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Fossil Record of Whales

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:28 am
by Telstra Robs
I'm having a debate with an evolutionist acquaintance who said I should look at the fossil record of whales, saying it was proof of evolution. I'm not sure how to reply to him. Could you please help me with this?

Thankyou :)

Re: Fossil Record of Whales

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:22 am
by Gman
Telstra Robs wrote:I'm having a debate with an evolutionist acquaintance who said I should look at the fossil record of whales, saying it was proof of evolution. I'm not sure how to reply to him. Could you please help me with this?

Thankyou :)
Whales are certainly no proof of evolution.. Hugh Ross has some of the best info on that subject. Especially in his book called "The Genesis Question."

Here are a few links I found on the subject.. ... ts-creator ... odarwinism

Re: Fossil Record of Whales

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:53 am
by Swimmy
There was video on youtube I watched a while aback. A scientist said it would have been impossible for the whale to evolve to what is right now by itself. There simply isn't enough time.

Re: Fossil Record of Whales

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:08 am
by jlay
I'd done quite a bit on this in the past. I'd ask your friend what to specifically look at, and what specifically (testable) evidence of evolution has convinced him. What you will often find is the conclusion is given merit even though the evidnece does not warrant it in and of itself. In other words, your friend hears, or is taught that the fossil record of whales is convincing. Well, if a scientific community says something long enough, people come to hold it as true. Regardless of whether those people have actually looked at the evidence or not, or even understand the evidence. Remember, fossils are evidence. Not opinion. If there is evidence of evolution in the fossil record then anyone (with the proper knowledge) should be able to examine the evidence and make the same conclusion. Now this doesn't even take into consideration just what your friend means when he says, 'evolution.' If he is saying that there is proof in the fossil record that one kind of unique animal has evolved into a new kind of unique animal then he is making a claim that science is unaware of.

When I started looking into it, I was amazed at the holes, and the outright ridiculous assertions being read into the evidence. Sadly, many of these people consider an artists rendering of a fossil the same thing as an actual fossil.

I would play along, and ask him to break down the specifics in the evidence. He'll likely say, 'well such and such says, or so and so said.' But don't conceed. Tell him you understand that people have opinions on the matter, just like you do, but what specific evidence does that opinion stand on. And has he examined this evidence, or is he going on faith.