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what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:36 pm
by Jumalaton
[do not find this thread as an insult]

even though in the third book of moses god gives a law that gayness is a sin of death(yes, i have read the three first books of moses[im reading the whole bible as a ''bed-time book'' :) ]), most of the christians i know, mostly family members, dont have anything against sexual minorities. im interested in your views.
but if someone here thinks gayness is a death sin because god says so(chapter 20:13), do you consider mocking your mother or father as a death sin too(chapter 20:9)? and was it really a just thing for god to give a law that people doing blasphemy should be stoned to death...and condemn a blasphemer to be stoned to death, even though the crime was done before the law was given?

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:46 pm
by BavarianWheels
Being gay is not a sin anymore than being human is a sin. The Bible says we are all sinners from conception and ALL are in need of grace.

The sexual acts a gay person takes part in is the "sin" and is what is detestable. However, we all sin constantly and their "sin" isn't any less than the "normal" sins of a hetero. The point that being gay becomes an issue is when a homosexual denies homosexual sex is wrong and wilfully does it in the sense of thumbing their nose at God. (likewise any sin ANYONE does is the same.)

Can a homosexual be a Christian? I say, definitely YES. He or she may struggle and slip and fall, but they cannot help what sin has made them. While I believe there is a small percentage of choice-homosexuals, I believe the vast majority truely have a genetic disposition of homosexuality. Who's to say sin cannot corrupt the body to that degree?

Homosexuals are no worse sinners than heterosexuals...just a different set of sexual problems to deal with.

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:20 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
BavarianWheels wrote:.
Being gay is not a sin anymore than being human is a sin. The Bible says we are all sinners from conception and ALL are in need of grace.

The sexual acts a gay person takes part in is the "sin" and is what is detestable. However, we all sin constantly and their "sin" isn't any less than the "normal" sins of a hetero. The point that being gay becomes an issue is when a homosexual denies homosexual sex is wrong and wilfully does it in the sense of thumbing their nose at God. (likewise any sin ANYONE does is the same.)

Can a homosexual be a Christian? I say, definitely YES. He or she may struggle and slip and fall, but they cannot help what sin has made them. While I believe there is a small percentage of choice-homosexuals, I believe the vast majority truely have a genetic disposition of homosexuality. Who's to say sin cannot corrupt the body to that degree?

Homosexuals are no worse sinners than heterosexuals...just a different set of sexual problems to deal with.

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:03 pm
by cslewislover
Gay sex is a sin just like any other sin, although different sins have different consequences for us (murder obviously has big consequences for the person and others involved). The laws showed us what sins are, and Israel was a theocracy under God, to exhibit God's laws and be an example of holiness. We are not under the law nor are we a nation, but Jesus said that if we love Him we'll obey His commands. We can't force unbelievers, or believers either, to obey Jesus. God's love for us draws us to Him, and His Holy Spirit helps us to lead holy lives if we submit to Him. Most of us are weak in some areas, and it just shows us how much we need God and His help.

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:06 pm
by Kristoffer
i voted #3 because it means more women for me. :ebiggrin:

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:47 pm
by Kurieuo
You seem to equate "sin" to whether God loves us or not which shows a misunderstanding of Christianity.

I believe you need to add another option: "Yes, gayness and lesbianity (sic.) are sins , but God loves us all anyway."

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:10 pm
by Gman
Being gay is a sin.. No doubt about it.

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:51 pm
by smiley
Gman wrote:Being gay is a sin.. No doubt about it.
I don't think the Bible says anything of that sort. It says that engaging in homosexual activites is a sin.

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:39 am
by sinnerbybirth
When is someone considered gay? Before or after engaging in a homosexual act.

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:03 am
by BavarianWheels
Gman wrote:Being gay is a sin.. No doubt about it.
Having been conceived is sin.

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:11 am
by Judoka
When is someone considered gay? Before or after engaging in a homosexual act.
Before, you don't need to have engaged in sexual intercourse to know who you are sexually attracted to.
Kurieuo wrote: "Yes, gayness and lesbianity (sic.) are sins , but God loves us all anyway."
I vote for this option.

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:39 pm
by truthman
This subject hits close to home. I have a brother and a son who are homosexual.
God's word clearly says that it is a sin to have sexual relations with someone of the same sex.
God's word makes it clear that sex is meant for a married man and woman as they are "one flesh" for life.
God's word also clearly says that it is a sin to have sexual intercourse outside of marriage between a man and woman.
Jesus even went so far as to say that it is a sin to lust after someone you are not married to.
We are ALL equally guilty of some form of sexual sin. I am no better than anyone else.
God's love was extended to all sinners, in that Christ died for all sin.

A homosexual could be defined as someone who has homosexual lust, even though they have not engaged in it physically. However, the fact that a person has lust is not justification to go ahead and engage in the actual activity.

The argument I hear to try and justify their homosexuality is "God made me this way, so there must be nothing wrong with it".
This is a false argument. We were all born with a sin nature and have sinful lusts, whether heterosexual or homosexual, but that does not mean that God made us that way, nor justify those lusts as righteous. Jesus died to pay for our sins and rose again that we might be made new and be freed from those lusts and sins.

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:09 pm
by Kristoffer
We were all born with a sin nature
babies are innocent.

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:44 pm
by truthman
Kristoffer wrote:
We were all born with a sin nature
babies are innocent.
True, but when they get old enough to choose right and wrong, they ALL become sinners. Now why is that? Because it is their nature.

Re: what do you think of gays? [poll]

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:16 pm
by sinnerbybirth
truthman wrote:
Kristoffer wrote:
We were all born with a sin nature
babies are innocent.
True, but when they get old enough to choose right and wrong, they ALL become sinners. Now why is that? Because it is their nature.
So truthman, are you saying I'm not a sinnerbybirth?
Boy did I pick a wrong user name or what.