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Thanks for your prayers for Carole

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:40 pm
by Rich
A number of you have been praying for my wife Carole, who has a brain tumor. In July, there was an indication that Carole's brain tumor was growing. However, two followup MRIs showed that the increased contrast was probably due to seizure activity, rather than tumor growth, which is good news. As a result of the issue, I got an email from a brother, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor in June, with surgery soon thereafter. His tumor was near the cerebellum, which is very dangerous, and looked, from the initial scans to be an aggressive, metastatic tumor. With a young child and another on the way, he really needed a miracle. You can read his story at his new website Although things are looking much better, Neil may need radiation treatment. Please pray for him, and thank you for your prayers for us.

Re: Thanks for your prayers for Carole

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:42 pm
by Gabrielman
Will do Rich, and sorry to hear about your friend... I will keep him and your wife in my prayers. Please keep us updated on this. y[-o<

God Bless

Re: Thanks for your prayers for Carole

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:06 pm
by ChrisB
I will keep praying for your wife and for your friend too. y[-o< God Bless them both.

Re: Thanks for your prayers for Carole

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:36 pm
by narnia4
I'll be praying for that.