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William Lane Craig to have dialogue with Richard Dawkins!

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:47 pm
by derrick09
Hello everyone, I found out earlier today that William Lane Craig is at a conference in Mexico called the Ciudad de las Ideas, and part of the conference features a group debate with three members on each side and the main topic they are going to be discussing and debating is "Does the universe have purpose?". Craig of course is one of the individuals on the theist side and low and behold Richard Dawkins is on the atheist side. The two apparently had a brief conversation recently in which Craig was very delighted and surprised to see him but according to Craig, Dawkins wasn't as warm and friendly. But needless to say this is something I and many people in the Christian apologetics community have wanted to see,it will be very interesting to see what happens during that group debate tomorrow. Anyone have any thoughts or comments? :wave:

Re: William Lane Craig to have dialogue with Richard Dawkins

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:49 pm
by derrick09
For those of you who are on Facebook here is the link to the article in Craig gives the details about tomorrow's dialogue and about his first encounter with Dawkins.!/not ... 1555970603

Re: William Lane Craig to have dialogue with Richard Dawkins

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:07 pm
by CeT-To
Hopefully some one will post the video recording ( if theres is going to be one) up on youtube, that would be awesome :D

Re: William Lane Craig to have dialogue with Richard Dawkins

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:10 am
by Kurieuo
CeT-To wrote:Hopefully some one will post the video recording ( if theres is going to be one) up on youtube, that would be awesome :D
Omg. Dawkin's is not much of a philosopher. It is going to be very one-sided. I hope Craig doesn't gloat too much, not that I've seen him gloat before.

Re: William Lane Craig to have dialogue with Richard Dawkins

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:38 am
by narnia4
Kurieuo wrote:
CeT-To wrote:Hopefully some one will post the video recording ( if theres is going to be one) up on youtube, that would be awesome :D
Omg. Dawkin's is not much of a philosopher. It is going to be very one-sided. I hope Craig doesn't gloat too much, not that I've seen him gloat before.
Yeah, I'd say there's definitely a good reason why Dawkins has avoided Craig at all costs. He's also come up with some very "convenient" excuses to explain away why Craig wins debates. Of course, Craig dismantling atheists is nothing new, but seeing Dawkins exposed would be extra fun. With it being a group debate, Dawkins will probable be able to hide a bit better than he normally would be able to.

Even though any atheists watching this will ignore any points the theists make and believe that their side is "winning", nothing but good can come from this imo. As Craig has said in the past, he does this for those in the audience who may be questioning their faith or the honest seekers. I wonder how any honest seeker could find Dawkins' argument better than Craig's argument.

Re: William Lane Craig to have dialogue with Richard Dawkins

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:33 pm
by Kurieuo

Re: William Lane Craig to have dialogue with Richard Dawkins

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:50 am
by 1over137
Video is here: ... el-debate/

I was little surprised when Dawkins in such debate said to Craig and his colleagues that not apparently everybody has grown up from purposive way of looking at the world, thus calling them not-grown-up people. That's not how an intellectual debate should look like.

I'd like to ask you guys who you consider to be the best living atheist philosopher(s)?