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Worshiping/Love from the Heart

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:18 am
by Human
Hi, sorry if this belongs elsewhere, but I figured I'd ask here.

So, for backgrounds, I'm not much of an emotional person; until I was saved, life was very grayscale. So although my actions and thoughts are very clearly working towards God, I'm having trouble getting my heart to work. Basically I'm loving with my thoughts and actions, but my heart and feelings aren't as high as they should be. Additionally, whenever I go to church, I have a weird feeling, but not of the good variety. I mean, I feel this joy come over when singing about how God is so good, but I feel odd. Should I be worried or is this all stuff that will come over time? I've been praying and would imagine the Spirit is changing me this way too, and I see how God has given me certain people to teach me to love, but....yeah, if anyone has any input or advice, please share, I'd be much grateful :D

Re: Worshiping/Love from the Heart

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:54 am
by zoegirl

My first response would focus on trying to pin down more fully what you mean.

In terms of worship, I would not classify myself as emotional, at least in terms of worship style. Perhaps that has to do with personality or with the denomination I was brought up in. BUt I have never been comfortable with the all-out, arms up, hands out, eyes closed in thrall display. I certainly don't want to judge those that do (although I slip into that is hard for me to understand it when I don't like it nor feel comfortable doing it....and when I have tried I feel awkward and a bit hypocritical for myself).

However that being said, there have been times in worship, in song, in sermon, where I been overwhelmed with emotion such that it is hard for me to control my tears, both tears of joy and tears of conviction.
Basically I'm loving with my thoughts and actions, but my heart and feelings aren't as high as they should be. Additionally, whenever I go to church, I have a weird feeling, but not of the good variety. I mean, I feel this joy come over when singing about how God is so good, but I feel odd. Should I be worried or is this all stuff that will come over time? I've been praying and would imagine the Spirit is changing me this way too, and I see how God has given me certain people to teach me to love, but....yeah, if anyone has any input or advice, please share, I'd be much grateful :D

Could you elaborate on your description of odd? You said it was not good. Sometimes this is appropriate, as when we feel convicted or dismayed or even dubious about something that happened or was said.

I do think sometimes that we have an unfortunate false view of what church and Christian life should be.. All butterflies in the stomach, sweetness and light and it isn't. Sometimes it is uncomfortable, anxious, convicting....other times it can be...well...rather unexciting.

So please elaborate on your experiences. You are in the Word and you are growing. It doesn't mean that you have to be bubbly and gushing with emotions.

Re: Worshiping/Love from the Heart

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:09 am
by sinnerbybirth
Hey Human,

Speaking from my own experience, I use to have a very rough and cold exterior. Even after accepting Christ. It took time (for me anyway) for GOD to soften me. The more I looked at my Christian brothers and sisters who had an interior to match their exterior. The more I wanted that type of walk, and the more I questioned my experience with who I believed I should be.

Some Christians don't make this easy either. I have some friends, who seem to be, soooo legalistic, that I wondered if they really are happy. Their exteriors are harsh and abrasive, at times. Almost arrogant, like, “I'm better than you” or “I know more than you”. But, I'm drawn more to my friends whom I believe, personified Christ. Choose your role models wisely, with Christ as the prime example.

It has definitely taken time for me, and I still work on this part of my life. I look at us as being the clay in the potters hand (this is biblical, not my analogy). A masterpiece takes time…..time for us to realize “who” we will become, and “how“, we should reflect the love of GOD. Sadly, I believe, some Christians may never focus on that aspect of “who” Christ is, and “how” he taught us to be.

If this advice seems poor, as it may to some, go rent Where the Red Fern Grows, Marley and Me, Letters from God, and Flywheel (one of my favorites). Also, I am reading a book called “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan. Don't get frustrated, It takes time, like, 39yrs for me and counting. And I still want to reflect the love in my life, like John showed love, you know John, one of the sons of thunder, it took time for him to. He sounds like he was a lot like myself. Look at “who” and “how” he turned out.

That is all I have for you, Human.
May GOD grant you your answer.

Re: Worshiping/Love from the Heart

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:25 am
by zoegirl
Good post SBB.

I guess we need to clarify whether the "unemotional" means more stoic or cold/harsh.

Re: Worshiping/Love from the Heart

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:30 am
by Human
Hmm, thank you for your responses.

When I said odd, I was meaning sort of awkward. I felt no sense of belonging where I was and almost unwelcome to an extent. During the songs and sermons I can often feel various things coming over me(although the songs with complex ideas make me want expoundation more than song, haha). But I generally don't feel very welcome/comfortable in church.
I do think sometimes that we have an unfortunate false view of what church and Christian life should be.. All butterflies in the stomach, sweetness and light and it isn't. Sometimes it is uncomfortable, anxious, convicting....other times it can be...well...rather unexciting.
Hmm....this I agree with, and I've seen people fall away because they think life will be really easy. How many times was Paul whipped and shipwrecked? And didn't Jesus get crucified? Doesn't sound easy. I don't expect ease; I'm already hated for sticking to Christ and His Word(no, I'm not being uber-pushy ;) ) Although there is the eternal undertone of happiness knowing that soon 'll be with God. (Wow, got off-topic.....sorry!)
So please elaborate on your experiences. You are in the Word and you are growing. It doesn't mean that you have to be bubbly and gushing with emotions.
Hmm...which experiences? I've been a "Christian" for most of my life(although at times I was agnostic or this belief that all religions are true :shudder: ), but finally made the turnaround earlier this year. At first it was like what I imagine most firsts are like: quite ecstatic. It was a leap of faith, but I found the 180 turnaround somewhat possible and the Spirit doing His work in me. But it wasn't quite a lovey feeling. My concern here is based upon having stronger *feelings* towards certain people than God at times. It's not like I'd ever turn away from the Lord for them, but the emotional indicator of love is missing.....unless of course love towards God is radically different and feels nothing like other love.

Luke 10:27 " "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"-Jesus

The bolded parts are the ones I'm not sure I'm getting....not entirely sure what they mean, even.

(okay, so Sinnerbybirth just posted as I typed I'll respond in the same post...? Sorry if I'm breaking any unwritten rules here)

Thank you for the suggestions, first off. :)
And never realized that there is quite a bit of time to be shaped.(I'm 15....:lol:)
Hmm.....think it's okay if Christ is my only real role model? Since He's perfect, seems like a good One to follow.
I guess we need to clarify whether the "unemotional" means more stoic or cold/harsh.
Umm....just lacking any feeling. I'm not sure what you mean by stoic and cold/harsh.

Re: Worshiping/Love from the Heart

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:53 am
by zoegirl

First, good for you for committing again to growing in Christ. You are 15 and that is an awkward time to begin with!! You are just beginnging your journey so definitely don't expect to have it down exactly right.

A heart for God: I've always been....astounded by the examples in scripture. You have David, who clearly was a sinner(!), who was a man after God's own heart. You have Paul, as assertive a teacher as ever there was, revealing his own frsutration with doing things he doesn't want to do and not doing things he should do. Both men show us a great and amazing thing, they continually turn to God to His throne of grace. They sought Him, both in the Word of God and in prayer.

Unless you tell me that you enjoy seeing someone tortured, I wouldn't worry about simply a lack of emotion.

Re: Worshiping/Love from the Heart

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:06 pm
by jlay
We've spoken here about worship and feelings. Feelings can mislead us. But, also feelings can be used by God to warn us, and confirm or correct a path we are on. It would be very difficult to make any real recommendations from afar. I would first say that regardless of the emotions or feelings you are experiencing, you need to know that you belong. If you have trusted Christ, then you belong. And I am talking about belonging to something much more than Sunday morning services. You are a child of the King.

Regarding worship. I would say that there is no more worshipful act in all the world, more than any hymn, any hand raising, any act, than the simple matter of trusting in God and in His Word.

Although there are times that our feelings will verify what God is doing in our lives, there are also times where they will not. Because God's will may very well be in conflict to our own. Paul admonishes us to renew our minds. Not so we can 'feel' right, but so we can test and approve God's will, and 'do' right. Feelings do not necessarily lead faith. Faith should come first, and perhaps God will graciously allow those confirming feelings to follow.

if you are uncomfortable in the 'church' setting, I would not worry too much about that. First, the Sunday morning service is not the Christian life. (Not of itself) Most of our early church Fathers would likely feel out of place in our services today. In fact, for most Christians, the Sunday service constitutes much if not most of what they consider to be their, 'religion.' I am grateful for my congregation, and very much appreciate their fellowship, and the blessing to serve and teach in it. But, it represents only on small part of what I would call my Christian life. It is odd, that as my faith has expanded, and the Sunday service has become only a part of my faith walk, I now get more out of Sunday mornings, than when Sunday mornings was the only thing.

There is little going on in many corporate churches today that I find of any great value. I find far too many preachers who are off on their own self-serving tangents, than those who are firmly rooted in God's Word. That is not to say that there are not congregations and individuals who honor God in their services. We must prayerfully search for Godly people to fellowship with. That is a more difficult task than many of us will admit.

It is important to know that God has not simply reconciled you to Himself so that you can become a spectator on Sunday mornings. God has prepared works beforehand that you should walk in them. God has called you to serve. Trust Him in this. He is faithful. He will prepare you, and He will equip you. Look for areas in which God is working, and find where you can join God. If you have a desire to grow in the knowledge of God, go to Him in prayer. He will most assuredly not deny this request. There is a book by Henry Blackaby called Experiencing God. I'd recommend it.

In regards to love. Love is not a feeling. It is a response. Jesus said, if you love me, you will obey my commandments. John sums this up in 1 John 3:23,24
"This is His commandment, that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another,.."
We are completely incompetent to do anything apart from Christ. Worship, serve, etc. You can't love others without loving Christ. And the only real way we can love Christ is to trust Him and His Word. Trust often requires us to respond even when our feelings don't comply.

Re: Worshiping/Love from the Heart

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:06 pm
by jlay
double post