Numbers Stations

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Numbers Stations

Post by Ngakunui »

Has anyone heard of these? They're radio stations that have been broadcasting numbers after certain verses of music. I found out about them in a top ten list someone made, and have been fascinated by them ever since. Quite haunting if I may say. It unnerves me the most because I found out about them after I met a (unfortunately, retarded) five-ish-year-old cousin of mine whom I will not name, for the first time- every time she saw or heard a number, she would reply with "Eight, five, six, two!". And I still haven't figured out what that's supposed to mean. (I think she's a Soviet spy o_o)

Anyway, these radio stations can be found in every country, on every continent, and all they do is broadcast numbers after a clip of music. Or odd noises.

Here are some videos I found of them: ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related

I didn't add UBV-76 to the list, but just Google it. It will give you nightmares.

Just thought I'd ask what others thought, like what they mean, or say(maybe they're Bible verses?). I just watched these three again tonight. I'm regretting it now. I keep seeing things that aren't there; it's that disturbing to listen to these. .____.
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Re: Numbers Stations

Post by Gabrielman »

Hm.... well I am not much into conspiracy theories, but if maybe you could give more examples, like a paper or two written on it, I could give them a read and tell you what I think. To be honest I don't know what to make of the vids. Some could say they are fake, but then again the people who commented on them all agreed, and it isn't easy to get so many people to all work together properly on a joke, so I do not think that is the case. However it may be nothing more than code being transmitted as field experiments from a military base, or some kind of training. So that could explain why no one really knows about it, because it would then be too sensitive to just leak out, the enemy would hear of it for sure. And we all know that radio waves are weird, so perhaps some kind of mixed waves, lol I don't know, at this point I am just guessing, but what do you make of this all? I mean the numbers.
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