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Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:03 am
by Kristoffer
going to be working tomorrow and for about 6 months so...if you have anything important to say to me i think you should try and be quick about it because i will barely be able to visit here at all. I do have some positive things to say about you guys, i am sorry if that got caught up in the middle of all my scepticism.

I actually feed pretty ambiguous about my work, some times it is good and other times i have to make some harsh decisions which affect people's lives. The worst thing I have done was destroy a person's sense of self-worth it made me feel terrible.

Anyway I will be away from my countryside home and living near my work in city (i find the commute to be too long otherwise! it is good to live right next to work right? :esmile: )

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:21 am
by Byblos
Kristoffer wrote: ... I do have some positive things to say about you guys, ...

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:34 am
by zoegirl
lol, well I guess I have some positive things to say about you...hmmm...

Hope you do well at work and despite what you say, I will pray for you. If you get a chance, please read through Mere Christianity and pop in every once in awhile to discuss. (at the least, you must inform me what the CHristmas special is like)

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:13 am
by Kristoffer
zoegirl wrote:lol, well I guess I have some positive things to say about you...hmmm...

Hope you do well at work and despite what you say, I will pray for you. If you get a chance, please read through Mere Christianity
Thanks a lot, I did actually get a decent translation on it in the end. Which will make it faster to read for me. If you have to pray bear in mind the tough decisions i have to make. People's livelyhood could depend on me and i do not want to make people homeless...

Anyway, I need to decide where to keep my cat. In the village looked after by my neaigbhour 3 doors up(he is also the Rev. fater around here) or at my apartment. Its tough because I would like him to get used to this place its kind of my port away from the storm. :D

I think that my cat actually benefited from wondering off, who knows he has probably bought a bunch of young little kitties in to the world just like him! :lol: You do know cats ARE capable of performing complex trick on demand right? My cat does one and i love it! 8)

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:35 am
by zoegirl
DOgs are better... :esurprised: :ebiggrin: :poke:

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:39 am
by Kristoffer
grrrr...Cats are Naturally Endowed. Think about lions, who wouldn't want the Heart of a Lion?

Who wouldn't like to be in a lions pride?

The strength and agility of a tiger?

The stealth of the Black panther?

The speed of a cheetah?

The perception of the Jaguar?

I could go ON and ON, but the point is that CATS are Interesting, Clean and Fluffy and powerful. Yes Dogs would Tear a Demestic cat apart. But the demestic cat represents having something that is really a smart, strong, stealthy and amazing creature. What exactly can you say about dogs? They Smell nasty and do as they are told! y:O2 :pound:

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:47 am
by zoegirl
Eh, my brother's cat is the most timid creature alive and it never ceases to amaze how untrusting they are. I tried to befriend a stray cat that was actually a very sweet cat. No matter how patient I was, whether I fed it or pet it or even simply provided a safe place for it to sleep, it still spooked.

Anyway, pax, some people are cat people and some are dog people.

On a serious note, I will definitely pray for the people you work with. I will pray for wisdom for you in your job.

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:50 am

My cat is very trusting, it really does depend on breed. If it was a RagDoll like mine it would be a total pushover, he does use his claws because he is actually a hybrid and not a full breed. Hybrid's are actually have a greater vigor than full bred ones. (unless well bred to avoid failing genetic integrity)

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:19 am
by sinnerbybirth
Hey Kristoffer,

Comparing a cat to a lion is like comparing a Chihuahua to a German shepherd. :lol:

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:29 am
by Kristoffer
But lions are cats... :lol:

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:39 am
by sinnerbybirth
lol. I guess it wasn't fair to compare a rodent to a canine.

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:37 pm
by cslewislover
Byblos wrote:
Kristoffer wrote: ... I do have some positive things to say about you guys, ...
:lol: I'm waiting too. Kristoffer, why can't you come on more just because you're in the city. Are you chained to your desk 24/7 or something?? Even though you can be ultra frustrating, Kristoffer, y:p I actually like some of your difficult responses. We as Christians need to hear those things (I'm not talking about your insults, though), to know how people who are ignorant of The Word think and view things these days. I'm not all that interested in your cat, but I am interested in you and you coming to a loving relationship with Christ. If we all loved and gave of ourselves, wouldn't that be the best witness? We can love without giving up what we know to be the truth, too. Anyway, I want Christ to say to me, "Well done, good and faithful servant." I think he would mean that I did well by people, who need saving and who saw HImself in me, than by a pet. Don't get me wrong, though, animals are cute and neat and all that (my son's turtles are VERY cute!).

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:52 pm
by Kristoffer
well. The commute is just long enough that it is too long for most of my days, but not too long that i wont be able to come here on fridays_(edit: wrong day, i meant sunday). I may be ignorant of your logos, but i am certainly not ignorant of science and english and sweden and geography and this world we live in and biology and maths and all sorts. I learn pretty fast, ive learnt to learn fast. Anyway i am leaving in about a hour so bye.

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:41 pm
by cslewislover
Kristoffer wrote:well. The commute is just long enough that it is too long for most of my days, but not too long that i wont be able to come here on fridays_(edit: wrong day, i meant sunday). I may be ignorant of your logos, but i am certainly not ignorant of science and english and sweden and geography and this world we live in and biology and maths and all sorts. I learn pretty fast, ive learnt to learn fast. Anyway i am leaving in about a hour so bye.
Kristoffer, I said you were ignorant of The Word of God, I wasn't referring to anything else. Ignorance means lack of knowledge, not stupidity or the like.

Re: Break is Over.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:59 pm
by B. W.
Kristoffer wrote:But lions are cats... :lol:
Think Kris how your prayer about your cat was answered and on top of that, Boras returned as a Lion ...

God's knocking on your heart's door...