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Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:32 am
by derrick09
Hey guys, this thread is for anyone like me who has been listening to or watching Glenn Beck for the past year or so. Now for the most part, I pretty much agree with a lot of his theories and predictions about the things that are going on in the government and with the economy. But as far as his "solution" to the problem, I really don't know as of now. First off, I may not have all the details (since I don't read any of his books nor have I been to any of his town hall meetings or rallies), but some of his stuff in his solutions go against common sense.

For an example, I'm under the impression that I foresees a time when people will be forced due to economic conditions and other factors to not only prepare to have plenty of stocked up food but to eventually grow their own food. Basically part of his plan is for the people who listen to him and take him seriously to go back to living like it was before the industrial revolution. Now in some parts of the country like in my neck of the woods, that's reasonably possible especially if you own a house with a reasonable amount of land and live close to a water source like a pond. But if you live in an apartment or in a big city, where in the heck are you going to get water and the space to grow your own food? I know that for fertilizer you can just poop and pee on it, but not to mention what about the topsoil or the farming equipment? Also, another big problem I see with this is, what will we do to keep intruders from walking right into people's houses, killing them, and robbing them for what little food they have? If things get so bad that we don't have a police force or a military to keep us safe, what would keep the bad guys (or just desperate guys) from doing that?

One of the other things that really bothers me about Glenn is I've heard him say many times that he believes that "all people are basically good". Now I assume he gets that from his mormonism, but Christianity (real orthodox Christianity, not mormonism) plus common sense, plus my own experience tells me the exact opposite, people are NOT basically good, people's default setting is "basically bad" and or "basically selfish". Now if things get every bit as bad as what Glenn says they will (and I still think there are very good reasons for that indicate this will happen) when people start running low on food and water, and they have no electric or things to keep them occupied, you think you know how bad people can be, the kind of things I see people doing to each other if this economy crashes will make the holocaust look like child's play.

But as I said above, some towns I think can make it, like for an example, my town, if they get their act together, may have a decent shot, since most of the people are reasonably civil toward each other and we don't have a ton of crime. We may have a shot, but who knows. I just hope you all are somewhat prepared for this, and for the most part, that you are right with God and have assurance of salvation, because we need to be ready to die just in case if this horrible stuff comes around the corner and is bad as Glenn and others like him say it is. That's one of the main reasons why I've been trying to get my walk with God straightened out. But anyway, let me know your thoughts. Take care and God bless.

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:26 pm
by kmr
Glenn has a lot of great points, and I think that his opinions make a lot of sense. But remember that our world has become utterly dependent on industrial products, and if we were to cut off those products there is no way that six billion people could survive, no way at all. Not a single solution could save that many people in the absence of modern comforts. I'd say to trust in God and do what you can to help alleviate the stress that the future world would feel in such an event (honestly, cities like New York with rows and rows of apartments could not be able to continue operating that way if such were the case).

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:10 pm
by Gman
Besides being Mormon, frankly I just don't trust the guy.

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:59 am
by derrick09
Yeah in a way I do understand what you mean Gman, even though I tend to agree that there are a lot of far left, socialist, communist, even atheistic nutcases in high places of government. I also like the fact that he's big pals with David Barton of who demonstrates through historical documents and evidence that most of the nation's founders were devout Christians who modeled the nation from Godly principles. Barton's stuff is real good to use in debates with secular people who want to shove the "seperation of church and state" down our throats. So those two things about Beck's program I tend to like. But I don't like the fact that he paints a very grim picture for our futures and on top of that, he gives a lot of strange and not well thought out answers to these problems (as I described in my original post). And also the mormon thing bothers me as well. I haven't been watching him as much lately since I'm getting tired of all the gloom and doom.

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:31 am
by Seraph
I have a problem with Glenn because I think he uses a lot of slippery slope fallacies and appeals to ignorance. Stuff like "If we impliment this policy that has a hint of socialistic background to it, what is to stop America from going all the way to the other end of the spectrum and becoming like the Soviet Union?".
Just because you borrow ideas from an ideology doesn't mean you have to conform the way you do things to the way people who held similar ideas did things.
Stuff like that.

Admittedly I don't watch his program but I get the impression that he is mostly about irrationally stirring up fear in people.

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:45 am
by 1harpazo
Hello to the posters on this thread. I just signed up a few days ago, so please bear with me if I make mistakes.

Let me say that I have been a Christian for many years. I realize that Glenn Beck is a Mormon. I know that Mormonism is a cult and that the Mormon "Jesus" is NOT the Biblical Jesus.

Here's what I get from Glenn after watching his show pretty regularly-even when he was on CNN. He's concerned for his (and our) country. He's trying to educate those who watch about the rich Christian heritage of the founding fathers. He teaches about their Christian morals and values and that if we don't return to those values, this country is doomed. He also teaches us to be self-reliant-having a plan when things go south, storing food and water, growing fruits and vegetables and protecting ourselves.

Glenn has been of late encouraging his listeners to seek God and turn to Jesus for help. I know, I know he's mormon. But unbelievers don't know that. They're just hearing that they need Jesus. Most likely they have Christian friends or relatives who can explain to them the real Jesus. I believe that God is using a "donkey" (as in Balaam's donkey) to get the gospel out through a major cable network to people who would not watch a preacher on t.v.

derrick09, you said-
For an example, I'm under the impression that I foresees a time when people will be forced due to economic conditions and other factors to not only prepare to have plenty of stocked up food but to eventually grow their own food. Basically part of his plan is for the people who listen to him and take him seriously to go back to living like it was before the industrial revolution. Now in some parts of the country like in my neck of the woods, that's reasonably possible especially if you own a house with a reasonable amount of land and live close to a water source like a pond. But if you live in an apartment or in a big city, where in the heck are you going to get water and the space to grow your own food? I know that for fertilizer you can just poop and pee on it, but not to mention what about the topsoil or the farming equipment? Also, another big problem I see with this is, what will we do to keep intruders from walking right into people's houses, killing them, and robbing them for what little food they have? If things get so bad that we don't have a police force or a military to keep us safe, what would keep the bad guys (or just desperate guys) from doing that?
If you live in the city, you can grow a garden in as little a space as 4'X4'. Buy non-hybrid seeds and save some seeds from your crop for the next year. I'm a city dweller and had my first home-grown tomatoes this year. Next season I'm going bigger with many different vegetables. Your concern about finding water is well founded. If the electrical grid is interrupted, there will be no water, gas, etc. because those are pumped by electricity. Buy a water filter capable of filtering out the impurities. Berkey makes one that makes stagnant pond water potable. As far as being safe, you can't rely on the police-they'll be taking of themselves and their families. the military (federally bribed police, National Guard and regular army) will be going house to house to confiscate your weapons. (See The answer to your last question is the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution. You have the right and responsibility to keep and bear arms. Jesus' disciples did.

derrick09 said-
One of the other things that really bothers me about Glenn is I've heard him say many times that he believes that "all people are basically good". Now I assume he gets that from his mormonism, but Christianity (real orthodox Christianity, not mormonism) plus common sense, plus my own experience tells me the exact opposite, people are NOT basically good, people's default setting is "basically bad" and or "basically selfish". Now if things get every bit as bad as what Glenn says they will (and I still think there are very good reasons for that indicate this will happen) when people start running low on food and water, and they have no electric or things to keep them occupied, you think you know how bad people can be, the kind of things I see people doing to each other if this economy crashes will make the holocaust look like child's play.
The people that Glenn appeals to are "basically good" in that they for the most part are "God-fearing", patriotic and charitable. They love their country and don't want to see the progressives tear it down. The situation that the country is in is going to get much, much worse, so start now to be self-reliant and maybe you will even be able help an unbelieving neighbor and win him to Christ. Just a thought (ok many thoughts).

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 8:29 pm
by kevdog19
Glenn Beck is the worst kind of fear mongerer. You get people in a state of fear, activate their fight- flight reflex and they become alot more suseptable toimplanted ideas, like buy this book, or accept this political doctrine, hate these certain people, or accept this religious doctrine.

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:29 pm
by Murray
I am a conservative, but in all honesty, i believe that man is not sane

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:18 am
by Seraph
Glenn Beck compares the victims of the Norway terrorist attacks to the Hitler Youth: ... =allsearch

He does this because the massacred camp was a camp that supported the Noweigan Labour Party. Which of course to him parallels the indoctrinations of youth during the Third Reich. Ironically, Glenn Beck has supported plenty of conservative political movements directed toward young people.

This is outrageously disrespectful to the people who died and I hope this is the last nail in this lunatic's coffin before he fades into obscurity.

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:40 am
by Gman
Seraph wrote:Glenn Beck compares the victims of the Norway terrorist attacks to the Hitler Youth: ... =allsearch

He does this because the massacred camp was a camp that supported the Noweigan Labour Party. Which of course to him parallels the indoctrinations of youth during the Third Reich. Ironically, Glenn Beck has supported plenty of conservative political movements directed toward young people.

This is outrageously disrespectful to the people who died and I hope this is the last nail in this lunatic's coffin before he fades into obscurity.
Agreed. I have never trusted Glenn Beck.. This is just another silly remark by him. How he ever got associated with Christians we will never know. I think these statements by him bring an awful name to Christianity. Frankly I think he should have his head examined..

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:01 pm
by jlay
Ah yes, Mr. Beck.

There is a good book out right now called Radical, which addresses how Christianity has been confused with the American Dream. It happens to some really good people. Not that I agree with everything in the book, but it makes a good point relating to this. Mr. Beck is a classic example. Right wing, conservativism is not Christianity. It may be influenced by Christianity, but I'd say Christianity in America is more influenced by the other.

You'd be amazed how offended people will get over these issues. I think it is sad that patriotism and Christianity have been somehow merged.

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:43 pm
by Canuckster1127
jlay wrote:Ah yes, Mr. Beck.

There is a good book out right now called Radical, which addresses how Christianity has been confused with the American Dream. It happens to some really good people. Not that I agree with everything in the book, but it makes a good point relating to this. Mr. Beck is a classic example. Right wing, conservativism is not Christianity. It may be influenced by Christianity, but I'd say Christianity in America is more influenced by the other.

You'd be amazed how offended people will get over these issues. I think it is sad that patriotism and Christianity have been somehow merged.
The Myth of a Christian Nation by Greg Boyd is a good read as well. Maybe even more radical than "Radical". ;)

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:47 pm
by jlay
I'll check that one out Bart. Thanks.

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:02 pm
Good stuff guys, but I was wondering,since Beck keeps exposing George Soros and the "New World Order" that Soros wants, should we ignore everything Beck says? If this new world order does come about and if it so happens to be just like the one mentioned in the book of Revelation should we as mainstream protestant Christians do the kind of things Beck is telling everyone to do? Things like investing in gold, storing up canned food, storing up guns, leaving big cities and moving to rural areas, growing our own food, or buying freeze dried lasgana pounches that are $500 + for about a months worth of food?!

I mean are these things YOU would do if this one world government thing was to take place or would you do something else? I know for a fact if it involves us having to take a chip being implanted in our wrist or forehead we should reject it.

But are all these other things that Beck tells people to do necessary or are these the kind of things MORMONS do on a regular basis? For instance I've always heard that Mormons are big into food storage.

My biggest fear with Beck (and Romney) is they may try to pull a Jim Jones scenario and make all Christians, Jews and conservatives move to either Texas or Utah at some sort of ranch where at first people will think they are safe, but in reality, they are just being gradually transformed into mormons themselves!

But if this new world order thing does happen what do you think we and our local churches should do? The only thing I personally know to do for me if that were to happen soon (knowing the situation I'm currently in) would be to make sure I'm right with God, I would be praying most of the day and I would basically just prepare to die and give myself up to whatever authority there is that's running the one world government. I would then refuse the mark of the beast or whatever thing they make me do (especially if it conflicts with the basic doctrines and beliefs of Christianity) and get taken to the gallos to get beheaded.

As far as I can tell that's the best I know to do. Let me know if you all have any other ideas. These are interesting times to say the least.

Re: Glenn Beck's US disaster plan, comments and criticism...

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:44 pm
by Bill McEnaney
Murray wrote:I am a conservative, but in all honesty, i believe that man is not sane
For what it's, my David friend thought Beck was sane and sincere when he appeared on Beck's TV program to promote his, David's, book about Calvin Coolidge.

I agree often with Beck. But I'm a paleoconservative, and I thin he's a libertarian-leaning neoconservative.