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John the Baptist's Bones Discovered?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:15 pm
by sinnerbybirth
For what its worth, here's the link ... vered.html

I wonder how long it will take James Cameron to produce a documentary on this one. y:-?
Or, this may be another media grab. Who knows, time will tell.

Re: John the Baptist's Bones Discovered?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:12 pm
by Gabrielman
sinnerbybirth wrote:For what its worth, here's the link ... vered.html

I wonder how long it will take James Cameron to produce a documentary on this one. y:-?
Or, this may be another media grab. Who knows, time will tell.
Ah this leaves so many new questions. Who was he married too? Where is his secrete blood line? Why do people keep desecrating graves? Are his bones holy? Why does it even matter? :ebiggrin: Okay but seriously, what is the deal with people trying to say they have the bones of "such and such"? I mean this whole thing with the tomb of Jesus was obviously an attempt to prove Christianity wrong, so what is this? Yet another sad attempt to come? <sigh> oh well, can't wait to see the controversy and the conspiracy theories, and the assumptions they will make about him and how this proves our faith is wrong.... You know the History channel will have fun with this, before it fades into obscurity!

Re: John the Baptist's Bones Discovered?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:38 pm
by B. W.
Gabrielman wrote:
sinnerbybirth wrote:For what its worth, here's the link ... vered.html

I wonder how long it will take James Cameron to produce a documentary on this one. y:-?
Or, this may be another media grab. Who knows, time will tell.
Ah this leaves so many new questions. Who was he married too? Where is his secrete blood line? Why do people keep desecrating graves? Are his bones holy? Why does it even matter? :ebiggrin: Okay but seriously, what is the deal with people trying to say they have the bones of "such and such"...

Answer: You know, Some people just have a bone to pick... :lol:

Re: John the Baptist's Bones Discovered?

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 1:41 am
by cubeus19
What's odd about this is, if any secular organization or group like Cameron's wanted to use this for any anti Christian agenda how could they do it? I mean, Christians expect John the Baptist's bones to be somewhere buried since there is no record of him resurrecting from the dead (unlike Christ). So I don't know why secular groups would even want to mention this since at the very least it actually helps the case for Christianity since it confirms the earthly existence of John the Baptist. In fact this discovery reminds me of all the ancient literature, artifacts, places, and so on that have helped confirm the events of the Bible, so news like this should be more good news in our favor. Anyway, back to bed. :sleep:

Re: John the Baptist's Bones Discovered?

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:56 am
by sinnerbybirth
Gabrielman wrote: Okay but seriously, what is the deal with people trying to say they have the bones of "such and such"? I mean this whole thing with the tomb of Jesus was obviously an attempt to prove Christianity wrong, so what is this?
Hey Gab,

Although I subscribe to apologetics, I almost find the debate amusing in a sort of twisted way. Athiest try there best to convince Christians there is no god. Christians try there best to convince Athiest there is a GOD. Both feed off of one another when it comes to this type of debate, for if one side didn't exist, the other side would have nothing to prove. Have Christians made Athiest? Think about it, Athiest seem to live and thrive on there attempt to disprove the need for our GOD! What other purpose do Athiest serve? It seems satin has his own army.

JMHO, Christians seem to believe because we see. Athiest cannot see, so they do not believe.

If this makes any sense great, if not, I'm still working on my first cup of coffee. :)

Re: John the Baptist's Bones Discovered?

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:54 pm
by derrick09
sinnerbybirth wrote:
Gabrielman wrote: Okay but seriously, what is the deal with people trying to say they have the bones of "such and such"? I mean this whole thing with the tomb of Jesus was obviously an attempt to prove Christianity wrong, so what is this?
Hey Gab,

Although I subscribe to apologetics, I almost find the debate amusing in a sort of twisted way. Athiest try there best to convince Christians there is no god. Christians try there best to convince Athiest there is a GOD. Both feed off of one another when it comes to this type of debate, for if one side didn't exist, the other side would have nothing to prove. Have Christians made Athiest? Think about it, Athiest seem to live and thrive on there attempt to disprove the need for our GOD! What other purpose do Athiest serve? It seems satin has his own army.

JMHO, Christians seem to believe because we see. Athiest cannot see, so they do not believe.

If this makes any sense great, if not, I'm still working on my first cup of coffee. :)

Absolute pure brilliance, great point. :clap:

Re: John the Baptist's Bones Discovered?

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:04 am
by ryeguy123
i dought they are his bones because would the skull be detached :shock: