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Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:30 pm
by zoegirl
along lighter lines, we actually had an earthquake in MD this morning....3 on the Richter scale.

To those living in earthquake zones, this may not sound impressive, but just to give you an idea this set a record for us since recordings have been started.

Re: earthquake

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:56 pm
by BavarianWheels
zoegirl wrote:along lighter lines, we actually had an earthquake in MD this morning....3 on the Richter scale.

To those living in earthquake zones, this may not sound impressive, but just to give you an idea this set a record for us since recordings have been started.
It's true. Those of us that live in earthquake prone areas would scoff at a 3 earthquake. If you've never felt an earthquake, then a 3 could be scary. We had one here in L.A. last week or so. I think it was a 5.8. Where I live, it just rolled for a few seconds and went away as peacefully as it came. It barely moved our pool. Granted the epicenter was about 60 miles away. I would much rather live in the earthquake zone of California than on/in Tornado Alley of the mid-west. (is it the mid-west?) I don't know why people keep building time after time on the same spot(s) just to have their home blown away the next season. Can someone explain that to me?

Re: earthquake

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:18 pm
by cslewislover
Ha ha ha, about the tornado belt. Lol, I lived in Michigan and we had tornadoes, but tornadoes happen all the way down to Texas. But how big is Tornado Alley? I'm sure it's big.

Anyway, Amy, wow - you got an earthquake! Well, a 3.0 CAN be strong if it's near the surface and you're right on it! I know that the stronger earthquakes are deeper down, but I don't remember if most smaller earthquakes are closer to the surface . . .

Re: earthquake

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:41 pm
by Canuckster1127
I was in Ontario in Late June and we had a 5.0 earthquake that was felt through most of Southern Ontario. I was in a car and didn't know about it till we got out and saw the news.

This 3.0 quake in the DC area was a 5 am and I don't recall it. My wife said she woke about 5 am and got up and did a few things before getting back in bed.

Re: earthquake

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:02 pm
by Gman
zoegirl wrote:along lighter lines, we actually had an earthquake in MD this morning....3 on the Richter scale.

To those living in earthquake zones, this may not sound impressive, but just to give you an idea this set a record for us since recordings have been started.
A 3? That's nothing... :P I live just a few miles from the famous San Andreas fault line on the pacific rim... I still remember the 7.1 we had here back in 89. It was about 15 seconds long.. But what most people don't realize what was even scarier were the after shocks. We had many of those for weeks.. You can actually hear them coming even before you feel them... Anyways, my gut feeling is that we are due for another one here shortly. Basically it all starts in the southern rim, then moves it's way up..

If you guys don't hear from me again you will know why I guess.. :wave:

Re: earthquake

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:05 pm
by Gabrielman
BavarianWheels wrote:I would much rather live in the earthquake zone of California than on/in Tornado Alley of the mid-west. (is it the mid-west?) I don't know why people keep building time after time on the same spot(s) just to have their home blown away the next season. Can someone explain that to me?
This gives me an idea, we should start a business that rebuilds houses that are destroyed in tornado alley, we would make a fortune! :ebiggrin: LOL but seriously, I have no idea why someone would want to live there. Maybe the people there just like to build the same thing over and over again... on the other hand it may be useful, they would never have to spend any money on a crew to demolish a building, they just have to wait and it will be torn down by the tornado!
zoegirl wrote:along lighter lines, we actually had an earthquake in MD this morning....3 on the Richter scale.

To those living in earthquake zones, this may not sound impressive, but just to give you an idea this set a record for us since recordings have been started.
See Gman, you were wrong, it hit Zoe next, now it will hit you next. I haven't been in many earthquakes myself, but apparently there was one not too long ago and I had no idea, I was working so I didn't feel it. For a place that never gets them, I am sure it was scary. You aren't near any fault lines are you? If not, then what caused it?

Darn it Gman!!! LOL I wanted to post before you did!!!!! :lol: Oh well.

Re: earthquake

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:50 pm
by Gman
Gabrielman wrote: Darn it Gman!!! LOL I wanted to post before you did!!!!! :lol: Oh well.
Sorry to rain on your parade... ;)

Re: earthquake

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:14 pm
by Gabrielman
Well I was mostly meaning it for the first thing I said to you, lol it lost it's effect since you posted first! :)