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Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:08 am
by robyn hill
So the media, and lack of Chrisian response out there regarding Gilese, has my feathers ruffled a bit. There are many reasons why. First, I hear many scientists claim that this would kill the "Fine Tuning" argument because it would prove many other planets out there are popping into existence and have so before Earth. I think we need to stop and remember that the possibility of discovering "organisms" is not remarkable. We have millions on our own planet. It is "Humans" that are remarkable because we were made in God's image. We see that in our abilities to consider morals, problem solve, choose right from wrong, etc, ... In other words if life is discovered, I just don't find that remarkable and find it does nothing to disprove theology. Now, as to discovering life forms comparable to the sophistication of humans. Well, I tend to think if there were life forms out there and millions of possibilities with the many possibilites of them having more technological sophistiation than ourselves, and hypothetically many existing way before us, why haven't they met us half way with a signal yet? Are we assuming we are more advanced than all of them? That is a crazy assumption if all those life forms exist. So If all atheists are excited that this disproves God, I would suggest they are forgetting to use their scientific tools. Nowhere are scientists even CLOSE to being able to conclude there are comparable life forms, and simple life forms proves nothing that would negate theology. Further more, the odds of we humans being the FIRST to discover like beings outside of our planet rather than the other way around seems to be a far and unrealistic stretch if we are using scientifically sound odds.

Re: Gliese

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:18 pm
by Kloyd Niel Lopez
Hello Guys,

Most extra solar planets found by astronomers are closely the size of Jupiter or a lot bigger but Gliese 581c is just one third of the earth's size which means that the planets' gravitational force is just similar to that of our own. Gliese 581c lies in a belt called the habitable zone, an area around a certain star which enables water to be in its liquid form.

Gliese 581c is believed to have a runaway greenhouse effect and is more similar to Venus rather than earth. Just within the border of the habitable zone is the Gliese 581d which is roughly 7 to 14 times the size of the earth. Because it is in the habitable zone, water in this planet could be in liquid form and therefore, life could possibly exist.


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Re: Gliese

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:41 pm
by Mary
I was kind of feeling that way in regards to the lack of response as well.

Rich did write an article about this though. ... lanet.html

Re: Gliese

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:48 pm
by derrick09 ... 0-HRJZ.mp3

Check this out Robyn, this is Hugh Ross and company's response to the whole Gliese thing. It's not that there is a lack of good Christian intellectual responses to these things, we currently don't have as much money as the atheist/secular science establishment currently has.

Re: Gliese

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:43 pm
by robyn hill
Derricko9, That was an excellent interview. Thank-you so much as that was just what I was looking for. Water is only one of 300 factors needed to work simultaneously to even create minimal life, and as far as "sustaining" life, just not possible. So why are atheists getting so excited? This Gliese has only one small strip between it's moon and star that is not too hot or cold for simply water to exist. So nothing could move around, plate techtonics are likely unstable, atmosphere unstable, etc. If you go outside of that strip, star side, it is boiling...moon side freezing. Atheists are excited? What?? Oh, and another revelation Hugh Ross pointed out is that the earth actually have a small amount of water compared to many water having existed on planets is nothing new (Mars, Jupiter)

Re: Gliese

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:10 pm
by derrick09
Hey Robyn, I just got done listening to RTB's follow up or additional podcast that was done today covering this topic ... 1014JZ.mp3