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Are Today's Christians like Pharisees

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:43 am
by Mariolee
This is going to sound silly, but I watching an episode of Community on thursday where it had the character Abed make a film where he was a sort of wise Messianic figure paralleling Jesus. Of course, things are taken out of context and such, but one quote really got to me. The devout christian character on the show, Shirley, tries to shut down the film calling it blasphemous, and one of the people in the crowd following Abed shouts, "Hey, a real life Pharissee!"

This got me thinking, "Are a lot of Christians that hypocritical?" This Shirley character is an extreme characterization of a lot of older Christians these days that, I believe, that spew hatred against others with other beliefs instead of being wise like Jesus. This comes back to the whole "I love Christ, but not his followers" type of thing. Do you guys believe Christians are very hypocritical nowadays?

For reference, here's the episode I was talking about (it will expire in a few weeks I think): ... s-p1-so-i0

Re: Are Today's Christians like Pharisees

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:06 pm
by jlay
Do you guys believe Christians are very hypocritical nowadays?
Does the Pope wear a funny hat?

There will always be hypocritical Christians this side of Christ's return. Not an excuse but a reality.

Re: Are Today's Christians like Pharisees

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:35 pm
by Sudsy
Do you guys believe Christians are very hypocritical nowadays?
A hypocrite is someone who play acts - pretends to be something in public that they are not in private.

Yes, we sometimes need reminders that we can fool some of the people some of the time but we can't ever fool God. He knows the heart.

As far as spewing hatred toward other believers when differing beliefs, I think we sometimes do have our family spats over issues we feel strongly about. And it is good to keep reminded that, despite our differences, we are still one in Christ and part of the same body that needs each other. I know I need this reminder.

But we are not perfect either and if unbelievers are looking for perfection than they will have to look closely at Christ. As believers we are a work-in-process and sometimes the flesh gets the upper hand in how we act. Some of us have a fleshly side that is not at all Christ-like and when it shows up it can be quite obvious. Unbelievers at times will appear more Christ-like as we work on putting off the old man. Anyway, I don't think we today are any more or less hypocritical than in times past.