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The tragedy of Keith Kilgore...

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:23 pm
by derrick09
Hey everyone, as a few of you know, me like most people now are on Facebook, and I have quite a few friends who are involved in apologetics, and a little while ago I was following a conversation of one of my friends and one of the people participating in the discussion posted this link to this article...

This article is about a young man who was involved in apologetics to some extent and who had been brought up in a Christian home but because of the influence of the public school system and because one of his teachers encouraged him to read Richard Dawkins's book the god delusion, he ended up completely heart broken and depressed to the point he ended up committing suicide. As far as how I personally see, it, I'm not surprised the young man did what he did, in fact, I'm shocked that we don't see more of this happening. Secondly, I'm very disappointed in the fact that this story is about two years old (happened in 2008)and many people like me are now just hearing about it. Not to mention, that school and the kid's teacher have not offered any sort of apology or condolences. And lastly, it shows to me that we as apologists need to be more aware of what the atheists are doing and to combat their ideas and their arguments to the best of our ability because if that young man could have been introduced to us and to other high quality apologetics sources like those of William Lane Craig, he would certainly still be alive today. But let me know what you think. Thanks and God bless.

Re: The tragedy of Keith Kilgore...

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:56 pm
by Mary
I can't believe that this article is around 2 years old, and I as well as many people have never heard it before, I am very glad that you posted this. It makes me thankful that the college I am hoping to go to is a Christian college. I am very disappointed that the professor and school were not made to apologize to the father, or at least reply back to him. I must admit I have never heard of William Lane Craig.

Re: The tragedy of Keith Kilgore...

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:01 pm
by derrick09
Hey Mary, you never heard of William Lane Craig? Well in times like these, his material is stuff you and quite honestly all Christians need to know. Here is his website,