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Editor jumps around if I select "quote"

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:09 am
by Legatus
If I try and reply to a post, using "quote", after the post gets to a certain length, the visible window starts jumping around like a jackrabbit, the text I am typing on the bottom of the window is now slide off visibility, the seen text is only the text above that, This means I can type text, but I can't actually see the text I am typing, because it is now below the visible area. Is there a way to make it stop doing that, and still use quote?

Re: Editor jumps around if I select "quote"

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:59 am
by jlay
same problem. quite irritating. If it happens, I go to a word doc and just copy and paste.

Re: Editor jumps around if I select "quote"

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:00 am
by ChrisB
And all along I thought it was just me... :lol:

Re: Editor jumps around if I select "quote"

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:05 am
by Byblos
Is it possible it's the web browser you guys are using? This has never happened to me (and I've written some lengthy posts). I'm currently using Google Chrome and before that I used Firefox.

Re: Editor jumps around if I select "quote"

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:51 pm
by Legatus
Internet explorere 8 here, so that sounds like it might be it. I do wonder if there is some board setting I can use and don't know about however.

Re: Editor jumps around if I select "quote"

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:04 am
by B. W.
Legatus wrote:If I try and reply to a post, using "quote", after the post gets to a certain length, the visible window starts jumping around like a jackrabbit, the text I am typing on the bottom of the window is now slide off visibility, the seen text is only the text above that, This means I can type text, but I can't actually see the text I am typing, because it is now below the visible area. Is there a way to make it stop doing that, and still use quote?
i had this problem, only after I used Face Book - send messages - or tyoe on FB board. Then come to this Forum and have the Editor jump around like you said. This happens on FB too message board will skip about too.

I have repeated this so there must be something in the browser that when using FB or possibly Email functions this reflects back over to this forum's editor.

So have you used FB before logging on this Forum? or Email?

So far it clears up as long as I do not use FB message boards first... If I use first, I have to shut don the PC and reboot in about 30 sec or more and things go back to normal...

Hope this helps

Re: Editor jumps around if I select "quote"

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:57 pm
by Legatus
I never use FB, however, I do use email and such, I may try a reboot and see if that helps.