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Life in heaven

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:41 am
by CeT-To
What will happen to humans in heaven ? Because we are the body of Christ what does that mean when we are in heaven ?

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:12 am
by B. W.
CeT-To wrote:What will happen to humans in heaven ? Because we are the body of Christ what does that mean when we are in heaven ?

2 Co 5:8, "...We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord."

We'll be with the Lord, where He is...

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:17 am
by J.Davis
CeT-To wrote:What will happen to humans in heaven ? Because we are the body of Christ what does that mean when we are in heaven ?
It means that we bask in perfection, and have bodies that are amped, full of power with amazing unimaginable ability. We can travel across the universe at the speed of thought, jump from planet to planet, have a party on Neptune or fly through Saturn’s rings. We can dance through nebulas and spar on comets using weapons that materialize with a thought. We can help God make a new planet with new beings and cast votes to see who thinks Adan and Evie will bite the apple. Then we’ll point and laugh at how silly and clueless the new race is and reminisce on the time we did that too. We will make friends with the races God created before us and laugh when they tell us not to feel bad because everyone bites the apple. And then we’ll discover that God has been making races since the beginning of the universe, that’s why all those empty planets are there. And every time, he slaps himself on the forehead and says: For the love of me...again! Why do I keep doing this! They bit it, they always bite it! This is the last time!!!

And then we stand there puzzled as everyone laughs because he always says that. And then we all feast on anything we can imagine and live out eternity constantly amazed by all God created and all he has given.

Oh, and the clouds taste like marshmallows...mmmmm.... marshmallows.

Just having fun... But I am sure that it will be AWESOME! And feel AMAZING!

And it will be way beyond what we can possibly imagine.

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:48 am
by CeT-To
J.Davis wrote:
CeT-To wrote:What will happen to humans in heaven ? Because we are the body of Christ what does that mean when we are in heaven ?
It means that we bask in perfection, and have bodies that are amped, full of power with amazing unimaginable ability. We can travel across the universe at the speed of thought, jump from planet to planet, have a party on Neptune or fly through Saturn’s rings. We can dance through nebulas and spar on comets using weapons that materialize with a thought. We can help God make a new planet with new beings and cast votes to see who thinks Adan and Evie will bite the apple. Then we’ll point and laugh at how silly and clueless the new race is and reminisce on the time we did that too. We will make friends with the races God created before us and laugh when they tell us not to feel bad because everyone bites the apple. And then we’ll discover that God has been making races since the beginning of the universe, that’s why all those empty planets are there. And every time, he slaps himself on the forehead and says: For the love of me...again! Why do I keep doing this! They bit it, they always bite it! This is the last time!!!

And then we stand there puzzled as everyone laughs because he always says that. And then we all feast on anything we can imagine and live out eternity constantly amazed by all God created and all he has given.

Oh, and the clouds taste like marshmallows...mmmmm.... marshmallows.

Just having fun... But I am sure that it will be AWESOME! And feel AMAZING!

And it will be way beyond what we can possibly imagine.
HAHAHAHAH !!!! for some reason BESIDES your Bleach Dp, i have a hunch that you watch a LOT of anime!

But yeah back to seriousness * cough cough* xD

Ummm What does it mean that we are the Body of Christ? Does that mean we will have some sort of authority in heaven or special ability? Or is it just like a figure of speech where my head is the boss of my body sort of type? Like wise Christ is the head of the body which we are. Im kinda confused :S

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:38 pm
by J.Davis
Hi Cet-To!

I actually don’t watch very much anime these days. My avatar was made by cslewislover, she said it was free if I wanted to use it, so I took her up on the offer. I watched a few episodes to get an idea of my avatar’s character but other than that I am not a fan of the series. From what my brother tells me, bleach gets pretty boring. But I saw nothing wrong with joining in the anime fun just to fellowship.

But the avatar was made and offered by sister cslewislover. So it has online sentimental value, I appreciate the kindness and fellowship.

Concerning our duties in heaven, the bible does not go into great detail. Rich covers the few things it does mention here…….


If you want to read about a few of our duties, just scroll down until you see-What will we do in heaven.

Maybe God did not include a lot concerning our duties in heaven so we could concentrate on our work on earth? All we can do is dream Cet-To…dream…Or seek God for more info. But maybe he wants to keep it a surprise.

But the bible does mention that we will help judge the fallen angels (demons).

Jesus: :jesus: What say ye crew?

Saints: Image

Demon: Image

Concerning the body of Christ, It means that we are to act as a single unit, guided by God, supporting each other and showing the love that resides in the body of God….Or at least do our best…(smile).

Paul talks about it a bit here…

Romans 12:3-9

3 For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith. 4 For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, 5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. 6 Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; 7 if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; 8 or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.
9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.
10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor;

I think the stuff I’ve experienced on earth is amazing! I can’t even begin to think what heaven will be like.

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:30 pm
by zackabba1
I would suggest Heaven by Randy Alcorn. It's an excellent book on what Heaven will be like. (and it uses a LOT of scripture, so it's reliable :D

What specifically do you want to know?

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:57 pm
by derrick09
Hey guys I've been wanting to add on to this discussion for quite awhile. Ever since I have been involved in studying apologetics and theology I've been wondering about and have been quite concerned about this very topic.
Before I became more involved in apologetics and theology, I was under the impression that heaven was going to be dull and boring and we were going to basically have one big church service for all eternity. That and the aspect of that we would be living in first century Jerusalem type setting with the only difference being that the streets, walls and gates are made of gold and jewels.

But after deeply studying and thinking about verses like Revelation 21:4 and 1 Corinthians 2:9, I seem to have a good indication that we will experience pure and constant happiness and possibly experience such great things that we won't be able to conceive of them currently.

But getting back to heaven being dull, boring, or not having the kinds of things we got to enjoy here on earth. Take for instance, cars. I really love cars, in fact I consider myself a car guy. At least right now in my life, when I arrive in heaven I really hope that cars are there, but if they are not, I figure that God will either give me and the rest of us who are like me, things that will give us that same kind of happiness that we would get if we where to have those things in heaven. Either that, or God could reprogram our minds to where we would no longer like stuff like cars, food, sex and so on.

But anyway, if I had my way, what I personally would really love to do in heaven would be what I do now as a side job and hope to turn it into something full time is motorsports photography, i.e. photographing race cars. Not only that, one of the things I dream about doing (if it would be possible and if God would allow it) is to be able to not just time travel, but almost like something out of Narnia. That is, to travel to a mystical or a real but sinless and painless version of this life so I could be able to go back and live out (or relive) certain events and live them to the fullest. Such as for me, would be to photograph the first Indy 500 or the first Daytona 500. For stuff that is unrelated to auto racing, there are many places around the world that I would love to go visit like MT. Rushmore, Niagara Falls, the beaches of Hawaii just to name a few. Places that I either won't get to go in this life either due to time, cost (i.e. the increasing cost of oil and fuel), or health.

I was thinking it may be very likely in heaven we would be able to do such things especially if you consider the fact that since people in this life who are either blind, deaf, or have debilitating diseases will be able to experience perfect health and have all their senses fully restored to beyond perfect condition. And thus be able to experience good health that they were not able to experience in this life. Wouldn't it also make sense that we would be able to either relive or live out moments and go to places or settings that we have dreamed about in this life?

Now if I and people like me won't be able to get their wishes granted whether it be to experience MT. Rushmore, the first Indy500 or fill in the blank (as far as places or things or moments that you either want to relive or live for the first time), wouldn't it make sense then, that God would instead give us something different or rewire our brains in a way that even though we won't get all our wishes fulfilled, we will get something that will make us every bit as happy as we would be if we got those wishes granted? But anyway, this is a great conversation and I'm very happy to contribute to it and I"m looking forward to seeing what you all think about what I had to say on this. Thanks and God bless. y0:)

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:08 pm
by CeT-To
Hey Derrick

Hahah i don't think i ever thought heaven to be one massive church service that stretches on to eternity... O_o

LOL remember that God will create a new heaven and earth ... do you think that the heaven and earth are comparable to the new heaven & earth to come? It will prolly be 1000x more beautiful and spectacular... Plus I've herd some where ( i think Hugh Ross) that the earth will have a different gravity. To be honest whatever hobby you think is cool now or interesting you will probably find a better & more fun one in the after life.

Instead of cars we would fly around :D hahahah ( just like in Dbz xD)

Not sure about travelling in time tho... I don't think that's possible for God but i wouldn't be surprised if He could make some hologram or something of the sort.

God bless!

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:02 pm
by zoegirl
But getting back to heaven being dull, boring, or not having the kinds of things we got to enjoy here on earth. Take for instance, cars. I really love cars, in fact I consider myself a car guy. At least right now in my life, when I arrive in heaven I really hope that cars are there, but if they are not, I figure that God will either give me and the rest of us who are like me, things that will give us that same kind of happiness that we would get if we where to have those things in heaven. Either that, or God could reprogram our minds to where we would no longer like stuff like cars, food, sex and so on.
CS Lewis had an interesting take on this.
‘The letter and spirit of scripture, and of all Christianity, forbid us to suppose that life in the New Creation will be a sexual life; and this reduces our imagination to the withering alternatives either of bodies which are hardly recognisable as human bodies at all or else of a perpetual fast. As regards the fast, I think our present outlook might be like that of a small boy who, on being told that the sexual act was the highest bodily pleasure, should immediately ask whether you ate chocolates at the same time. On receiving the answer “No,” he might regard absence of chocolates as the chief characteristic of sexuality. In vain would you tell him that the reason why lovers in their carnal raptures don’t bother about chocolates is that they have something better to think of. The boy knows chocolate: he does not know the positive thing which excludes it. We are in the same position. We know the sexual life; we do not know, except in glimpses, the other thing which, in Heaven, will leave no room for it. Hence where fulness awaits us we anticipate fasting. In denying that sexual life, as we now understand it, makes any part of the final beatitude, it is not of course necessary to suppose that the distinction of sexes will disappear. What is no longer needed for biological purposes may be expected to survive for splendour. Sexuality is the instrument both of virginity and of conjugal virtue; neither men nor women will be asked to throw away the weapon they have used victoriously. It is the beaten and the fugitives who throw away their swords. The conquerors sheathe theirs and retain them. “Trans-sexual” would be a better word than “sexless” for the heavenly life.’
I don't know what heaven will be like....but this comforts me....all tears and all joys will be taken care of. Perhaps there will be something akin to cars....

I was thinking it may be very likely in heaven we would be able to do such things especially if you consider the fact that since people in this life who are either blind, deaf, or have debilitating diseases will be able to experience perfect health and have all their senses fully restored to beyond perfect condition. And thus be able to experience good health that they were not able to experience in this life. Wouldn't it also make sense that we would be able to either relive or live out moments and go to places or settings that we have dreamed about in this life?
I used to have a friend who was highly allergic to chocolate....gave him dreadful migraines....and he used to joke that we would all know where to find him....dunked in the chocolate fountain....

I don't know about moments (seems a bit like Fantasy Island)...but I don't doubt that we will have new lives and we still have our interests.

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:16 am
by 1over137
It is written (Revelation 21:4) there will be no pain in the Heaven. But would not be some people's souls in Heaven said that some people has ended in Hell?
I have also a second question: We probably will still have freedom of choice in the Heaven. What would happen if somenoe disobey God?

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:52 am
by B. W.
1over137 wrote:It is written (Revelation 21:4) there will be no pain in the Heaven. But would not be some people's souls in Heaven said that some people has ended in Hell?
I have also a second question: We probably will still have freedom of choice in the Heaven. What would happen if somenoe disobey God?
Eph 1: 13, 14 - In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.

These verses help answer your question as those in heaven will have no desire to freely disobey... seeing the majesty and full revelation of the Lord.

Are you likewise sealed - 1over137?

I am not sure what you meant here: "But would not be some people's souls in Heaven said that some people has ended in Hell?" I think you meant this, " But would not be some people's souls in Heaven be sad that some people has ended in Hell?"

The answer would be NO...

...Due to the deeper understanding of the full Majesty of the Lord one gains in heaven... and a fuller understanding how stupid sin and rebellion is against God who is...all He says is...

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:07 am
by PaulSacramento
In Heaven we are spirit, Our ressurected Bodies are for the NEW EARTH.
And those bodies will be like what we read as the description of Christ on the mountain.

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:30 am
by 1over137
B. W. wrote: Eph 1: 13, 14 - In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.

These verses help answer your question as those in heaven will have no desire to freely disobey... seeing the majesty and full revelation of the Lord.

Are you likewise sealed - 1over137?
Well, several days ago I decided to trust. I have not heard the whole truth and have not read the whole gospel yet. So, I do not know to answer precisely. I've just started to trust and am waiting for what will happen.
B. W. wrote: I think you meant this, " But would not be some people's souls in Heaven be sad that some people has ended in Hell?"

The answer would be NO...

...Due to the deeper understanding of the full Majesty of the Lord one gains in heaven... and a fuller understanding how stupid sin and rebellion is against God who is...all He says is...
I still cannot reconcile with e.g. Feynman ending up in the hell. Well, I was told this: 1. Hell is absence of God. 2. God will not take from the people what belongs to him, meaning that He would not take good qualities from the people for example. So, I do not know what is it like in hell really. And it seems to me that I would be little sad in heaven. You say that sin is stupid, well it is (if God is), but I still feel sorrow also for the 'stupid' people.

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:39 am
by B. W.
1over137 wrote: Well, several days ago I decided to trust. I have not heard the whole truth and have not read the whole gospel yet. So, I do not know to answer precisely. I've just started to trust and am waiting for what will happen.
What truth have you heard so far about Christ? From this, others reading this may be able to help develop the trust you decided on. Have you decided to trust Jesus?
1over137 wrote:I still cannot reconcile with e.g. Feynman ending up in the hell. Well, I was told this: 1. Hell is absence of God. 2. God will not take from the people what belongs to him, meaning that He would not take good qualities from the people for example. So, I do not know what is it like in hell really. And it seems to me that I would be little sad in heaven. You say that sin is stupid, well it is (if God is), but I still feel sorrow also for the 'stupid' people.
There are many people whose last name is Feynman, so I am not sure to whom you are referring to here without being specific. If any Feynman dies, or anyone for that matter, the difficulty in trying to figure out their eternal resting place is that we do not know what transpired in that person’s life just before they died with certitude, unless it is recorded in some manner. So to base a doctrine of sadness in heaven derived solely upon how we view things in mortal life is not wise.

Just like happened in the New Heavens and Earth, all sorrow and tears will vanish away in the current heaven to those who go there. They have come into a fuller knowledge and understanding of God and why things be than we do now know in this mortal plane. We can feel pity for those who reject God in this mortal life. I do but learned to trust God that he knows what he is doing in their life now. Maybe the seed planted in their heart through what I do may, later on be watered by another and another, till they come to a saving knowledge of Christ.

I do think we will be surprised by how many people we had written off as unsavable will meet us in heaven, thanking us for being obedient in our past confrontations with them. Others who don’t make it, due to the revelation of the majesty of Lord who changes not, wipes away the tears and sorrows as we, who have come out of sin and changed from its way, forever sealed will see sin for what it is and does – never desiring that path again and most certainly will not want it repeated in heaven again.

I suggest, taking your time, learn more about Christ and His work. Look toward yourself for the time being and grow in the Lord. Seek the bible for answers, asks questions, in prayer take you debates to God (like feelings of sadness in heaven – why this – what about that), learn from mistakes in doctrine and mistakes in how you think and reason, be ever confessing sin as 1 John 1:8, 9 tells us to do, be cleansed. Be metamorphosed in your mind by the word of God contained in the bible and you will do well. Remember that all answers will line up with God’s character and nature – and that alone – not what we demand it to be but rather what he reveals himself as solidified within the bible – that alone answers the seeking heart yearning to be taught by God.

Re: Life in heaven

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:42 am
by 1over137
B. W. wrote: What truth have you heard so far about Christ? From this, others reading this may be able to help develop the trust you decided on.
I will tell you what I think is probably the truth. (To know what is true is different from to trust what is true.) So, he lived, and was very moral and wise person. I like the idea that "do not do to others what you would not like others to do to you" (Sorry for my English). By the way, Socrates was also very exceptional person, very wise and moral. And he also was sentenced to death.
But to get back, well, other things (e.g. written in Gospel) about Christ I trust they are true, since I decided to trust. And Christians trust the he was crucified and resurrected and was doing miracles during his service on Earth. This all I have to trust. ... And since he is the door I trust that trying to behave as he would is a key to Heaven.
B. W. wrote: Have you decided to trust Jesus?
Jesus, God, Holy Spirit - does it matter?
B. W. wrote: There are many people whose last name is Feynman, so
I meant Richard Feynman, one of the best theoretical physicist. I do like him not just because he was physicist but because he was a nice person too. Many people liked him for his honesty. If someone wants to know about his personality and his worldview then I recommend reading The meaning of it all. I am sure it is foundable on the web as a pdf or djvu file. Oh, there is a movie about him with title Infinity - nice movie too.
B. W. wrote: So to base a doctrine of sadness in heaven derived solely upon how we view things in mortal life is not wise.
Yes, it does not seems to be wise, but still, we have emotions (and heart).
B. W. wrote: Just like happened in the New Heavens and Earth, all sorrow and tears will vanish away in the current heaven to those who go there. They have come into a fuller knowledge and understanding of God and why things be than we do now know in this mortal plane. We can feel pity for those who reject God in this mortal life. I do but learned to trust God that he knows what he is doing in their life now. Maybe the seed planted in their heart through what I do may, later on be watered by another and another, till they come to a saving knowledge of Christ.
It seems to me that God would have to wash my brain and erase sadness and memory so that "all sorrow and tears will vanish".
B. W. wrote: I do think we will be surprised by how many people we had written off as unsavable will meet us in heaven,
Hopefully, Dalai Lama will be an example. But, isn't it true that you only go to Heaven after admitting that you are a sinner and that Jesus is your saviour?
B. W. wrote: I suggest, taking your time, learn more about Christ and His work. Look toward yourself for the time being and grow in the Lord. Seek the bible for answers, asks questions, in prayer take you debates to God (like feelings of sadness in heaven – why this – what about that), learn from mistakes in doctrine and mistakes in how you think and reason, be ever confessing sin as 1 John 1:8, 9 tells us to do, be cleansed. Be metamorphosed in your mind by the word of God contained in the bible and you will do well. Remember that all answers will line up with God’s character and nature – and that alone – not what we demand it to be but rather what he reveals himself as solidified within the bible – that alone answers the seeking heart yearning to be taught by God.
Yes, time is needed. I will keep my eyes, ears, heart open. (And I assure you that I will not stop asking the questions while there would be someone answering them.)