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Questions about Theistic evoluton...

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:30 pm
by derrick09
Hello, this question is for the theistic evolutionists about theistic evolution and it's validly. It doesn't have as much to do with whether or not Darwinian evolution is true, but assuming for the moment that it is, how theistic evolutionists reconcile the Bible with evolution? If you end up allegorizing the creation account or say that bits and pieces of it is true and some other parts are false, how do you keep from having to apply that same reasoning to the rest of the Bible? And if you apply that idea to the rest of the Bible how do you know if we are indeed saved by faith through Christ or that Christ is indeed the Son of God? Also, I was curious, since young earth creationism, old earth creationism, and intelligent design proponents have their own organizations and think thanks to study, debate and think about all the problems and issues with Christianity and science, does theistic evolution have such a organization or think thank yet? If not, is there one in the works? Not to mention if such a organization were to spring up who would run it and who would be it's major contributors? The only big name I can think of off the top of my head would be Francis Collins, but are there any other big name theistic evolutionists? As of now, I still consider theistic evolution to be a reasonable option, I also currently consider it to be the extreme last ditch effort to salvage Christian intellectualism before giving up the war to agnostic atheism, so I hope to not use it, but I do have it just in case the evidence for darwinian evolution becomes so air tight and irrefutable that I with left with no choice. So let me know what you all think and if you can help me out with these questions. Thank you for your time. :wave:

Re: Questions about Theistic evoluton...

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:51 pm
by dayage
Hey Derrick,

I'm a dayager, not a theistic evolutionist, but yes, Collins does have a group.

They tend to deny that there was a first man named Adam.

Re: Questions about Theistic evoluton...

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:52 am
by Canuckster1127
Hi Derrick,

I'm not a theistic evolutionist but neither am I antogonistic to the position. C.S. Lewis was something of a Theistic Evolutionist and Francis Collins is probably the leading contemporary example of one who also draws a great deal on Lewis in his understandings theologically. Collins was the head of the Genome project and he has a book out that I highly recommend to you if this is an area you have questions about.


Re: Questions about Theistic evoluton...

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:27 pm
by smiley
derrick09 wrote:If you end up allegorizing the creation account or say that bits and pieces of it is true and some other parts are false, how do you keep from having to apply that same reasoning to the rest of the Bible? And if you apply that idea to the rest of the Bible how do you know if we are indeed saved by faith through Christ or that Christ is indeed the Son of God?
Everyone takes some things in the Bible figuratively (or as products of the culture and limited understanding of its human writers). And yes, including YECs. If they deny it - then they're lying.

The language and rythm of the Genesis account just seems poetic and evocative. I don't see why anyone should be obliged to take it absolutely literally.

Re: Questions about Theistic evoluton...

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:52 pm
by derrick09
Thanks for your help guys, I'll look into these. :wave: