Science Saved My Soul - New Video For You to Chew On

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Science Saved My Soul - New Video For You to Chew On

Post by Mariolee »

How do some people mess up a message about "love" and "forgiveness" so much?!
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Re: Science Saved My Soul - New Video For You to Chew On

Post by Gman »

Mariolee wrote:

What are your thoughts?
Stupid... Whoever the narrator is obviously hasn't studied science or the meaning of religion. In fact what he is appealing to are his own religious beliefs... Completely philosophical. He didn't even address science..
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

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Re: Science Saved My Soul - New Video For You to Chew On

Post by Mariolee »

Gman wrote:
Mariolee wrote:

What are your thoughts?
Stupid... Whoever the narrator is obviously hasn't studied science or the meaning of religion. In fact what he is appealing to are his own religious beliefs... Completely philosophical. He didn't even address science..
Oops, forgot to put in my own thoughts. Yes, I agree (though "stupid" may be a bit of a rash insult). It seems that in his video, he never stops to state how amazing the universe is, and he even says in the beginning that if there was a God, that He would want us to know about this wonderful thing. Well, yeah, He does. :p
How do some people mess up a message about "love" and "forgiveness" so much?!
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Re: Science Saved My Soul - New Video For You to Chew On

Post by Gman »

Mariolee wrote: Oops, forgot to put in my own thoughts. Yes, I agree (though "stupid" may be a bit of a rash insult). It seems that in his video, he never stops to state how amazing the universe is, and he even says in the beginning that if there was a God, that He would want us to know about this wonderful thing. Well, yeah, He does. :p
Sorry for being so blunt, but that guy was full of it... ;) Science saved my soul? What science is he talking about? This guy is clearing mixing his philosophy with his "so called" science. The universe is amazing, very true, but attributing that to God in no ways diminishes that fact. In fact it enhances it...
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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Re: Science Saved My Soul - New Video For You to Chew On

Post by Ngakunui »

I won't be so quick to denounce this as "stupid", but I will admit it's more philosophical than anything.

And I'll say why: the message of this is built upon generalisation after generalisation. His reasoning is this much without focus: he reasons that because all the matter we know of came from a gigantic explosion, that everyone is the stars, and the galaxy, and whatnot simply on account of us having a small portion of that in us. He also reasons that any devout belief in any God other than a pantheist one(A God that is everything) is a violent, vicious delusion that demands blood be spilled in its name.

So in other words, he thinks he's also millions of atheists, theists, and pantheists- at the very least, he strongly implied it. Here's the extremely large and fatal volley of nails in the coffin; his argument constantly states the need for scientific reasoning. Contrary to his arguments, though, sciences(there's more than one) are based around measuring things. Measurements, regardless what they are, display everything as extremely divided, and individual. Whether it be Geometry, Astronomy, or Medicine of all things, they make the very logical observations that everything is divided. This man believes that the sum of everything is God, and that means people shouldn't believe in anything other than this pseudo-God, which is his philosophical perception of the universe.

He mentions the big bang and everything. Does he acknowledge this is one of many reasons he is around today? Of course. Does he believe in a God of some type being responsible for it? Yes. Does he understand he wasn't responsible for him being on this Earth? That's too complicated for him. Obviously, his mind is too concluded for logical reasoning, so he resorts to nonsense reasoning, which opens the door to an imaginary rendition of the World where all you have to do is believe, man. Just believe and make vaguely convincing arguments with no real basis, and it's true!

And that's another thing that's so wrong about his video. He doesn't seem to perceive the World(or Universe) in a manner of being a wilderness that goes about its natural cycles and acting upon them. Oh no; that's too "religious", somehow. Despite how he says the was saved from a life of ignorance and foolishness by science and reasoning, his argument is without any sophisticated form of reasoning. Granted, it's poetic, but it's just trying to sound scientific by using "big words" and "big numbers".

Also note where he says something in vein of "You can look for God, but you don't need any books...". Well, then, does he believe in reading any book to look for answers? A great measure of his argument is ridiculously biased in this way. And even then, you can only compare "religion"(which seems to be his word for a belief in God or gods) to science in so many ways. "Science" isn't a documentation about a deity, or an organization or practice based around revering one. Scientific methods are ways of observing things. It isn't fact, but it's really good guessing. The idea of "science versus religion" is like comparing all sports to a fanclub of a surrealist artist- what's the point? To say "religion isn't scientific" is stating the obvious. However, that's not to say you shouldn't scientifically observe a religion or what its writings have to say. That doesn't mean any given religion is automatically wrong for not being based around scientific studies. If I write an autobiography, does that mean I lied for not being scientific about it?

Bluntly, I think what this man said is philosophical. This video is opinion and ideas based around ideas, more ideas and so on. Its arguments hide cowardly behind "SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE", yet doesn't have anything vaguely scientific in its arguments other than some things its narrator picked up. If you take away the pretty pictures and music, it's just a guy talking about how his mind drifted while he was smoking(Tobacco, hopefully) outside and looking at the stars with opinion thrown in a third of the way in.

It's not "stupid". The word "stupid" does not do this video proper justice. This video is disingenuous, post-modern, philosophical nonsense.
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Re: Science Saved My Soul - New Video For You to Chew On

Post by Gman »

Ngakunui wrote: It's not "stupid". The word "stupid" does not do this video proper justice. This video is disingenuous, post-modern, philosophical nonsense.
Ok.. I agree. It's stupid. ;)

What this narrator fails to see is that his science can't save his soul... Technically under atheistic evolution, there is no heart, love, spirit, or soul.. His religion cannot offer that.. It's just a bunch of evolved chemicals. I guess you could freeze dry it in a refrigerator and save it that way. But as for as a soul in concerned, it doesn't exist.. It's just chemicals that give it the illusion that he has a soul.
Ngakunui wrote:Does he believe in a God of some type being responsible for it? Yes.
Yes.. This is more clear evidence that he is mixing his philosophy with his science.. At least the creationist I know will admit that.. But what he attributes to this god is a corrupt religion. Something he can't admit about his own religion..
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

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Re: Science Saved My Soul - New Video For You to Chew On

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

Didn't watch the video yet so I'll only comment on the title:

If science is your religious philosophy/worldview, you don't believe in a soul, nor that such an idea as a soul would need saving. I am thus confused.
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