Question about supernatural healing and how atheists respond

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Question about supernatural healing and how atheists respond

Post by derrick09 »


I have a question about how we can respond to atheists who say that miraculous or supernatural healings are either products of our bodies naturally healing themselves or more specifically, a natural product of where we in our faith believe that we will be healed, which causes us to naturally have peace. which in turn, allows the body to relax and eventually to be able to heal itself? By them stating that and if and when by proving it by scientific experimentation, would they then prove that God does not supernaturally intervene in people's health like what many think He does? Let me know what you think. Thanks and God bless. :wave:
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Re: Question about supernatural healing and how atheists res

Post by RickD »

derrick09 wrote:Hello,

I have a question about how we can respond to atheists who say that miraculous or supernatural healings are either products of our bodies naturally healing themselves or more specifically, a natural product of where we in our faith believe that we will be healed, which causes us to naturally have peace. which in turn, allows the body to relax and eventually to be able to heal itself? By them stating that and if and when by proving it by scientific experimentation, would they then prove that God does not supernaturally intervene in people's health like what many think He does? Let me know what you think. Thanks and God bless. :wave:
Derrick, I did hours upon hours of research last year when we found out that my dad had liver cancer. I've come to the conclusion that God designed our bodies in such a way that it will heal itself if given the proper foods, while also avoiding the wrong foods, chemicals, and stress. I won't go into detail about what I found, but that is it in a nutshell. That's not to say that God can't supernaturally heal anyone if it's His will. My family, and family's friends KNEW that God could heal my Dad. I prayed for Dad's healing if it was God's will. It wasn't. My Dad died a year ago. I believe that God only guarantees spiritual healing, not physical. No one can ever prove that God can't heal physically. Skeptics can BELIEVE that God doesn't heal. How can we blame skeptics, if their only knowledge of God's healing comes from greedy televangelists performing fake miracles in the name of the almighty dollar?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Question about supernatural healing and how atheists res

Post by Adrian678 »

In response to this question, some believers say such people don't get healed .
“That would reduce God to a kind of supernatural force .
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Re: Question about supernatural healing and how atheists res

Post by Gman »

Want a miracle? The fact that we are breathing is more than enough proof that God created it all.. End of story... ;)
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Re: Question about supernatural healing and how atheists res

Post by CeT-To »

^^ HAHAH Amen brother!
But joy and happiness in you to all who seek you! Let them ceaselessly cry,"Great is Yahweh" who love your saving power. Psalm 40:16

I Praise you Yahweh, my Lord, my God!!!!!
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