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favorite ways to relax/unwind/take care of onesefl

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:38 am
by zoegirl
Often, especially in the UNited States, we are ruled by the tyranny of the busy. Sometimes it takes effort on our part to clear space for devotions/prayer/worship and just plain relaxation. It's something I still have to learn, especially when school starts. It seems that summer always offers the opportunity to clear my headspace and hit the "Reset" button. I get back to eating better, exercising....amazingly enough I always start losing weight (yay!) and I just seem to be....calm.

I hate when the craziness happens and I tend to lose the ability to hold on to this. Obviously there is no way to keep the same schedule. But there is no escaping the fact that I don't handle stress the best way. (which is unfortunately snacking and allowing myself to be captured by the couch...that dreadful monster called the sofa...oy).

And we have embraced this notion that we must always be busy, busy busy. (or else we must not be a good Christian, to "relax"....oh the horror!)

So any thoughts? How do you keep the balance in your lives? What works for you? Anyone, anyone....buehler?

I mean, right now I am sitting here listening to some awesome Classical music while planning and thinking and being productive and yet calm. But somehow that all disappears when August occurs. (the month, of course, not the moderator :esurprised: :ebiggrin: )

Re: favorite ways to relax/unwind/take care of onesefl

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:16 am
by Gabrielman
Well what helps for me, aside from prayer and meditation is listening to nice relaxing Oriental music (I have several CD's of it) and of course nice Christian music, though sometimes I just want music without words! I like classical too, but it isn't as relaxing. The most relaxing thing is to talk to Vicki! :D Then again she has a very sweet and relaxing voice! Not trying to get all mushy on ya! LOL Just thought I would answer real fast!

Re: favorite ways to relax/unwind/take care of onesefl

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:26 pm
by Human
I find it really depends on the situation, though reading the Bible always helps.(I remember a day that otherwise may have torn me apart I read for 12 hours....)
Also chatting with really close friends helps. Or turn anger into push-ups. Somehow that works. And of course prayer and meditation.....
So all very standard things :D

Re: favorite ways to relax/unwind/take care of onesefl

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:31 pm
by Gman
For me? One of my favorite bands just released an outstanding album last week..

This is how Gman celebrates God!!!!

Incognito 1975!!

Re: favorite ways to relax/unwind/take care of onesefl

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:25 am
by sinnerbybirth
Sitting in a deer stand with my nine year old son, early on a cool fall morning, and watching the sun rise over the mountain on our property. Listening to all the animals wake up and start there day. Seeing and watching what GOD has created, not what man has made. Then in the distance, making out the shadow of a deer coming our way. Watching the excitement of my son with the possibility to harvest his first deer. Waiting to see if the moment is right and GOD has blessed us with a good clean shot.....................These are a few of my favorite things!!!

I know some of you might not like the sport of hunting, but I have always favored what peter was told. Acts 10:9-13

Peter’s Vision

9 The next day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour to pray. 10 And he became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while they were preparing it, he fell into a trance 11 and saw the heavens opened and something like a great sheet descending, being let down by its four corners upon the earth. 12 In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. 13 And there came a voice to him: “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.”

You may be suprised to know that I am also a member of PETA..........People Eat Tasty Animals. :lol: Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Re: favorite ways to relax/unwind/take care of onesefl

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:35 am
by cslewislover
Gabrielman wrote:Well what helps for me, aside from prayer and meditation is listening to nice relaxing Oriental music (I have several CD's of it) and of course nice Christian music, though sometimes I just want music without words! I like classical too, but it isn't as relaxing. The most relaxing thing is to talk to Vicki! :D Then again she has a very sweet and relaxing voice! Not trying to get all mushy on ya! LOL Just thought I would answer real fast!
Awwwwwwwws, I don't know how I missed this post before now! Well, it was nice to see it this morning. I never thought of my voice as sweet and relaxing, but I'm glad it is!

I like to read and pray and drink wine or something. Sometimes I find it best to completely lose my mind in a tv show or movie, however (it has to be the right kind). If I were in a more natural area, however, I definitely would be out walking amongst the trees and creeks - that is the best! I love the bird sounds, the wind in the trees, and the sound of water. But you help me to relax too, Nathaniel - you are so considerate and wonderful! Ha ha, I'm getting mushy on you! <3

Re: favorite ways to relax/unwind/take care of onesefl

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:44 am
by cslewislover
sinnerbybirth wrote:Sitting in a deer stand with my nine year old son, early on a cool fall morning, and watching the sun rise over the mountain on our property. Listening to all the animals wake up and start there day. Seeing and watching what GOD has created, not what man has made. Then in the distance, making out the shadow of a deer coming our way. Watching the excitement of my son with the possibility to harvest his first deer. Waiting to see if the moment is right and GOD has blessed us with a good clean shot.....................These are a few of my favorite things!!!

I know some of you might not like the sport of hunting, but I have always favored what peter was told. Acts 10:9-13

You may be suprised to know that I am also a member of PETA..........People Eat Tasty Animals. :lol: Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Ha ha! (I can't use the smilies right now!) I don't mind hunting, as long as it's not the kind where someone just likes killing for the sake of it. It seems nobler to hunt for one's food than to raise animals like they're vegetables (where they are kept and grown in one spot, sometimes literally!). I wish I lived in a natural area like that. =( I miss it so much. No wonder why people get weird, living in an all man-made place, all busy and noisy and concreted.

Re: favorite ways to relax/unwind/take care of onesefl

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:21 pm
by sinnerbybirth
cslewislover wrote: Ha ha! (I can't use the smilies right now!) I don't mind hunting, as long as it's not the kind where someone just likes killing for the sake of it. It seems nobler to hunt for one's food than to raise animals like they're vegetables (where they are kept and grown in one spot, sometimes literally!). I wish I lived in a natural area like that. =( I miss it so much. No wonder why people get weird, living in an all man-made place, all busy and noisy and concreted.
Thanks CS. My family believes if you kill it you grill it. No animal trophies in our home. Unless we eat it of course. We never kill for fun.

Re: favorite ways to relax/unwind/take care of onesefl

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:50 pm
by BavarianWheels
Reading in a quiet, comfortable room/place relaxes me.

Re: favorite ways to relax/unwind/take care of onesefl

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:14 pm
by Kristoffer
Lager. Whisky. Cigar. Good swim. whatt else...

OH yes, gym is a good way to take care of yoursellf, or some gardening that is some hard work that is. I love to tend my garden, actually that's why I came home pretty early. Reading is okay, I like to do that in my study with some classical music on for ambience.(Bach or Beethoven or some nice harpsichord tracks.)

War games on my computer. War, War never changes.

DIY. Oh yes and certainly get a Pet, I prefer cats. But a Dog is fine too.
Seeing and watching what GOD has created
... what stops you thinking animals don't Do it? Becayse they do ive seen it. :lol:

Re: favorite ways to relax/unwind/take care of onesefl

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 2:07 am
by Ngakunui
I shoot things.

No really, I feel less mad at everything when handling a gun, somehow. Generally calming to me because it require just enough concentration to hit the target without being too challenging or engaging. Since I live right outside the city, and don't like getting on peoples' nerves, I usually use airsoft guns, which are more quiet, and can't do any more harm than leave small flesh wounds at the worst. Typically, I shoot trees since the one I have has no sight or scope (and I can't use scopes well at all._.), but I'll shoot bottles here and there as well. And when I'm done shooting, I read the instructions on the bag the pellets came in, because they were made in Japan and are horribly translated into English.

I also draw from time to time. I'd do it more if I had the resources, but one of the things I don't have enough of are white coloured pencils to use for blending/mixing colours. The two I have are old Prismacolors, and... well, they're almost half gone. And I feel bad using Prismacolors because they're so expensive, and my mother gave them to me. I'm also not that great at drawing or any other work of art, so... yeah. I do have a deviant art account, however. I usually only draw when I have nothing better to do, like when I was watching 2001. Apparently one of the emotionless redshirt characters in it does to, but that's irrelevant.