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My relationship with God

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:34 pm
by CeT-To
As the title of this topic says I do feel like my relationship with God is on a low... i dunno i haven't been reading the bible in awhile, i can't bring myself to stop being mean to my sisters when they get on my nerves ... i just wanna stop being angry, i can't even bring myself to fast so that i could focus on God more. I feel like my motivation is gone to continue growing in the Lord. Although the Lord has led me to triumph over pornography and masturbation i still have a long way to go to renew my mind by discarding both anger and lust. It could possibly be that i am impatient of what God might have in store for me i the future but i want to maybe have an experience from God that will motivate me ... like wise because i don't feel like i have motivation when i ask for in experience from God as it isn't been spoken by the heart, but then i don't know if i will be motivated if i do experience something anyway. I just don't know what i want anymore. The only thing i can do is bring myself to prayer even when i don't feel like it but i end up feeling good about it though when i do go with it and prayer. My journey feels ...umm i dunno sort of flat... but it mostly has its tough times... so really.. i don't know what's with me.
God Bless


Re: My relationship with God

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:39 pm
by jlay
I feel like my motivation is gone to continue growing in the Lord.
Good. I think a lot of times we are tricked by things like motivation. As if growing in the lord is some effort on our part. Our motivation can be a worldly thing. A part of the flesh. Isn't it odd that Christ would describe true growth as resting in Him. He who abides in me......

The great news is you see your greatest need. How could you know you are distant, unless you'd been close at one time? As you mentioned, you aren't 'motivated' to read the bible. Isn't it something to realize that we are completely helpless apart from Him. Victory is not found in resistance, will power, or self-control, but in intimacy with Jesus. Thank God for the valley you are in. He hasn't changed. He hasn't moved. Thank him that no matter where 'YOU' are, He is the same. It could be that God has led you into a desert where you will be tried. Recogize the thirst and what the thirst is for. And reject the polluted water of the world, and of motivation. Often God breaks us of strongholds by trying us in those very areas. Maybe your motivation is on the block now. I don't know, but it is something you might consider. Remember that God has blessed you with ALL spiritual blessings in the heavenly places. In Christ, you lack no thing.

Re: My relationship with God

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:08 am
by CeT-To
Mmmm thanks Jlay.. i dunno i guess im bored of life :/ ..and im 17 yrs old hahaha >< . Material objects like games or stuff just all seem so boring to me now.. feels like my life has become mundane. I dunno it feels the same with my christian journey... maybe I'm being too impatient, i don't even know what I'm doing anymore.

Re: My relationship with God

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:56 pm
by August
Cet_To, I will give you the same advice that has worked for me when I feel that the air has gone out of my relationship with God.

Put on some worship music (loud), open the Bible at Psalms and start praising God, unashamedly loud and focus just on that. I have found with myself that I feel somewhat disconnected from God when I get too caught up in my own things, and set aside the things of God. Praising God gets me focused back on Him. Just praise Him. Don't do it with any expectations or motives...just do it. Repeat as necessary.

Re: My relationship with God

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:16 am
by CeT-To
Actually that sounds like a good idea :) the only time these days that i feel a spark or something with my relationship with God is when I pray, especially when i don't feel like it to begin with but i force myself...and i end up enjoying it and feeling better.

Re: My relationship with God

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:57 pm
by zoegirl
August wrote:Cet_To, I will give you the same advice that has worked for me when I feel that the air has gone out of my relationship with God.

Put on some worship music (loud), open the Bible at Psalms and start praising God, unashamedly loud and focus just on that. I have found with myself that I feel somewhat disconnected from God when I get too caught up in my own things, and set aside the things of God. Praising God gets me focused back on Him. Just praise Him. Don't do it with any expectations or motives...just do it. Repeat as necessary.
:amen: I agree!! Sounds like a good plan!!