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How do I love Jesus?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:44 pm
by jborigo
I have been trying hard to believe in Jesus. For whatever reason in the past year I have had bad experiences at church and christian people that made me feel that this cant be the religion for me. I been coming on this site to read answers to some questions I had. One that I am having trouble with is how do I love Jesus? How should it feel? I look at my husband and my heart melts. Should I feel that same way? I felt like I had a relationship with Jesus before where I loved him but it did not feel like what I have with my husband. I don't just want to tell myself I love Jesus for what he did for me. I want to make sure I feel the way I should.

Re: How do I love Jesus?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:58 pm
by Gman
jborigo wrote:I have been trying hard to believe in Jesus. For whatever reason in the past year I have had bad experiences at church and christian people that made me feel that this cant be the religion for me. I been coming on this site to read answers to some questions I had. One that I am having trouble with is how do I love Jesus? How should it feel? I look at my husband and my heart melts. Should I feel that same way? I felt like I had a relationship with Jesus before where I loved him but it did not feel like what I have with my husband. I don't just want to tell myself I love Jesus for what he did for me. I want to make sure I feel the way I should.
How do you love Jesus? A lot of it is how you love others jborigo.. Your fellow man..

Matthew 25:34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Re: How do I love Jesus?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:28 pm
by CeT-To
Those verses are so beautiful ... :D

Re: How do I love Jesus?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:53 pm
by J.Davis
Hi Jborigo, Welcome to the forum!

I agree with Gman 100%.

But I have to say (given the question you asked and your reasons) that you are definitely going in the right direction. God absolutely loves intentions such as the ones in your post and he seriously loves that you have a character that would think to ask that question. The only thing I would change is to not think how you should feel. Think of how you want to make God feel, he will make sure you feel how you should…And by that I mean awesome!

You said…“I look at my husband and my heart melts. Should I feel that same way?”

What God does to your heart is much better, but like all relationships, you have to keep working on it and giving more and more. You said, that you felt like you had a relationship with Jesus before where you loved him but it did not feel like what you have with your husband. That is fine, it’s a start, just like when you first saw your husband, you did not feel the same love you have for him today. You may have been attracted to your husband when you first saw him but just being attracted to him was not enough to bring you to a point where you loved him so much that you always wanted to be with him (marry him). That came only after all the I love yous, gifts, dating, kissing, hugging, talking and sharing etc. It works the same with God (in spirit), work on the relationship and it will grow, and you will discover true love like you have never known.

Don’t settle for static love Jborigo…The unspoken static (stationary) love that exist between humans as a result of kinship or commitment is good. But it will most likely get you the same type of love in return, some people can live with that. But if you want more, then you get creative and give something above static love, because static love takes no effort, it’s just there by default, acting as a bonding agent that binds you to those you commit to.


How do you love Jesus?

One of his favorite ways (if not his absolute favorite way) for you to love him is for you to worship Him,…God absolutely, positively (and I can’t emphasize it enough) loves worship! There is not much that God would deny you (so long as it won’t hurt you) if you are really good at worshiping Him. And, it seems as if He will overlook almost anything- at least, He is a ton more tolerant (you will feel that way because of how He makes you feel), just ask David (from the bible). The man could darn near get away with murder ( and all kinds of craziness and still be one of God’s most loved. I think if the angels came to God and said-You’re not going to like this-but David killed someone. God would say-yeah, well, it happens, besides, I have others, now leave me alone.

No, I’m joking, but I am not joking about how much God loves it when you Sing to Him, write Him a poem, play Him a song, paint Him a picture, dance for Him, or give to others with the intent of giving to Him etc. And it is in no way limited to the things I mentioned. Whatever you do for God, put your best into it.

Think of when you have something special you want to give to your husband (a meal, gift etc). You may have excitement in your heart and anticipation knowing that he will love what you have done for him and you will most likely believe that he will return the love you gave in someway that is above normal. Have that kind of intent in your heart when you are preparing to give God an offering from your heart.

So, intentionally do something special for God often, concentrate on him and whatever you want to do for Him, make sure it is the very best you can do. When you do something for Him, it does not have to be as good or better than anyone else, just make it the very best you can do (and you will improve). And every time you give him an offering from your heart, make it new and better than before. Practice at whatever you do and be awesome at doing it, give Him more and more and He will do the same for you. And absolutely anytime is a good time to worship God, do not limit your time with Him to Sunday.

Make sure that you love doing what you do for God, if you don’t have anything that you love doing then search for things, try stuff until you find something you like and then do it for God. Also, worshiping God will improve your entire life. And, your relationship with others will or can (if you want) get even more amazing. Basically, because you learn, through worshiping God, how the heart works (God will show you) and how to worship (not the same kind you give to God) and serve anyone you want (but never give them what belongs to God) on a level that is on par with what makes God happy.

Also, don’t let others distort your view of God Jborigo. When you got saved, you accepted Jesus as God, no one else. Just the same as you accepted and married your husband. If members of his family are mean to you, you would not leave your husband right? Don’t feel that anyone can make you leave God.

Enjoy the forum Jborigo!

Re: How do I love Jesus?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:53 am
by jlay
I too appreciate what G-man has provided. I want to offer another perspective from what I discern is the root of your concern.
…“I look at my husband and my heart melts. Should I feel that same way?”
Is that really your love? That is a feeling. Now granted, it is a valid feeling. But what if this feeling suddenly wasn't there. Say, you and your spouse were at odds, and your heart didn't melt. Would you still love him? Would you still honor the marriage? In fact, I would say it is more how we respond in these situations that defines the depth of our love, than do the ooey gooey things.

Let us examime first how God defines His love. "God demonstrated His own love toward us in this, while we were still sinners Christ DIED for us."
The expression of God's love isnt' a hug, a romantic feeling, butterflies, oogly eyes. It is the death of Christ. It is Christ's obedience to the Father that expresses His love.
Jesus said, "He who has my commands and keeps them, it is he who loves me." This isn't some form of legalism. The command that we have today is in the dispensation of grace. And so, we are to trust Christ. Who He is, what He said, and what He did. John 5:24

For example, the teaching in Matt 25 is referring to the Kingdom age, is for Israel and how they will live during that time. Our salvation is not tied to our works. Ours is based on grace, and our response to that grace by faith in Christ. As Paul says, we are blessed with all the spiritual blessings in the heavenly places. And we received ALL of them, the moment we believed. And we can't even begin to serve and live out this love, unless we've rightly received it in the first place.

Have your feelings ever betrayed you? I know mine have. And although God's love may at times manifest in feelings, it is not itself a feeling. If your faith life is a train, feelings should not be the engine. They should be the caboose. Otherwise you will be at their mercy. Our lives should be faithful to mercy, not at the mercy of feelings.
For whatever reason in the past year I have had bad experiences at church and christian people that made me feel that this cant be the religion for me.
Based on this statement, where would we interpret your faith to be? In Christ, or in religion (people and institutions)? Of courst the word 'feel' is in there. Is your faith, your experiences at church? Are you trusting your experiences at church, or are you trusting in the person of Christ Jesus?
Your faith is just that. YOURS. Your relationship with Christ is not to be channeled through other people and religious hierarchy. You have direct access. That isn't to say that our relationship with Christ won't affect other relationships, and involve us in fellowships, etc. It will. But salvation is 100% personal. So, if your faith is misplaced, when people let you down,(and churches are made of people) you will be shaken.

Re: How do I love Jesus?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:15 am
by Canuckster1127
How do you love your Husband?

Spend time with Him? Talk with Him? Build your relationship with Him?

A relationship with Jesus works much the same way. Spend time in the Bible (I recommend the Gospels especially) seeing and listening to Jesus through that medium. Recognize that if you love Christ and are indwelt by His Holy Spirit that He is with you and in you, and you can pray, meditate and learn to listen for His voice in your life. Rejoice and celebrate God's presence through this creation that he's given us. I see God's handiwork in nature and creation and that draws me closer to Him.

As others have noted, we Know Christ through others as well who know Him and building loving relationships with other brothers and sisters in Christ makes Christ more real to us and in our lives.

Just like human relationships, there can be lulls and times when we question our love and relationships. Don't beat yourself up and worry about that. Jesus is alive and active in your life and He is bigger than those times and can bring you through and even closer to Him.

Relax too and don't always be worrying about what you should be doing. There's power in just resting and knowing God and He loves those times with us as well.