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Is Gambling Wrong?

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:11 pm
by 7777777
I believe it is. But, the usual counter argument is "the disciples gambled." I forgot where the passage is but someone brought it up once. I think the disciples were drawing straws.....I don't remember. But, other Christians will usually say, "show me in the Bible where it says it is wrong to gamble". I could never find a specific passage but I use this counter me in the Bible where it says it's wrong to look at pornography. Of course, they always answer with the lust stuff. But, I answer...who says I'm lusting? I'm admiring her eyes. We all know that anyone who says that is lying. My argument against gambling is the "love of money" argument. I think it is just as much impossible to gamble and not love money as it is to look at pornography and not have lustful thoughts. We all know the Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. Of course if you gambled just for the fun of it, no money involved, is it still wrong?

Re: Is Gambling Wrong?

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:11 pm
by kmr
As you said, I think that it depends on intent. If you gamble because of lust, I think that, while it doesn't say it is wrong in the Bible, it is doing a disservice to your faith. Even from a nonreligious standpoint, it still can be very harmful. The Bible warns against having any masters besides God, be it money or lust. My answer would be simply to be careful about gambling, as it can lead the spirit in a bad direction.

Re: Is Gambling Wrong?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:30 pm
by Ngakunui
I wager it's not the best idea if you're prone to that sort of thing-


Personally, I don't gamble. First of all, because I prefer bartering with things that have more than sentimental value(I.E. not money), and least being that I don't have much money to begin with. And you know what the good book says "The love of money is the root of all evils."- or something in that vein. I used to gamble with silly things like quarters back when I went to a "public school" over things like who would win in a foot-race, because I was rather messed up back then- but the gambling was a side-effect, not the cause.

But I digress. My observations lead to "Don't gamble with anything unless your life is forfeit otherwise". I believe some people may be able to gamble without becoming addicted, but to a lot of people that do, it seems to lower their perception of life to something akin to a game, with the "points" being money.

And if you're really worried enough to be asking around on the internet of all places, that's usually a good hint that you shouldn't. Seriously, though, if you're asking a question about the Bible that doesn't have anything to do with how a word or phrase translates, The Bible(crazy, huh?) is typically the best place to look.