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circadian rhythms

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:59 am
by zoegirl
So considering that I am a complete wimp when it comes to's just a friendly question...

Are you a morning person? night owl? Grumpy in the morning? A bear at night?

Do you remember your dreams? Weird dreams? Funny dreams? In color? Do yo know when you are dreaming (I sometimes do)

I'm am more of a morning person...I would normally wake up naturally around 7 am and hate it when I sleep in past 8 or 8:30...sleeping until noon sounds awful.

I usually remember some of my dreams and nostof the time they are in color.

I usually like to have a down time after school where I can decompress but I recover later. I am most grumpy and ineffective in the afternoons.

Re: circadian rhythms

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:48 am
by BavarianWheels
I am a night owl. I generally am up past midnight and sometimes passed 1am and 2am, but that's only if I find a good documentary on the tube...even with the ability to record it, once I start it, I HAVE to see the whole show.

Sundays are my only days to sleep in, so if I can, I sleep well passed noon if all works out. I then get up and get my house/yardwork done...or gel out the rest of the day...depends.

I remember dreams, but I don't know that I've ever thought specifically if they were in color or b/w. I assume they are in color since it seems a b/w dream would be an oddity. Depending on the dream, I can remember it for some time, but for the most part I forget it in a few days. There is only one "dream", which I say really did happen, but my mom always told me was just a bad dream, that I'll never forget. The dream was simple. I woke up and had to go use the restroom. I sat up in bed and put my feet on the floor. The moment I put my feet on the floor, a black Scottish Terrier came out from under my bed at attacked my ankles...I was so scared that my screams made no sound. This was a "dream" that took place when I was about 9 or 10 yrs old. To this day, I will not get near a Scottish Terrier. :)

Re: circadian rhythms

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:03 am
by zoegirl
Worst dream? I dreamed my dog died...

Weird dreams/panic dream would have to be the school dreams (forgot an entire class and now I have to take the exam....)

Re: circadian rhythms

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:21 am
by A Y323
I'm not really a night owl because I usually don't like to stay up past midnight, but I'm definitely not a morning person either. If I have to work the next day, I usually go to bed between 10:30 and 11. On weekends I try to stay up as long as I can, which usually ends up being between 11 and 12. I like to sleep in on weekends, but lately I haven't been able to sleep past 8:30 or 9. Oh well, guess if I'm not tired I don't really have any reason to sleep.

Do I remember my dreams? Really vivid ones I can remember for quite a while, a few weeks or so. The more common ones I usually forget about by that afternoon. There's a couple dreams that I had years ago that I still remember, but just barely.

Usually I don't know when I'm dreaming until I wake up. I've read about people who realize they are dreaming, and then can change the dream in some way. I think it's called lucid dreaming? There's only one time I can remember that I knew I was dreaming. But from what I remember, almost as soon as I found out, like the whole dream reset. I started dreaming about something else and forgot that I knew I was dreaming. It was kinda weird and hard to explain. :?

I don't think I have bad/scary dreams anymore. At least I can't remember having one for a long time. Lucky me I guess. I had quite a few as a kid though. Most involved me being chased by dinosaurs, yet I loved playing with dino toys during the day. Land Before Time was my favorite movie, so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that I loved dinos during the day but was scared and chased by them in my dreams.
BavarianWheels wrote:There is only one "dream", which I say really did happen, but my mom always told me was just a bad dream, that I'll never forget. The dream was simple. I woke up and had to go use the restroom. I sat up in bed and put my feet on the floor. The moment I put my feet on the floor, a black Scottish Terrier came out from under my bed at attacked my ankles...I was so scared that my screams made no sound. This was a "dream" that took place when I was about 9 or 10 yrs old. To this day, I will not get near a Scottish Terrier. :)
My dad likes to mess with my sister sometimes saying that she only dreamed something that we all remember happening. :lol:

Anyway, I'm no expert on dreams, but trying to scream and no sound comes out is pretty common, or so I've heard. There are other things that are common in dreams too, some that happen to me are trying to run away but it's like I'm in slow motion, and trying to write/type something but what I'm trying to write/type is never what shows up on the paper/screen. And then there's another one where the dream starts out normal (for a dream anyway :lol: ) and all of a sudden it's like gravity turns off and I start floating away. I try to go back to the ground, but I can't so eventually I just learn to fly.

Re: circadian rhythms

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:43 pm
by zoegirl
I have made it my goal, or at least one of my goals, to try to never get to bed later than 10:30. Last night was the only night (school night at least) where i broke my rule and I felt it this morning!

I have to get up around 5:30 am, which means if I want 7 to 8 hours of sleep then 9 or 9 30 would be best.

Latest I ever slept in was 10:30 and that was after staying up to 3am one time after an amusement park. The other night I stayed up until 3 am was when I was finidhign up grad school and writing a paper.

I've never pulled an all-night...a fact which completely astounds my students.

Realizing that I am dreaming is usually good because they are usually bad dreams.

Re: circadian rhythms

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:35 pm
by zoegirl

So for an example...I fell asleep tonight on the couch after supper for a couple of hours....definitely more of a morning person. :lol:

Woke up in a panic disoriented thinking I should be at school....

Re: circadian rhythms

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:32 am
by joecap
I usually have very cool dreams, and not only do I remember them, but often during the dream, I realize it IS a dream, and I know that I am sleeping.
It is the best of both worlds, because not only am I asleep and getting rest, but I am AWARE that I am asleep, which means I am not wasting the pleasure of sleep by being unconcious of it! Does that make any sense?

Re: circadian rhythms

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:24 am
by CeT-To
I'm a night owl LOL now that i have finished high school my sleeping time keeps has being pushed forward almost to 5 am so now i wake up at 12pm-1:30 pm, the same reason as Bavarian Wheels hahah i looove the youtube :P like right now i'm into watching William Lan Craigs debates. About dreams, i just realised i haven't had a good dream in sooo long, i don't always have a dream but when i do its 85% bad. I hate going to sleep because its boring but i hate waking up when i do LOL ...haha i sound crazy :P And i usually remember my dream when i see a face that triggers the memory to surface or a feeling or emotion that makes me remember the dream.

Re: circadian rhythms

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:57 am
by zoegirl
the research shows that a lack of sleep often then leads to the most vivid and often bizarre dreams, that's probably why they are 85% bad

Re: circadian rhythms

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:22 pm
by CeT-To
I don't know if its lack of sleep since i go to sleep really late but i wake up really late at the same time, so i do get the normal amount of sleep. Not saying that sleeping late is better than sleeping at an earlier time.