked a lot but im wondering becaue he is mentioned at places in the bible. Was it because the book was not inspired by God?

God bless


Re: The book of Enoch

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:45 am
by sinnerbybirth
CeT-To wrote:Why wasn't it included? Sorry if this question has been asked a lot but im wondering becaue he is mentioned at places in the bible. Was it because the book was not inspired by God?

God bless

Hey CeT-To,

I found some interesting links that maybe, maybe explain why. ... phecy.html ... rypha.html

The book of Enoch was also found among the dead sea scrolls. It was 1 of the many manuscripts that were rejected by the council of bishops in the 4th century. The Book of Enoch (or Henoch) was omitted, because it was judged to be apochryphal -- not inspired by God.

Re: The book of Enoch

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:33 am
by CeT-To
Thanx for the reply sinnerbybirth but i want you to look at this and tell me what you think - ... ature=fvwp

there are 5 parts by the way to that vid ^^^

Enjoy :) i know i did!

Re: The book of Enoch

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:37 pm
by sinnerbybirth
CeT-To wrote:Thanx for the reply sinnerbybirth but i want you to look at this and tell me what you think - ... ature=fvwp

there are 5 parts by the way to that vid ^^^

Enjoy :) i know i did!
Hey CeT-To
I'll check it out this weekend and get back to you.

Just for grins, here are 17 Lost, Hidden, and Mysterious Books. These Old Testament references allude to books that have mysteriously disappeared or were lost and never recovered.

Book of the Wars of the Lord - Numbers 21: 14-15
Book of Jasher - Joshua 10:13
A secret book that came to Joshua - Joshua 18:9
Samuel's book about the behavior of royalty - 1 Samuel 10:25
The Acts of Solomon - 1 Kings 11:41
Book of the Kings of Israel - 1 Chronicles 9:1
Samuel the Seer - 1 Chronicles 29:29
Nathan the Prophet - 1 Chronicles 29:29 , 2 Chronicles 9:29
Gad the Seer - 1 Chronicles 29:29
Prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite - 2 Chronicles 9:29
Shemaiah the Prophet - 2 Chronicles 12:15
Iddo the Seer - 2 Chronicles 9:29 ; 12:15
Jehu the Son of Hanani - 2 Chronicles 20:34
The Records of the Fathers - Ezra 4:15
The Book of the Chronicles - Esther 2:21-23
The Unknown Book - record of Purim - Esther 9:32
The Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia - Esther 10:2

Thought you might enjoy. ;)

Re: The book of Enoch

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:54 pm
by CeT-To
:ebiggrin: Thanks ! hehehe i seem to be really interested in apocrypha books these days, especially with the Book of Enoch but im gonna have fun doin some research on those 17 lost books ! :mrgreen:

By the way no rush, take your time :) when ever you have free time have a click at that link :ewink: i was really surprised some of the info i gathered from the vid.

God bless!

Re: The book of Enoch

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:30 pm
by Gman
CeT-To wrote::ebiggrin: Thanks ! hehehe i seem to be really interested in apocrypha books these days, especially with the Book of Enoch but im gonna have fun doin some research on those 17 lost books ! :mrgreen:

By the way no rush, take your time :) when ever you have free time have a click at that link :ewink: i was really surprised some of the info i gathered from the vid.

God bless!
The Book of Enoch is quite a fascinating book... I'll give it that much. Whether how much of it is true is questionable, but I believe certain aspects of it could be truthful.

Re: The book of Enoch

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:44 pm
by CeT-To
Gman wrote:
CeT-To wrote::ebiggrin: Thanks ! hehehe i seem to be really interested in apocrypha books these days, especially with the Book of Enoch but im gonna have fun doin some research on those 17 lost books ! :mrgreen:

By the way no rush, take your time :) when ever you have free time have a click at that link :ewink: i was really surprised some of the info i gathered from the vid.

God bless!
The Book of Enoch is quite a fascinating book... I'll give it that much. Whether how much of it is true is questionable, but I believe certain aspects of it could be truthful.
Well in that book a black hole is described very well...soo one would think how is it possible for Enoch to have made it up .....taking into account that if he did write it ( not sure if he did tho). Just food for thought. By the way if the Book of Enoch was officially claimed inspired we would know where the Abyss is LOL some people say its the Gulf between the torment side of sheol and the righteous side but like i said if the book of enoch was truly inspired then the black hole would be the Abyss . Im not sure if there is only one that is used to torture angels that slept with women but remembering what the book of enoch said i can recall that there were only 7 being tortured in there but in total there were 200 angels who made a pat to eachother to come upon the daughters of men . Could anyone shed any light on that?

Re: The book of Enoch

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:00 pm
by sinnerbybirth
Hey Cet-To,

Well that was very interesting about the Black Hole for sure. I did enjoy it. Thanks for the link.

On a different note, the author of the video has a website, have you checked it out?

Two things Ferrell says that throw up a red flag. At least IMO.

#1. "Boldly break the rules of theology and scholarship. Transcend the barriers of conventional thought and grasp what lies beyond it."

#2. "I have sought to unravel the hidden mysteries of ancient Christianity by reading the apocryphal literature with the same kind of faith as I do the canonical books. My findings have led me to a rather startling conclusion: that the central mystery of Christianity was lost very early on in the Church Age to be preserved for a later generation who would rediscover it."

If GOD inspired men writing the Bible before being canonized, then I also believe GOD inspired those who canonized the Bible as we know it today. Don't misunderstand me, I think they are fine to read. But, take what they have to say with a grain of salt. I don't believe GOD would allow us as Christians to be led astray.

GOD Bless Brother.