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Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:36 am
by DannyM
Are fellow Christians worth helping through crises? As they're already saved, are you particularly bothered if a fellow Christian has troubles? These forums used to be full of love for fellow Christians; now all I see is laziness towards other Christians in times of trouble. Take my thread on this forum. Apart from a few (well appreciated) exceptions, I get the feeling that most of you just don't care. That's not what Christianity is to me... But I guess since I'm already saved then my minor problems can go hang...

God Bless

Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:43 am
by Canuckster1127

I'm sorry if I haven't been as responsive lately. I'm getting ready for a huge certification exam mid-month and I'm not answering very many posts in any great detail, just trying to keep up with moderating.

If there's needs you have and you're not getting an answer (which is always a chance on a public board) and you need to talk, then pm me.


Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:37 pm
by Katabole
Hi Dan.

I may not agree with my Christian brothers and sisters on the varying topics within our faith, however, I think it's fantastic that they believe in and follow Christ, as do you. I find it more desparing that there are many who simply do not believe in Christ or do not want to believe. According to 1Cor 12, Christians are given different gifts. Just on this site alone, there are many intelligent people, some have more knowledge in areas where others are just babes. So yes, I think Christians should help others through crises, just, some are better at it than others, according to their gift. Some may not care, but as for myself, I'd rather please Christ than please humans but Christ tells me to love my neighbour, so belief in Christ should naturally result in caring for fellow Christians.


Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:13 am
by DannyM
Canuckster1127 wrote:Danny.

I'm sorry if I haven't been as responsive lately. I'm getting ready for a huge certification exam mid-month and I'm not answering very many posts in any great detail, just trying to keep up with moderating.

If there's needs you have and you're not getting an answer (which is always a chance on a public board) and you need to talk, then pm me.

Hey Bart,

No, no, I'm sorry for my emotional state of late. I'd been thinking very hard about my faith. To the point where I could not accept that I am accepted by God. But, now, I recently had an epiphanic-type experience. I've finally come to understand the complete forensic nature of God's justification. I am now finally coming to know the Gospel. And it feels absolutely amazing. I think I get it now.

God bless , Bart.

Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:26 am
by Canuckster1127
DannyM wrote:
Canuckster1127 wrote:Danny.

I'm sorry if I haven't been as responsive lately. I'm getting ready for a huge certification exam mid-month and I'm not answering very many posts in any great detail, just trying to keep up with moderating.

If there's needs you have and you're not getting an answer (which is always a chance on a public board) and you need to talk, then pm me.

Hey Bart,

No, no, I'm sorry for my emotional state of late. I'd been thinking very hard about my faith. To the point where I could not accept that I am accepted by God. But, now, I recently had an epiphanic-type experience. I've finally come to understand the complete forensic nature of God's justification. I am now finally coming to know the Gospel. And it feels absolutely amazing. I think I get it now.

God bless , Bart.

I'm very glad to hear that you are finding some peace in this area. It's a common struggle for many. Often times our emotions and our doubts cause us to be unsure of where we stand with God.

I've found for me, growing up as I did in a very dysfunctional home, that I have had to unlearn a great many things that I thought I knew as true growing up. A lot of that has to do with how I view God and how I believe God views me. It's sometimes a slow and painful process. At other times there's been "Eureka" moments when something breaks through.

I don't know if that parallels any of what you're experiencing, but for what it is worth, I thought I'd share that.



Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:30 am
by DannyM
Katabole wrote:Hi Dan.

I may not agree with my Christian brothers and sisters on the varying topics within our faith, however, I think it's fantastic that they believe in and follow Christ, as do you. I find it more desparing that there are many who simply do not believe in Christ or do not want to believe. According to 1Cor 12, Christians are given different gifts. Just on this site alone, there are many intelligent people, some have more knowledge in areas where others are just babes. So yes, I think Christians should help others through crises, just, some are better at it than others, according to their gift. Some may not care, but as for myself, I'd rather please Christ than please humans but Christ tells me to love my neighbour, so belief in Christ should naturally result in caring for fellow Christians.

Hi Katabole,

I agree. Thank you. However, please scrap my OP from the 'hard-drive,' as it was way too rash. My anxieties were sky high.

God bless

Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:26 am
by DannyM
Canuckster1127 wrote: I've found for me, growing up as I did in a very dysfunctional home, that I have had to unlearn a great many things that I thought I knew as true growing up. A lot of that has to do with how I view God and how I believe God views me. It's sometimes a slow and painful process. At other times there's been "Eureka" moments when something breaks through.

I don't know if that parallels any of what you're experiencing, but for what it is worth, I thought I'd share that.
Yes, I too have had to completely unlearn much of what I've been taught. The key for me was - and is - coming to know the Gospel of Jesus' grace. My 'Eureka' moment was just a week ago. I am truly coming to understand God's grace...His free grace. Your past comment to me about God being crazy about me stayed with me, Bart. I have a picture on my wall of a father and a prodigal son.

Thank you for sharing that, Bart.


Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:07 am
by jlay
Are fellow Christians worth helping through crises? As they're already saved, are you particularly bothered if a fellow Christian has troubles? These forums used to be full of love for fellow Christians; now all I see is laziness towards other Christians in times of trouble. Take my thread on this forum. Apart from a few (well appreciated) exceptions, I get the feeling that most of you just don't care. That's not what Christianity is to me... But I guess since I'm already saved then my minor problems can go hang...

God Bless
Sorry for what you are going through and for the problems you are facing. I guess what I will offer is just my personal perspective. True Godly Christian counsel is essential. We are created for fellowship, and when this is absent for a believer it definately affects us. Obviously, you feel those needs are not being met here. However, I am not surprised.
I can only speak from my own perspective. In my participation at G&S I never came to see this as a support or prayer forum. That isn't to say that I or anyone hear doesn't care about what you are dealing with. I just don't see G&S as place where I form those kind of relationhips or find support for those issues. Not that we can't offer advice, prayer or help when appropriate.
Obvioulsy we are all coming from different areas, and see this board, and those we encounter here in different ways.
Personally, I find it very hard to deal with personal issues through a keyboard. And I don't say that to condemn you at all. I just don't see this as a forum that lends itself to that kind of focus. Nor do I see it being able to afford you or anyone else the kind of true counsel that we all need. For me, I would go to my personal faith family. Now perhaps the reality is that you do not have this connection around you. And I certainly understand that, as many do not. And my prayer would be that you would be able to knit some close relationships with strong men and women of God in your daily life. I know what a great support it has been to me. And I fully trust, that if you seek this out, God will be faithful to supply you all that need. I don't recall a time in my life where I have sincerely sought to go deeper with the lord, whether it be in study, accountability, friendships, etc. where His arm was too short. Blessings.

Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:33 am
by zoegirl
Glad to hear from you Danny! NAd so happy to hear of your growth and epiphanies! It's awesome to have people from all over here and get to develop some relationships around the world, even if it's through cyberspace. Even if I never meet you in this world, how wonderful it is to realize that one day we will be seeing praises to Him together.

Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:40 am
by Canuckster1127
People are wired differently. Some people can draw a lot of support from cyber and others can't.

Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:37 am
by jlay
Bart, that brings up an interesting point. I certainly am not going to debate how much another person can or can't receive. That is certainly going to vary from person to person, I agree.
However, I am confident in saying that it shouldn't be a substitute for personal, daily, interactive relationships. And perhaps you'd agree there. My biggest hope for Danny is finding those connections that will form and last.

Also, it is pretty obvious based on the purpose of this board, and the format, that it is not a forum that is particulary given to such issues. I don't find it any coincidence that 'prayer request' is the LAST forum listed on the board index. Please don't take that in the wrong way. You or anyone else are as welcome as could be to pursue, pray, counsel, etc. in any way you see fit. If fact, I think I contributed as much as anyone in engaging Danny on the thread he is referring to. This isn't an excuse to put off Danny, as he points out something very valid. We, as believers should always be ready for the interruptions of the day. Those areas where our time and resource will be called upon in the name of Christ. And certainly if that is here, we should be open and willing to meet a brother of sister where they are at that moment in time.


Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:11 pm
by Canuckster1127
I agree with you that personal interactions are better overall. Trying to get primary relationships online may be a sign of isolating from the real people around us and in general there's a balance there with lines that if we find ourselves more concerned about what is going on "on-line" then we are the people right in front of us then we've maybe crossed those lines.

However, too, when it comes to people who are somewhat isolated and the depth and type of discussion that they can have with the people near to them aren't possible, maybe because those people aren't believers or aren't safe to have those conversations then I think it's better then silence to have people online. People aren't always the same however as the image they present online and it's hard to really know someone just by text.

People had correspondance in the past however and now the pace just moves faster so there's not much new here, just the speed and the medium are different.

This board is not a local church or a counselling center. To the extent we can encourage one another I'm glad to be a part of it.

Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:13 am
by DannyM

I appreciate your point, and it is a sound point. I was way too irrational in expecting an out-and-out commitment from others to help me try to explain such things as I was trying to.

However, this board has long given me the best kind of fellowship I have experienced; my real life is particularly fellowship-lite. I've tried. I had one brother in Christ tell me that I was wrong to take the faith-alone gospel seriously. This brother said he was an ex-catholic though his attitudes seemed very catholic to me. He and others have told me that my path is a "dangerous path". Hey, I'm in danger of giving chapter and verse, so I'll end by saying that I believe I have found the true gospel; I believe I have finally come to understand God's complete, once-for-all grace and its implications.

But I have had to battle the 'elements' and stay fast to this. I've had no such obstruction from the sisters and brothers on this site. Perhaps this is why I 'expected' so much...I'd been spoilt on here. But I certainly agree with you that it would be most ideal if I could find some comfort on home soil, and I haven't given up on that at all.

Bless you, brother

Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:20 am
by DannyM
zoegirl wrote:Glad to hear from you Danny! NAd so happy to hear of your growth and epiphanies! It's awesome to have people from all over here and get to develop some relationships around the world, even if it's through cyberspace. Even if I never meet you in this world, how wonderful it is to realize that one day we will be seeing praises to Him together.
Good to see you too, Zoe! We do love an epiphany every now and again don't we? :)

I'll be in NYC again long before my days are numbered. And I'll be sure to look you up. But, the real future cannot escape us, and it will be wonderful to see you there, singing praises to God.

Yep, Amen, sister.

Re: Helping fellow Christians

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:46 pm
by Gman
Sorry to be late Danny...

I hope you are doing better.. Prayers up.