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If you were an alien...

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:16 pm
by Ngakunui
Let's assume that you're an alien, except you're not a hallucination brought on by sleep paralysis, a fictional character in a conspiracy theory, or a psychopathic alien that wishes to conduct experiments consisting solely of anal probing. Instead, you're an alien that looks convincingly like humans(like StarTrek aliens, almost, but you can't get away with breaking the laws of physics), and your mission is to make first contact with human beings without causing havoc world-wide.

And before you get off topic, this topic is not about "DO ALIENS REAL?!". It's about if you were an alien, to state how loose it may get. If you ARE a space alien, please make first contact in an insane asylum, where ambassadors in clean, white clothes will greet you.

However, on the topic, how would you first attempt to make contact with humans? Would you announce yourself at the White House, or some other big government building? Would you go to a news station and have someone interview you? Or would you first visit a small tribal community that has the least technology and is least able to cause panic if something goes awry? (OR MAYBE ASK AROUND ON THE GOD AND SCIENCE FORUMS OF ALL PLACES SO PEOPLE WON'T SUSPECT YOU OF BEING ALIENS FIRST DURR HURR)

Frankly, though, if I were an alien, I'd go to some secluded town in the polar regions of the Earth(like somewhere in Alaska, or an Antarctic base). I wouldn't present myself as "SPAEC ALIENS ZOMG", but if asked, I'd say I was from a foreign country(all that would need to be done is cover my ears of forehead or whatever odd makeup makes aliens aliens). Such an environment would be ideal for socialising with humans, and of little danger. The people wouldn't be too nosy(at least in Alaska), and since the people there are cultured and have a good respect for others' property (you get shot if you don't, after all) I doubt they'd tell anyone if they stumbled across my spacecraft I'd have landed in the middle of nowhere in the forests where no one would traverse. It's nothing big, but the point of it wouldn't be "OH HI, EVERYONE. ALIENS ARE REAL.". But I'm sure that'd be the point with some of you here.

Antarctrica, on the other hand, isn't as good of an idea, since most pf the scientific bases there are like "WER SCIENTISTS WE SHOULD KNOW EVERYTHING LOLOLOL", and have better communications/recording equipment than people living in towns in the middle of nowhere. It's really only idea if you'd want to observe humans rather than contact them. (I GUESS THATS WHY ALIENS DONT ABDUCT PEOPLE THAR HUH)

But that's just me. What would the rest of you have to add to this topic?

Re: If you were an alien...

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:54 pm
by Seraph
If I were an alien, I'd probably study humans from afar for a while before making contact. If I made direct contact with them too soon, governments of countries would probably be up in arms or have me detained in Area 51 or something. Maybe I'd first arrive at Earth with my alien space fleet armed with 100 gigaton bombs so that I have some defense on my side for if the humans try anything stupid.

I would probably listen in on humanities radio communication for a while to understand to better try to understand their language, correlating the sounds they make with what actions they perform at the time. Once our race has a better understanding of human communication, maybe we would send an ambassador of some sort of contact with humanity and see if they are interested in an alliance between the two races. If not, we would simply be on our way. We aren't a savage race that just eliminates anyone who doesnt want to deal with us you see.

I imagine we would have to make contact with the leaders and people in power on Earth, otherwise we wouldn't be able to have any serious talks of alliance. Making friends with an average joe on the street would be nice and all, but it wouldnt benefit my race as much.