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Out of Africa question

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:15 am
by Swimmy
I was arguing with someone on this specific topic. Not to get into it too much and put it simple. told him that Africa is geographically isolated which
could be a explanation.

He told me that it would make absolutely no sense. That ancestral haplotypes (mitochodrial and Y chr.) are present in Africa not Mesopotamia. That the African theory is the only viable option.


Re: Out of Africa question

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:27 pm
by Kevlar
Not enough info to answer your question. What is meant by, "That ancestral haplotypes (mitochodrial and Y chr.) are present in Africa not Mesopotamia. That the African theory is the only viable option." - Is someone saying that haplotypes dont exist elsewhere?
- Evo's say humans evolved first in Africa, usually based on the monkey fossils found in certain rock layers in Africa. But they all say they went in one direction to Mesopotamia, and spread out from there, exactly as described by the post Tower of Babble dispersion. The link to Africa is weak, and based on faulty assumptions of fossils like Lucy and human footprints in the same layers in Africa.

Re: Out of Africa question

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:51 pm
by Swimmy
Kevlar wrote:Not enough info to answer your question. What is meant by, "That ancestral haplotypes (mitochodrial and Y chr.) are present in Africa not Mesopotamia. That the African theory is the only viable option." - Is someone saying that haplotypes dont exist elsewhere?
- Evo's say humans evolved first in Africa, usually based on the monkey fossils found in certain rock layers in Africa. But they all say they went in one direction to Mesopotamia, and spread out from there, exactly as described by the post Tower of Babble dispersion. The link to Africa is weak, and based on faulty assumptions of fossils like Lucy and human footprints in the same layers in Africa.

Yet they claim it as fact. Of course I got called a idiot for disagreeing. HAha

Re: Out of Africa question

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:33 pm
by Gman
Swimmy wrote:I was arguing with someone on this specific topic. Not to get into it too much and put it simple. told him that Africa is geographically isolated which
could be a explanation.

He told me that it would make absolutely no sense. That ancestral haplotypes (mitochodrial and Y chr.) are present in Africa not Mesopotamia. That the African theory is the only viable option.

This article may help... ... frica.html

"New genetic analysis of human population groups shows that peoples of the Middle East represent the second most genetically diverse group among world-wide populations. A hypothesis is proposed that modern humans originated in the garden of Eden, in or near Mesopotamia, through the direct creation of God, and subsequently migrated world-wide, first into Africa, then Asia and Europe, and eventually the Americas and Polynesia. Subsequent back migrations diluted the genetic diversity of this founder population, making them appear to be less ancient than the Africans. The hypothesis can potentially be tested by carefully examining more Middle Eastern populations in more detail to attempt to reconstruct the original founder population."

Re: Out of Africa question

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:36 pm
I suggest looking at National Geographic: The Human Family Tree (on netflix) and peruse data presented by Harvard University and other prominent schools.....

The problem I have with these misuse of evidence seems to only attempt to justify the dominance of one "race". I am most interested in the truth and not the centuries of theories that was used to justify slavery and the raping the natural resources of certain geographical locations. However, this is not the crime, as man had done this for ages, inclusive of the negroid races. But in light of so much proof, why do we attempt to keep twisting the truth. Hollywood and the worlds media already done that for us.

I was viewing one of the slide show on this parent site about the origin of man and it attempts to locate Eden's proximity by referencing only 2 of the 4 rivers stated in the bible. Can someone help me out here...

Gen 2
10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

11The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

12And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

13And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.

14And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.

Scientific data, natural beauty and the most diverse species are found in Africa. Gold and natural stones are also in abundance here. Again, race is just a recent man made classification that is not based on genetics but on biases. I do not care or know for sure if the first man was dark skin with big nose and lips. I know that evidence points to its existance closer to central/east africa and thr truth should be acknowledge as what it is...